
HP: The Heir of Merlin

A young girl starts her journey in the Wizarding World in an alley with nothing but the clothes she is wearing and an envelope left by her missing parents, it's contents left as her only direction in this world.But she isn't like the others around her. How will she fare without the knowledge of what is to come? What happened to her parents? What is she? This is my first story, so all criticism and suggestions are welcome, but please be constructive and reasonable. There will be some romance, but it won't be a driving point of this story. All credits go to J.K. Rowling except for my AU Changes. AU and OC stuff will be posted after the first few chapters. feel free to ask questions. I will answer them as I can and as it doesn't spoil the story. On Hiatus- I'm going to try to stockpile some chapters before I release anymore I aim for each chapter to be 1000+ words because I plan to update only once per week. This isn't set in stone because my mom is having health issues and I am currently the primary housekeeper, cook, and am caring for my mom. So please be patient with me and my update schedule.

Nyx_The_Fox · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter Two

3rd person POV

Nyx wakes up, confused about where she is. Then she remembers. She gets out of bed and gets ready for the day, wearing a simple sundress that Sister Anna left for her. After getting dressed she heads to the dining room and meets the other children.

"Hi, mind if I sit here?" She asks one of the kids.

"Sure. My name is Isaac, what's yours?" The boy responds.

"Thanks, I'm Nyx Storm. Nice to meet you."Nyx responds.

Breakfast is served, it is toast and oatmeal. After breakfast the children go outside to play.

"Do you want to join me?" Isaac asks.

"Sure, if you don't mind." Nyx responds.

They play tag and other games. By lunch time Nyx is getting tired. The Sister calls them in for lunch, which is a porridge. After lunch Sister Anna asks for Nyx to meet her at her office to talk. Nyx has to ask for directions to the office, but eventually gets there. As she stands in front of the door she considers what the Sister may want to talk about. After a minute she knocks on the door.

"Come in." Nyx hears Sister Anna respond from inside. Nyx pushes the door open and see Sister Anna sitting behind a wooden desk with paperwork piled on it.

"Welcome Nyx, have a seat", she gestures towards the large chair sitting across from her, " Do you want any tea?"

"No, thank you. What did you ask me here for, Sister?" Nyx asks.

"I want to talk to you about your schooling. I talked to the officer handling your case and he believes it would be best for you to continue your schooling until your parents are found, and I agree with him." Sister Anna says.

"What school am I going to attend?" Nyx asks.

"You will be going to the same school as the other children here." Sister Anna responds.

After their conversation ends Nyx heads back to her room to try to rest some. As she is sitting on her bed she realizes that her eleventh birthday is just a few months away. 'I guess I won't be here for much longer.'

A month passes without any problems. Nyx spends her days going to school, doing her school work and playing with Isaac and the other orphans. After the first week Sister Anna had assigned Nyx her chores, which just consisted of keeping her room clean and helping with washing the dishes and clothes.

During dinner Sister Anna approaches Nyx.

"I want to talk to you about your progress in school. Come to my office after you are done eating." Sister Anna says.

"Yes ma'am" Nyx responds.

After dinner Nyx went to the office. After knocking on the door, Sister Anna invites her in.

"Welcome, have a seat. Do you want some tea?" Sister Anna asks.

"Yes, please." Nyx responds as she sits down.

"I asked you here to answer a few questions." Sister Anna informs Nyx. "Starting with, I have talked to Isaac and he has told me that you haven't made any friends at school. I want to know why."

"Well... I don't really get the other kids. To be blunt, they aren't very bright." Nyx pauses, taking a sip of her tea. "I don't see the purpose of hanging out with kids who will treat me like I'm different just because they don't understand me."

"Oh...I want you to try to make at least one friend your age that isn't from this orphanage." Sister Anna seems to be slightly taken aback at Nyx's answer, but she continues, "I have also gotten reports from your teachers. They have told me that you have done extremely well at your academics, getting the top grades in your class, but you don't participate in anything outside of that. I would like you to join in an extracurricular." She stops and takes a sip of tea. "I would like you to make a friend and join an extracurricular by the end of the month. On a higher note, at this home I have implemented incentives for good academics and behavior, among other things. One of these incentives for good grades is a small allowance each month, as long as you keep your grades up."

"I will keep that in mind, if that is all I will take my leave now." Nyx says as she stands.

"Have a good day Nyx. I hope you are able to meet these goals." Sisster Anna responds with a kind smile.

Nyx left Sister Anna's office and headed to her room. On the way she saw Isaac and talked to him about school and what extracurriculars he suggested. Apparently there was a gardening club at their school that was not exclusive. Isaac told her that the majority of the students in the club were kind and did not ussually treat others badly until they knew more about them. With this information Nyx decided that she was going to join the gardening club the next day.

After her conversation with Isaac, Nyx headed to her room and got ready for bed. When she got to school the naxt day she immediately went to the office and signed up for the gardening club. She continued her school day and went the the club area at the designated time for meetings. Once she got to the club room she saw that there were approximately 20 different students that were there.

After two weeks of attending the gardening club, Nyx had only taken an interest in one other child there. His name was Ulftyre. He had silver-blonde hair, bronze eyes, honey colored skin, and he stood a few inches above the other students. During her time in the cloud, Nyx and Ulftyre had become close, to the point that they could be considered good friends. Ulftyre had invited her over to his house on several occasions, but Nyx had declined, not wanting to have an awkward conversation with Sister Anna and deal with her teasing.

Authors Note.

I'm sorry about the amount of time it has taken to write this chapter, I have been having trouble getting motivated to write this chapter. I should be able to get chapters out on schedule once Nyx gets her Hogwarts letter and canon starts.

Feel free to comment your thoughts and suggestions. What house do you think Nyx should go to? Her future love interest is in Hufflepuff, if that is something you were curious about.