
An Accident.

"I would like to know what I can do to find out more information about Gehrman Sparrow. This person." A girl in her late teens said placing a wanted poster in front of Loki on the table.

Loki immediately raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened as he heard the request of the girl sitting opposite him and she caught onto this.

"You can't do this? I thought you removed the poster about the information you needed because you found some." The girl asked with a soft *sigh* as if she'd just wasted her time.

"Although I shouldn't do it, madam…" Loki said with a slight pause and then continued to speak just as the girl was about to get up and leave, "...but what you're thinking off is probably not the reason for the shock. I'm just surprised that someone else has asked me about it."

"Someone else!?" the girl asked with annoyance a frown grew on her face as she heard those words.

'Guess she's realised she was only sent here to verify the story someone else gave the boss.' 

"Yes and although I can't tell you who asked me about this earlier, I can tell you the information I have about this Gehrman Sparrow."

"You know him?" The girl asked with her eyebrows raised.

"No, I don't exactly know him, but due to some 'work' I've come across this name in my field. It is quite popular, he's been nicknamed the 'Anti-divination master.'"

"Oh…?" the girl leaned in, interested.

"Would you like to hear the information?" Loki asked like he was making sure the girl was going to get into deep trouble if she heard this.

"Yes." the girl nodded calmly.

"Well, the name Gehrman Sparrow is the alias of an agent of the Amon Family."

"Amon family?" the girl asked confused expecting Loki to elaborate further.

But Loki disappointed her.

"Sorry, I don't know anything about them. Not even divination can pry out their secrets. But I can tell they exist because they can interfere with divinations about them." Loki said while shaking his head as if he were helpless to do anything about the matter.

"Thank you." The girl said as she stood up and nodded to Loki before leaving the room at a swift pace, but before she could leave Loki spoke.

"Miss Mary Jackson…"

"Yes?" the girl asked after turning around with an annoyed expression.

"I don't do this for free you know…"

The girl frowned but then tossed a galleon Loki's way before walking away.

"Tsk. She didn't even pay me the real price for the information, how cheap." Loki complained after the girl went out of the room.

But then a smile sprouted up on Loki's face.

'Haha…how easy it is to swindle such people.'

'But unfortunately…none of the spies that I don't know about have arrived here yet.'

'Do they really not have any spies other than the ones they hired in their gathering?'

'Probably not…I'm sure I need to shake things up a little for them to come out of their burrows.'

'But what should I do?'

Later during the day, miles away from Hogwarts, a man sitting in a dark room closed his eyes and murmured, talking to himself.

"Amon? Are they one of the families that vanished in the fourth epoch?" The man mumbled.

Not long after he picked up the quartz pendulum that was lying on the table and held it above a piece of parchment he'd received recently from the girl he'd sent to verify the previous information.





He then opened his eyes and looked at the pendulum that was spinning anti-clockwise in front of him.

"False? Or is it Anti-Divination?" The figure mumbled while looking at the pendulum, but then he did something else.





Closing his eyes as if he was going to fall asleep, the man tilted his head and allowed his spirit to be carried into the spirit world where he had a vision.

A girl came into view sitting across from a young boy in a decently sized room.

"I would like to know what I can do to find out more information about Gehrman Sparrow. This person." The girl said and slid over a picture the man recognised as the one he'd given to all the participants of his mission.

His attention however shifted to the boy who was relaying her all the information about Gehrman Sparrow.

"How did he know?" Mr. X wondered but his attention was soon diverted from Loki to the detail he had shared.

"Amon family…"

The man broke out of his dream divination and used his pendulum to perform another divination.

"Is Amon family real?"

"Is Amon family real?"

"Is Amon family real?"

"Is Amon family real?"

The man opened his eyes and to his annoyance, the pendulum was spinning anti-clockwise.

'Is this a lie?' The man pondered but then in his annoyance he remembered the boy's words, 'They can interfere with divinations.'

'But, how did he learn of their interference? He seems like a low sequence Beyonder of the Mystery Pryer pathway.'

'Is he really special?'

'If the cat witch has allowed him to practice acting so openly…there surely must be something special about him.'

'Is it the accuracy of his divination?'

'What was this mission of his that led him to discover about the Amon family? If it is even real.'

The man's frown deepened but there wasn't anyone else in the dark lightless room to see it.

Annoyed the man *scratched* his neck continuously until it began to bleed. The man did not flinch however and brought his bloody finger closer to his lips.

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp*


Meanwhile, Loki wandered through the castle corridors in the dead of the night and explored his ideas about the riddle that Salazar Slytherin had left him.

'Is my solution wrong? Or is there something missing and I'm on the right track?'

The fresh cold autumn air kept Loki feeling fresh and comfortable even though he was quite tired from attending classes.

Loki looked down at the Marauder's map and saw Peter Pettigrew still hadn't returned to the Gryffindor Dormitory and was missing, yet he felt a little disgusted.

'A forty-year-old man sleeping in a boy's dormitory for so long. Eww. I don't even want to think of such a thing. I did promise Sirius that I'd capture him but I still don't have a detailed plan of what I'd do to reveal his secret.'

'I could ask Professor Snape? I'm sure he'll help me. He'll probably think I'm crazy but he trusts me enough to at least look at the situation before dismissing it completely.'

'I could ask the Basilisk to secretly gobble him up too.'

'But I better not catch Peter until I've solved the threat of whatever Aurora Order is going to do this year. I don't want Sirius to go babbling about Gehrman Sparrow to everyone else. God forbid 'Adam' learns about it somehow.'

*Meow!* *HISSS~*

An angry hiss surprised Loki as he stared at the end of the corridor where he found Miss Norris standing with her tail erect as if he'd stepped on it.

Loki quickly used his illusions to shroud himself with shadows and darkness as he rushed away from the scene, bolting up random staircases that took him higher and higher.

He eventually stopped when he checked the Marauder's map and found Miss Norris in a different tower along with Finch as they chased after peeves, giving Loki time to breathe.

'Where am I?'

'The seventh floor?' Loki thought as he looked out the window at the Black Lake.

'Damn…I've developed a slight annoyance of the floors three, five and seven. Just standing here reminds me that I haven't figured Salazar's riddle yet.'

Loki casually strolled towards the window and leaning on its edge he thought about the puzzle that Salazar had set up for him.

'What else could it be?'

'Perhaps my method to activate the magic is wrong?'

'Is there something I've missed in the parchment? Perhaps it is the key to activate the magic?'

Deep in thought about the riddle, Loki began to pace around the corridor, walking from one end to the other, circling around, trying to figure out what was wrong with his solution.

But that was when he heard a small muffled *clink* like the sound concrete blocks make when stacked together on top of each other.

Loki looked in the direction, worried if Miss Norris and Finch had arrived at the seventh floor, but what he saw shocked him.

In the darkness, on a wall, that Loki had already examined and walked past several times, were intricate carvings that slowly sprouted into fruition, bricks folding away and retreating into themselves only to leave behind a golden door in the middle of it all.



A/N : Join my Patreon (p@treon.com/hooin_kyoma_au) to read 20 chapters ahead for just $3.