
Hp The Ageless

Zander is sent to a new Harry Potter world as Eric a Nordic Vampire. Traveling the globe during 700 ad

BigSteve · Livres et littérature
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34 Chs

21 Casa De Alighieri

The meeting area was larger than the average homes but not as large as they nobles home. I continued my entrance as the smell of blood becomes more prolific. I was led to a large hall adorned with mosaics of hell on every wall. Using soul sight I could see everyone's mana cores. The strongest was the man I had been following Marcus Volturi. It was surprising as I hadn't seen anyone from Harry potter but the Marcus in front of me mirrored the Marcus from twilight. As a vampire he didn't age, but now I was curious if the Fates would make the books happen in the 21st century. As I approach the chair which was slightly lower than Marcus's I had to remember that i am playing the role of a dragon. Using magic I transfigure my chair to be even with Marcus and turned it into pure gold. Marcus game a sly grin as I sat down.

Marcus began "Welcome to my hosts home. They are busy purcuring dinner for tonight." This caused a laugh from the rest of the Vampires in the room. I gave a fake laugh saying "I don't really care what your pets are doing. I'm simply here to procure a peaceful entrance into Rome." Marcus smiled saying "This doable, but what would we get out of this." This vermin speaking to me made my draconic blood boil as my body took on my draconic form. My voice deepened "This is purely a friendly warning. I do not care for a leech. If necessary I will butcher my way to the Vatican and hand them your fangs." This caused two different responses. The younger and weaker vamps began to show signs of anger. The older and stronger ones showed fear.

Marcus remained stoic saying "No need for threats I simply wished to come to a deal. I have heard from Umbri that you are seeking magic texts for students." I nodded as he continued "Well it just so happened that my coven had taken said texts from Rome and the Vatican before the Romani attack. I know that you could kill me so I have sent a messenger to my brother if I don't speak with him to destroy them." That was smart he didn't tell me the time frame and I had given to much information. Smiling I asked then "What do you want?" He smiled saying "My little family has a problem that's hard to deal with. We have come across a den of Wyverns. They are terrorizing our community though fear inhanses the taste. Our stock is dieing rather quickly. You see my brother and i don't allow hunting near our home. So we have to procure food far away. We could go north but the taste isn't the same as Mediterranean stock. I was sent here to see if Ravenna could subsidize my coven but the templars are getting rather anxious as the Pope and Byzantine Emperor have called to arms to retake their Holy lands." I interject "So the crusaders will need time to rally making Ravenna and most Italian cities harder to live for your kind." By this time u had calmed myself with deep breathes soothing my rage. Marcus nodded saying "so we hunt a group calling themselves Serbian. If you deal with these beasts I will give you all the original texts. We have no use for them anyway. Mainly we don't want the Romani to get them as they have a Vampire named Vlad Tepes who can still use magic."

This was a discovery, so the Romani coven is related to Vlad, now I wonder if any Castlevania was added. All vampire stories involve Dracula also known as Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Tepes. Nodding I said "Then we will make a vow? I get rid of Wyverns and you give me the scrolls." Marcus nodded and before we moved to shake on it the mana in the air stirred making the pact. We both knew that the pact was made as I reached on the table taking a drink of the blood as it had been calling to me. With a raised eye I asked "What is this?" He laughed saying "That is blood from one of the Wyverns we had killed. It's not that we can't kill them but rather it takes many of us and we always lose some people. They are called horntails native to the north." I hypothesized "So they were probably left by the Romani to weaken your coven." He nodded and I continued drinking. As I drank I pulled some of the mana from the Wyvern blood. After finishing I made to leave as I noticed the blood had made me slightly faster and more energetic. This gave me an idea, I could slay the wyverns or I could tame them. Though my wings have gotten better flying across oceans was a challenge especially if the air currents are against me.

Having a plan I didn't worry about the noble and priest that I was going to follow to Rome. I took the horse that was mine by conquest heading east along the coast. After I was decently away I urged the horse through a portal to the House and began to fly. It took me most of the day to find any trace of wyverns. I found a village with 20 homes burnt to the ground. Knowing I was on the right path I flew closer to the mountains. Using the time spell I found that it was nearly 8:00 pm, yet I was still not hungry, I came to the conclusion that my Vampirism could be sustained on blood.

At 10pm I found them. It was a den near the top of a taller mountain that was capped with snow. The den was large enough for a fully grown wyvern to reside but as I listen closely I could hear the voice of children within. Going full dragon mode I walked into the den wearily making sure to not get roasted. As I walked inside I came face to face with 3 baby wyverns and a fully grown dragon. Upon seeing me the hatchling shot a fireball at me. The flames smacked against me burning my shirt but I was unharmed. The adult noticed the fireball as the babies began to retreat behind her. That's when the mother took a sniff of the air began to shake. The mother spoke up "Lord Draconis, I beg your mercy as my children are still young." I spoke in draconic "I am unharmed, so I will forgive. As I got closer I could see the mother was down right terrified as the children looked from behind her curiously. I spoke again "Is it only the 4 of you?" The mother still trembling "No my mate is still with me as my hatchling have yet to take flight." We had a conversation in which I learned that Wyverns take care of their young until they can fly then they all live solitary lives. I asked when the father would return only to learn that he would hunt till the moon was a fourth of the way through the sky or 3am. I also learned that any human who can survive the blood of a True Dragon is called Draconis by any Draconic race, for example Wyverns, Basilisks or Winged Serpents. After chat with her I told her that they would need to leave the area as I had made a contract to move them I suggested that they move into my realm on the condition that they would protect my family. I had each of them make a magic contract with me as they were magical beasts, then waited for the father to arrive.

Lucky for me the father returned early as he had hunted and returned with a meal. Thankfully he had caught two basking sharks with one In his mouth and another in his claws. Upon seeing me he had a different reaction from the mother. He dropped the sharks as he asked in an angry tone "What do you want Draconis?" I answered that his family was to leave the area and make a contract to serve my family." This set him off as he snarled at his mate. He replied "I come from a black dragon lineage. I could never serve a Golden freak." Without delay I began to send wind slashes at him. My magic managed to cut him but it was mainly superficial. He sent put a flame attack which caused me to vamp speed out of the way. This was followed by a tail swipe which was harder to dodge the spikes. Using my finger i visualized the wind into a bullet spinning and firing rapidly. He used his wings to cover his head which was the only way to kill him with the bullets. That's when I came up with the bright idea of cutting of his tail with a wind slash. When his tail was severed he lowered his wing allowing me to shoot a wind bullet through his eye killing him. Expecting a reaction I looked at the other Horntails only for the mom to be laying in submission and the children hiding behind her.

Any ideas for what the Volturi have to trade. im thinking of a few runes

BigStevecreators' thoughts