
Chapter 58 : Beginning of Hogwarts Adventure



Their arrival at King's Cross coincided with the Weasleys' -more out of luck than planning- and farewells were exchanged once they reached Platform 9 ¾. The red steam engine was ten minutes from leaving when Harry noticed the Weasleys had brought their younger member, Ginny, with them; the redheaded girl used to have a crush on Adrian when she was younger which had faded away with the years and Harry had discovered he liked spending time with her, finding her a smart, if rather shy girl. He waved at her while boarding the train and she smiled back before resuming asking her mother when she could go to Hogwarts herself.

Last hugs were exchanged as the train departed for Hogwarts and Harry with Adrian looked back at their teary eyed parents as they waved them away. Harry barely managed to see their father placing a comforting arm around their mother's shoulders before the train took a turn and the station was hid from their eyes. The Potter twins shared a smile and sat back down in the compartment they had found with Ron. Adrian and Ron spoke lightly about what they expected of Hogwarts while Harry made the effort to check through his spellbooks for the year once again munching on a chocolate frog he had gotten from the cart; he'd better make sure he wouldn't cast more advanced spells while at school, at least not until after Christmas holidays when he would be able to use research in the library was the source of said enchantments. He was thinking about how different Severus would have to act at Hogwarts -the green eyed wizard had been forewarned by the potions master himself- when the door of their compartment opened and, Neville Longbottom, a boy who Harry had seen once or twice in the past entered asking if they had seen his toad.

After assuring him that they had not, he left, only to return minutes later, followed by a bushy haired witch, already dressed in her school robes. It so happened that the very moment she did, Ron had pulled out his wand as Adrian was attempting to teach him a simple levitation spell.

"Oh, are you trying magic? Let's see it then." Her tone was bossy, Harry noted and her front teeth a little too large but her brown eyes showed no ill intentions. Ron looked rather taken aback from her request.

"Er, all right." He pulled out his wand and pointed at the silver sickle, the coin they had used as target; a bit too heavy for a first try, Harry thought, but then again Adrian had already covered the first year material. Once Harry had heard just how far into his studies Adrian had gone he was a bit disappointed; he had wished his brother had a larger head start than that, but Severus had explained it was a rather admirable feat for a boy his age. Then he had smiled proudly at Harry and kept explaining a fairly complicated transformation theory to the green eyed wizard.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Ron said flatly, completely missing both intonation and wand movement.

"Are you sure you're doing right?" The bushy haired girl said. "I've done a few simple spells already and they've worked for me. I've read about this spell too but never tried it myself. Nobody in the family is magic…" And she kept going on and on about Hogwarts as Harry tuned her out. "I'm Hermione Granger by the way. And who are you?" The three boys looked at her quite shocked.

"I'm Ron Weasley."

"Adrian Potter."

"Harry Potter." But Hermione didn't much pay him attention as she seemed to have stuck at Adrian's name and started reciting all the books he had been featured in. Harry just smirked as Adrian turned crimson.

"Anyway, we'd better go and look for Neville's toad now. You three better change you know. I'd expect we'll be there pretty soon." And thus she left, taking Neville with her.

"Whatever House I'm in, I hope she's not in it." Ron mumbled and the Potter twins laughed.

"And don't worry about the spell, Ron." Adrian said. "It's rather complicated." Then he seemed to remember something. "Hey, Harry!"

"Yes, Adrian?" He asked still smiling at Ron's comment.

"I promised to teach you when at school remember?" The hazel eyed Potter twin asked smiling wide. Oh. That.

"Yeah, I remember." Harry answered smiling; Adrian had remembered of a promise made years ago and, even though he wouldn't need the training, the thought alone counted far more that all the training in the world.

"Do you want to give the spell a try?" Adrian said. "I'll correct you if something's wrong." Harry smiled and pulled out his wand, having half a mind to cast the spell wrong for the sake of appearances when Severus's prompt to be the best in his year came to mind. He'd better put the bases early.

"Wingardium Leviosa." He commanded and the coin rose immediately from the floor, floating mid air where Harry indicated with his wand. Ron's jaw fell slack and Adrian blinked once.

