
Chapter 32: Part 2

As we entered the Cullens' house, the first thing I noticed was the chaos. Everyone was shouting at one another, clearly divided about their course of action.

Some wanted to follow me and start families.

Others thought I was a lying son of a bitch.

A few were too scared to act, fearing the Volturi might come after them.

And then there were those who had adopted a wait-and-see approach to the whole situation.

Amid the uproar, as the three of us—Edward, Bella, and I—walked in, I heard Maggie shout gleefully, "Oh thank God, you brought lunch!"


"What does she mean by 'lunch'?" Bella asked Edward, her voice tinged with unease.


"She means you, Bella," I said with a smirk full of schadenfreude.

Bella gasped.

"She's not lunch! She's this dude's—" I started, but was abruptly cut off by a shrill scream.

"Bella, it's so amazing that you're finally here! We're going to be the best of friends!" Alice interrupted, beaming.

'Damn it, Alice! Stop ruining my fun!' I thought, annoyed.

"Who is she, Alice?" Rosalie asked.

"Oh, she's the mother of Edward's future daughter and his future wife!" Alice explained, smiling brightly.

"Wait, so does that mean what he said actually works?" Eleazar asked, stunned.

"Did you doubt me?" I questioned him, noticing how he looked away sheepishly.

"Young Severus, we didn't doubt you, but it's hard to believe without proof. You've claimed to have solved an age-old problem of ours, all by talking about a failed romance and some angry gods!" Tanya interjected, trying to help the idiot save face.

"Well, I didn't want everyone to know. Only the Cullens were supposed to have this information. You guys basically forced yourselves on me and my goodwill," I replied, my dissatisfaction evident.

Here I am, trying to help these idiots have children, and what do I get for my trouble? Doubt and mistrust.

"Severus, please, they meant no harm. It's just hard to believe that no one ever connected the dots as you did," Carlisle said, his voice trying to soothe the growing tension. I looked at him like he was an idiot.

"What do you mean no one did as I did? There's someone out there already doing what I told you about, but that guy sacrifices the woman for the sake of his children," I explained, giving them all a deadpan stare.

"What?!" several voices exclaimed simultaneously.

"Why are you so surprised? I'm hardly the first sentient being with a working brain who can add one and one together," I mocked. "People often think a situation is complicated and unsolvable. That's what idiots think. Someone with a working brain stops trying to solve the problem directly and instead addresses the root cause. And if that doesn't work, a truly smart person says 'fuck it,' destroys the problem, and finds something that works."

"Who is it?" Eleazar asked. I didn't reply. Why should I? This bitch seemed like he just wanted to run to the Volturi, pissed because a contract was hindering his sorry ass from backstabbing me.

"I'll keep that information to myself because it changes nothing for you if you know who it is," I said, watching his face scrunch up in frustration.

"It changes everything! We could have approached that person and asked them, rather than becoming your slaves!" Eleazar spat through gritted teeth.

"Oh, and how would you have found out that such a person exists? He's been doing it for centuries, yet neither you nor the Volturi are aware of his existence," I taunted. The smart ones in the room understood that I was their only chance and that signing the contract was a good choice considering the situation.

Meanwhile, Bella was mingling with some of the Cullens as well as Kate and Maggie.

I decided to ignore the salty bitch and go hang out with them instead of sticking around this unpleasant ass and listening to his entitled crap. I'm the only one allowed to be entitled here.

"So Bella, do you like them all?" I asked.

"Severus, have you killed people?" Esme asked me just as the question left my mouth.

"Nobody likes snitches!" I said, annoyed, glaring at Edward and Bella.


Edward clicked his tongue in irritation.

"Yeah, I've partaken in some unsavory killings, but in my defense, it was for the greater good!" I said, my tone fully justified.

"HAHAHA!!" Alice broke out laughing.

"What is it?!" Rosalie asked her.

"That's the excuse his headmaster always uses to justify all the insane crap he pulls out of his ass," Alice said, extremely amused.

"Wording!" I snapped.

"Anyway, Bella! We need to get going. Your dad is waiting, and I'm going to meet a guy friend I made today, so you don't need to wait up for me," I said, walking towards the exit.

Staying around would be annoying because they'd keep asking questions, leading to more questions, and I wasn't here to get interrogated.

Some time later, we arrived at Bella's home. Just as she was about to go inside, Charlie stepped out.

"Hey Charlie, what an insane coincidence!" I shouted from the car before getting out to greet him.

"Oh hey, Sev, what are you doing here?!" He asked, clearly surprised to see me at his house.

"Well, as my cousin here," I pointed toward Edward, "and I were driving around the city, we saw a damsel in distress and decided to help her." I gestured toward Bella.

"And now we're dropping her off at home. It seems I've saved your daughter unknowingly!" I added with a wide smirk.

"Are you already regretting that I'm not your son-in-law?" I teased him with a grin.

"Fuck you!" he shot back, turning to question Bella about what I had told him.

"Anyway, where are you headed?" I asked, growing bored of his worried-parent routine.

"I was about to visit Billy and watch the game with him and his family," he said, clearly torn between going and staying.

'Edward, I'll take Charlie to watch the game. Meanwhile, you can get into Bella's panties. What a great wingman I am!' I thought, knowing the mind reader was listening in.

"Great, let's go! Cousin, you go back home and tell them they don't need to wait up for me," I said, pulling Charlie toward his car.

"Fuck you!" he repeated, more for what I thought than what I had said aloud.

With that, I led Charlie to his car, ready to play the perfect distraction while Edward and Bella had some alone time, as well as to get the opportunity to meet the Skin-changers.

I mean, they're cool, but they're no werewolves. A true werewolf has a connection with the lunar cycle. These guys just need to get naked, and they transform. 

I wondered if they could communicate with wolves the way Voldemort could communicate with snakes. If so, I'd bring Fang and his pack here. They'd have others who could accept them and allow them to roam freely without fear.

As we approached their reservation, I could smell from a mile away that they had marked the place. It made me feel challenged. It was something primal, but I had the urge to piss on their territory.


I really needed to find time for meditation. Being subject to my whims was getting annoying. It was fine and cool as long as I felt like doing it, but now these instincts were becoming semi-compulsory.

With great difficulty, I repressed the urge to mark my territory and followed Charlie to meet the pack. As soon as we laid eyes on one another, we all knew we would get along just splendidly.

Though one of them hated my guts immediately. I assumed he was this pack's alpha. Well, whatever. There would be plenty of time to beat him up later. For now, I was here to make friends.

"Hello, I'm Jake—actually, it's Jacob. But most people who know me call me Jake," a black-haired, dark-skinned teen said, stretching out his hand for me to shake.

"Hello, Jake, I'm Severus," I replied, shaking his hand.

Jake's family was great. His father, Billy, was sitting in a wheelchair, but the guy was so chill about it. Jake had two older sisters: Rachel, the oldest sibling, and Rebecca, the middle child.

Ironically, their last name was also Black, and they could transform into dogs. But I liked them much more than the asshole Black I knew.

We watched the game for a while, but I quickly got bored. American football was like rugby, but less manly. And why was it called football? There was only one kicker, and he only got three points if he successfully kicked the ball between the posts.

A touchdown gave six points, and if you kicked as a follow-up, you got one more point. But you got two points if you went for another touchdown.

After a while, I thought I got the rules. Jake explained them to me in great detail, but I still didn't understand why this sport was even a thing. Sure, it was taxing and had a strategic component, but it was as dumb as Quidditch, if not dumber, because it made some players extremely important and others less so.

I lost interest and decided to go for a walk. As soon as I was in the woods, I was approached by a massive wolf, as big as a pony.

"Haha, little wolf, I recommend you don't bark at me! I've got some mean bite," I warned the wolf, but he was intent on showing that he was the alpha here.



"Yeah, I'm going to beat you up," I replied to his provocation, transforming into my wolf form. I towered over him, easily the size of a polar bear. As I looked down at him, several more wolves emerged from the underbrush.

'Little fuckers want to gang up on me?' I thought, amused, and launched myself at the first wolf. My claws easily ripped open a wound, blood flowing freely. Another wolf clamped down on my leg, pain shooting through my body.

'Bitch, that shit hurts,' I cursed mentally, feeling his teeth sinking into my flesh.

I could easily fuck them all up with a few spells, but this was about honor. I needed to beat them into submission if I wanted them to be willing to follow me and work for me.

Throwing my head back, I howled in anger and bit the bastard gnawing at my leg. The next moment, his blood filled my mouth. The sheer pain forced him to release his bite, and I clawed at his side, ensuring he was out of commission for the remainder of our melee.

Bite, claw, bite, claw, occasionally mixing in a claw and bite combo until, eventually, I was the only one standing. Around me lay six half-dead wolves, each bearing the marks of our brutal fight.


My howl echoed through the woods, its sheer intensity sending shivers down the spines of the Cullens, and anyone who heard me. Even the unawakened wolves in the Quileute Tribe felt the call in their hearts. I assumed more of them would awaken now, thanks to my interference.

Usually, they only awakened as many as there were vampires around, but my presence had called them out. I did wonder if this will help Billy get back to walking. After all, the wolves have a superior healing factor than their human counterparts in this universe.


Hey everyone,

I finally finished posting the last chapter of the first Ark for my Patrons, if you want to read the whole Ark, you know where to go!!! I will now be writing/posting the second Ark!!

Here's the deal: we have a few milestones to hit, and if we can reach them, I'll release an extra chapter as a thank-you. Here's where we stand:

- **3000 cumulative PowerStones**: We're just around **490** currently short of this goal, standing at ~2510.

- **50 cumulative reviews**: We still need **20** more to reach this milestone, standing at 30.

- **450 cumulative comments**: We're just **19** comments away from hitting this target, standing at 431.

- **5000 cumulative collections**: We're short around **910** collections to make this happen, standing at ~4.09k. 

-**50 cumulative Patrons**: We're short **34** Patrons to achieve this goal. I suppose my irregular release rate is the cause, but cut me some slack I have ADHD, and get bored easily....

The most achievable goal is simply giving me all them Power Stones!

So, if you're enjoying the story and want that extra chapter, let's work together to hit these goals. Every bit of support counts, and I'm excited to see what we can accomplish as a community!

Link: pat**on.com/ikaru5

As always a big "Thank you!" for all your continued support!