
HP: World of the mirrors

Iyad Ivanov Fraser had a talk with an unnamable entity, his desire and way of living life caught the mysterious being's attention. Promising him a new life, Iyad was sent to another world and at a tender age he remembered his past life, however those memories with the unnamable being were mysteriously erased. As the years passed, Iyad became a soldier after losing his parents at a young age. In a war to defend a country after a rebellion, Iyad and his team discovered anomalies that slowly took the lives of every living thing in their path. With no answers, Iyad searches for what these anomalies, labeled Specters, really are. Upon discovering what seemed to be the source of his questions, Iyad and an elite team go in search of what is speculated to wipe out the Specters. However, it all went wrong when Iyad was killed by a Specter and the source of the answers seemingly sent him back to the world of Harry Potter. After learning that he could do nothing more, Iyad set out to live a quiet and pleasant life, until he discovers that something else accompanied him to this new world and that his family is very much involved with that problem. As time goes by, more questions and doubts will be formed in Iyad's mind, a world with many mirrors will be formed in his reality...

SrCuervo · Livres et littérature
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51 Chs


Christmas was approaching and with it the Christmas vacations as well, on a morning in mid-December, Iyad and Oriol were reading quietly in the library. 

At that same moment, Hermione, Harry and Ron also arrived at the library. Hermione took a small note out of her pocket as she began to search, Harry and Ron on the other hand began to wander aimlessly in front of the huge shelves of books. 

Iyad who was reading about a small spell that was sent to him by his family, watched Harry approach the forbidden area and seemed to want to enter to read some book, but unfortunately entering the forbidden area of the library requires some special methods if you want to enter illegally, and the authorization of a teacher if it is with the consent of the teachers, even so it is almost impossible to happen. 

Just as Iyad was about to avert his gaze, Iyad almost scoffed out loud when he saw Madam Pince, the librarian, look at Ron and Harry with a stoic expression as she slyly ran them out of that area with a long duster.

"Are they still looking for Nicolas Flamel? Is it still impossible for them to find him after my little clue?" thought Iyad to himself. 

Even at times, Iyad selectively forgot that he is actually much older than they are. 

But as time changes people, he couldn't help but get used most of the time to his new life in this place. If he thinks about it a bit, he has been living in this world for at least more than twelve years.  

"Iyad, it's almost lunch time, we should go out." Oriol reminded him lightly. 

"Oh." Iyad nodded as he prepared to leave. 

Some time before leaving the library, Iyad borrowed a copy of "The Theory of Elemental Magic" and walked with Oriol out of the library. At the entrance of the library, they met the golden trio who were still whispering with a suspicious look on their faces. 

"Hello, Iyad, Oriol, are you here to borrow books? I didn't see you two just now..." Hermione asked as she looked at Iyad and Oriol walking out. 

"Oh, Oriol and I were sitting in a secluded spot, still, I could see some students who were curious enough to enter the forbidden zone, but unfortunately Madam Pince showed up with a big duster." Iyad flashed a small friendly smile. 

Harry and Ron's faces suddenly looked very embarrassed, Harry thought he was seen by Iyad, and Hermione felt embarrassed too because her friends were too fidgety. 

Ron looked at Iyad, who was smiling with apparent malice, with a bad expression. Although Iyad's tone sounded like he was joking, Ron still stubbornly thought that Iyad was maliciously teasing him and his friends. 

At that very moment, Ron suddenly saw out of the corner of his eye one of the books Iyad was holding in his hand. He remembered what that book looked like on the shelf in the forbidden zone when he walked with Harry a moment ago. 

"Ivanov, how did you get that book in your hand?" Ron pointed a finger and said, "I remember that was a forbidden book, you will be expelled from Hogwarts if you steal a forbidden book from the library." 

Ron felt he had finally taken control of Iyad, knowing that stealing a forbidden book would get him locked up or possibly expelled from Hogwarts for sure. 

Iyad looked at Ron with an incredulous expression, what did he do wrong for this redhead to start pointing at him at all times? 

"Is it this book? Of course it was borrowed from Madam Pince, why should she have stolen this book? Iyad held up the book 'elemental magic theory' in his hand and said, ''If I really wanted forbidden books, don't you think I would look for other ways? Besides, there is nothing in the forbidden area worth stealing." 

"Let's not argue anymore. Students who want to borrow forbidden books must have at least a teacher's signature and the consent of the Headmaster of Hogwarts. Are you saying you got both?" Ron said unconvinced by the Slytherin's words. 

"Signature? Oh, sorry, I don't really have one." Iyad understood what was going on and played along with little Ron Weasley. 

"Haha, since you didn't get the borrowed book through those requirements, you must have stolen it!" Ron said excitedly. "I'll expose you and watch you get punished!" 

"This is fun..." Iyad thought with a flat expression. 

Harry and Hermione along with Ron looked very embarrassed, generally speaking, students didn't say anything to teachers about other people's violations as long as they weren't mortal enemies. This of course is because students are peers and everyone at some point violates school rules to some extent, so there is no need to point fingers at others, right? 

Some students even used rape as a form of fun, like Ron's twin brothers. The Weasley brothers come very close to getting in trouble almost all the time, but the reason they got caught was never because the student reported it, but because the teacher found out on his or her own  

"Ron, stop talking!" Harry said, tugging at Ron's robes with embarrassment on his face. "I'm sorry, Iyad, he's not usually like this." 

If he could wish there wasn't this here, Harry definitely would have wished it. He couldn't understand why Ron at every turn had the urge to fight with Iyad. 

"I feel like I'm the Harry Potter of Slytherin and Ron is the Draco of Gryffindor..." Iyad smiled slightly.