
Hp The Ageless

Zander is sent to a new Harry Potter world as Eric a Nordic Vampire. Traveling the globe during 700 ad

BigSteve · Livres et littérature
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35 Chs

16 The Gift

I awoke after my flight back in my realm. I still haven't built any housing yet so I was on the patio surrounded by my family as I had transfigured the wood into beds for everyone. Waking up I saw my brother training as my mother was cooking a simple breakfast as we had no veggies or grain. Going threw the wreckage of the village prior I had found many resources including remnants of Matt's old smithy. I had transferred his furnace, ores and tools to my realm. I had also found many weapons throughout the destroyed village.

Waking up I asked Randvi "Do you think we could trade for food in the village your sister lives in?" She answers "Yeah my sister lives in a village near the swedes but they trade weapons for food so we might need to come up with a good trade for food." This caused a conundrum as the village was primarily blacksmiths. Then an idea struck me, if they sell weapons in bulk I could make custom ones. Using the last bit of gold from our family hoard I asked for Randvi to take me to trade for food. Using willing legilimency I looked into her eyes seeing a memory of her sisters village. Using the memory I opened a portal in the forest near her sisters village. Randvi began showing me around as we walked to her sisters home. As she had said most of the village were blacksmiths as they had public smithys around the village. I could see each one was already melting iron to make the wrought iron for weapons.

I met with her sisters family as her mother had chose to stay in my realm. Then I asked her sister "Is there someone who travels to trade for food in the village now?" Her sister affirmed saying "Yeah, I will introduce you to Vaino. He leads the caravan to the port where we trade." Meeting Vaino I used legilimency as I asked about the port village causing him to think of the village. Saving that memory in my mind palace I should be able to trade at the poet. I then asked "Who could I buy some food from as I have some silver to trade." Vaino answered saying " We could trade for it as we need silver to decorate weapons." With a smile Randvi and I return home with vegetables for 2 weeks.

Returning home I find my mother had finished cooking the meat my brother had hunted. After eating Ranvi followed me as I used transfiguration on a tree I had cut down. I made a large cabinet and with the metal I made hinges for a magic refrigerator. Using a metal plate in the bottom I ingraved the draconic time rune as I invisioned when the cabinet is shut the rune will pause time within the fridge. Randvi was rather interested in the fridge as she was going to attempt to step inside I had to stop her telling her that It wasn't safe to stop the human body ad your time might not restart. I carried the magifridge with telekinesis to the patio as my mother was using the magic fire to cook food. Randvi explained how it worked to everyone with the biggest smile on her face.

As everyone was eating I made the announcement saying "Everyone here is my closest family and most of you know that I have gained powers of a dragon. What you do not know is that I had another power given to me from the gods when I transformed which is why I look older. Without that gift from the gods I would have died ingesting dragon blood." To which I received a collective gasp. I continued "This gift has made me Ageless which meant that I will no longer age. I can give this gift to you but know that our blood if taken forcefully will transform people into blood thirsty monsters. My gift doesn't cause you to hunger for blood but blood can be used to heal faster. You might get the chance at magic but that is still unknown."

My family didn't know how to react as Randvi was ready to take the dive. She was the first one to agree and ask if her mother could also do it. To which I affirmed saying "I want to have rules about who I turn as there are others like me called Vampires. They are cruel and hunt humans but as you have all seen I can eat regular food." They all nodded as it made sense to chose who I give the power to. Then I said "The next thing you should know is that only I can turn people anyone you all attempt to turn will be a regular vampire." After the small discussion everyone wanted to turn.

I deside to start with my brother as the rest seemed scared. The only problem I had was did I need to bite them like in twilight or was it like the vampire diary and I need to just give them my blood. I took my axe and cut my hand allowing my brother a drop of my blood. After 5 minute of him drinking it his body reacted normally. As everyone watched his teeth lengthened and he grabbed a cup of water. He looked at me as he chugged the water asking "Why am I so thirsty." Before I reasoned that I had messed up he began to eye my mom who was sitting beside him. I could see him looking at her neck as he licked his lips.

Before anyone could react u sprinted to tackle my brother right as he was about to attack her. The fight was rather difficult as my brothers body still had his regular blood in his tissues making him nearly as strong as me. With no choice left I bit his neck which I thought would be the only other way for him to become like me. Only I was wrong my bite did nothing as he continued to look at the girls as I held him down. Using my magic I began to raise the dirt to hold him down but I still had to lay on him as the dirt would be nothing for him to jump out of. At a loss for ideas after 5 more minutes of wrestling I had another idea. Holding him down with one arm I bit my other arm and shoved it in his face. Seeing the blood his thirst took over. He drank ravenously eventually his eyes cleared up and he stopped. Looking into my eyes he said "Thanks for stopping me, that thirst made my throat seem so dry. I couldn't stop myself as I heard her heart beat." I apologized saying "That's my fault I thought you would only need me to be willing and my blood. Apparently my venom needs to mix with my blood to turn you." Comfused he said "Venom?"

I explained "our fangs our retractable and produce venom. The venom stops the bite from closing to keep the blood flowing. Did you feel anything when I bit you?" He answered "I felt a pain then oddly it felt good." After that fumble I went on to bite my arm then scrape my blood into a cup not wanting everyone to drink from my veins. My mom was going to mix it with water but not knowing what that would change I had to ask her not to. After my brother it was my sister, my mom, Randvi and then her mother. They all had easier changes as it seemed quicker. They all grew fangs that could retract and their skin was a slight paler. Luckily they didn't look like twilight vamps and they didn't lose their body heat as they didn't become an undead like other vampires. Floki arrived after they had all changed, I took my cup doing the same thing giving him my gift. After I used fire magic to destroy the remaining blood and wooden cup as I didn't want anyone to find it and use it.

After they changed it I could feel a connection to each person unaware that It was a sire bond. Using my soul sight I could see that their souls began to slowly draw in mana as a small sand grain sized core began to form. Looking at Floki I could see that his core looked like it had started to crystallize meaning soon he would start his second core. When I told everyone that they could learn magic I explained "I made a deal with Floki to teach you magic in exchange for the gift. So while I am away he will train you. When I finally get to Egypt I will teach you the way they do magic." That's when my sister asked "The place we were to portal to before the battle is nowhere near here. I have never heard of egypt and somehow you know about vampires. How do you know all this stuff?"