
HP: The Ancient Potter Magic

A Harry/Multi story where only James died and Lily lived. A Slytherin Harry learns secrets about the potter family line as he understands the real power that could take down the Dark Lord. The story takes off from Year 4 with flashbacks and explanations as needed regarding the difference in the previous years. Features Harry/Lily, Harry/Female OC's, and more. BY:- Eragon_Bromssohn Note: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its character. The rights belong to the respective owner.

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18 Chs

Chapter:- 3

"HARRY WAKE UP!", yelled Emma. Harry groaned wanting to get at least a few extra minutes of sleep. "Don't make me bust in there and catch you wanking again you little perv!"

"Fuck off, Emmy" he yelled back.

"Now what would Mum say if she heard her dear sweet Harry saying such filthy things to his sister?"

"I'm getting up, leave me alone!"

Emma smirked and walked off. Harry sat up in his bed, it was time to get ready for his fourth year at Hogwarts. The only problem was little Harry was also up and he felt he needed a release. Harry wondered how quick he could be and get some self relief. His sister did catch him one time but he was thankful that she had no idea what he was jerking off to. Thoughts of his twin sisters on their knees sucking him off filled his head. He accepted quite some time ago that he was just a fucking weirdo. Like many boys his age, he had fantasies about girls all the time. The difference was many of his fantasies included Emma and Ella as well as his mother.

Sighing and realizing he didn't need someone else to see him wanking again he got up and ignored his primal urges and got ready.

Emma and Ella were starting their sixth year at Hogwarts. Emma was a Gryffindor while Ella was a Ravenclaw. One of the first Potters in quite some time who was not sorted into either Gryffindor or Slytherin. They were both Prefects for their respective houses. Harry did a quick check to make sure he had what he needed for another year in the Dungeons with his fellow Slytherins.

It was a huge shock to many that the son of Lily and James Potter was a Slytherin. Harry paid them no mind, he had grown up learning all about his ancestors and knew that once you go beyond his Father and Grandfather's generations there were quite a few famous Slytherin Potters. He was proud to be sorted into the noble house of Snakes. It irritated him to no end that everyone expected him to be like his father, a happy go lucky person interested only in pranks. He never knew his father outside of what he was told by his family since he died when Harry was only a year old. He was happy at least that his family expected him to just be Harry.

He grabbed his luggage and started going down the steps. When he stepped into the kitchen he saw the three beautiful green eyed redheads having some breakfast.

"Harry grab some toast, you don't have enough time so sit and eat unfortunately."

"Too busy wanking again little bro?" Asked Ella mischievously.

"El," Lily said with a glare. That effectively stopped the twins from making fun of Harry, though Harry was still as red as their hair. Harry recalled when he was caught last time, Lily sat him down and gave him the talk. It didn't help at all that it was one of the objects of his desires giving him said talk. They quickly set out for Kings Cross and ran through the crowded station towards platform 9 ¾.

"Harry!" Called his best friend Ron.

Harry Ron and their other best friend Neville grew up together as their families visited each other quite often. He and Ron initially had some issues when Harry was sorted into Slytherin but they reconciled when he helped Ron save his sister Ginny in the chamber of secrets in second year.

Every year so far at Hogwarts has been interesting to say the least. In his first year the Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher had Voldemort hidden under his Turban, in the second year he had to save Ginny Weasley from the Chamber of Secrets and kill a basilisk, and last year Peter Pettigrew, the one who betrayed his family had escaped. There were dementors stationed around Hogwarts but Pettigrew never showed up. The dementors ended up taking a bit too much of a liking to Harry and after several dementors incidents the ministry finally agreed to remove them from Hogwarts.

Overall Harry was used to almost dying, but hoped that maybe this year he wouldn't end up having to fight for survival. His Aunt Bellatrix who was the co-head of the DMLE however informed them that the Triwizard tournament was taking place at Hogwarts this year. He had been lectured quite a bit by Lily on keeping his head down and to not even think about putting his name in. Although Harry didn't like his fame he did enjoy challenges that made him stronger. He was quite obsessed with learning hexes and curses and his Uncle Sirius even made him his heir so he could learn the dark arts of the Black family.

That reminded him that apparently he would be having lessons next summer about his future responsibilities with Sirius and his Mum. Sirius taught him quite a lot of things on how to navigate the pureblood politics of the magical world but something seemed different about these upcoming lessons. Usually Sirius would give him some sort of reading or research assignment leading up to lessons but this time there was nothing. He didn't have a clue what these lessons would be other than that they would happen. Harry shrugged and figured he would find out after the school year was over.

Harry and Ron began catching up, his sister Ginny also came up to Harry to say hello. This did not go unnoticed by his twin sisters and they were ready to make fun of their little brother about the crush harbored by the youngest Weasley.

Neville, another Gryffindor eventually caught up with them and they got ready to enter the express. Lily pulled Harry in for a hug and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Please stay out of trouble Harry and don't take every single little thing as a challenge ok?"

"Ok Mum don't worry," he replied.

"You say that but I worry anyway. "

Everyone said their goodbyes and the Hogwarts Express began departing, taking them to another year at Hogwarts.

They were joined by their fourth friend Hermione Granger, a Ravenclaw who had joined in their adventures since first year.

"Harry, do you know who the Defense professor is this year?" She asked.

"Yea, Sirius and Aunt Bella told me it's their old boss Mad Eye Moody."

"You're kidding! That's wicked!" Replied Ron.

"Isn't he a bit… well… mad?" Asked Hermione.

Neville chuckled, "he and my gran spend a lot of time together, he's definitely mad, extremely paranoid about everything but he was a brilliant Auror."

"Moony was great to have last year but I think Mad Eye will probably take it up several notches," Harry said looking forward to learning from one of the greatest Aurors in history.

"He's definitely going to be an arse though," Neville said as he shrugged.

They continued to catch up throughout the train ride until eventually they were given their customary visit from Draco Malfoy.

"Potter! Still associating with blood traitors and mudbloods I see, you still insist on being a disgrace to our house."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Malfoy, this really gets old you understand that don't you cousin," asked Harry.

"Hmph whatever," he moved his gaze over to Hermione and looked her up and down.

"I suppose you keep the mudblood around for her body then, she's definitely growing. You know Granger you'd make a wonderful concubine for the Malfoy family."

Ron and Neville both stood up and took out their wands, "Take that back Malfoy!" Yelled Ron.

Hermione and Harry both remained calm though both were glaring at the blonde idiot.

Draco turned and was getting ready to leave them but paused just as he was at the door.

"If you ever get bored Granger, you know where to find me,".

"Draco, that's what I said to your MILF of a mother before she divorced your father. I guess she's getting herself ready for me.," Harry said with a smirk.

Draco became extremely red and brandished his wand, "Never speak about my mother Potter,"

Just as spells we're about to start flying another voice said "incarcerous!"

Ella and Emma walked over to the bound Malfoy.

"Hey little cousin it looked like you were about to do something really stupid." Emma said.

"You didn't even invite us. We really enjoy watching you make a fool of yourself!" Added Ella.

"Let me go you stupid cu…" he stopped when a third presence had a wand to his throat.

"I don't think you want to finish that statement little brother," said Estella Malfoy.

They released the spell and Malfoy left in a fury.

"Father will be hearing about this!" he yelled back at his sister.

Estella rolled her eyes, "As if I give a shit what Father has to say about anything," said the beautiful blonde Slytherin Prefect.

"Nice comeback bro! I really liked that bit about aunt Narcissa, she is definitely a MILF," said Emma.

"Must we discuss my mother like this?" Estella asked.

"Look babe you look just like her meaning you're smoking fucking hot too," said Ella.

"What… but… she's your Aunt," stuttered Hermione.

"Eh it's distant enough that we wouldn't mind bagging her," said Ella, "don't be such a prude Hermione."

"Well I suppose that is how we purebloods roll," said Estella with a smirk.

"Hold on, we're half-bloods! Don't mistake us for some filthy purebloods," Emma said with her best impersonation of Draco.

The twins and Estella joined them since they finished their rounds and they all caught up regarding the summer. Ron was excited about the Triwizard tournament and was trying to convince Harry to help him enter. Though Harry remembered the promise to his mother and decided he would at least try to have a quiet year.

It seemed fate was already setting him up for failure regarding that wish.