
HP: Solitude for Two

Seventh year. Driven by his anger and jealousy, Ron leaves Harry and Hermione in a fit of temper despite their important mission. But, was leaving his girlfriend and his best friend alone, thoroughly angered by his actions, looking for a way to take revenge, the correct move?-I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine.

0DarkWolf0 · Livres et littérature
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

Harry was glad that Hermione chose to deal with her sudden shock by burying her face in the pillow, avoiding the sudden show of his erection, because it meant he didn't need to struggle trying to hide his smirk.

His hands danced over her shoulder, pushing the straps of her top to the side to make the moment even more revealing. She whimpered, but it was the extent of her reaction. He stayed focused on her shoulders.

"It's good that you accepted, you're very tense," Harry said, not bothering to hide his mocking tone, even as his fingers danced on her shoulder, keeping her in place.

She left that without an answer, which made Harry chuckle. Her sudden reaction to the twist was fun, realizing that her little ploy wasn't working like she had assumed, leaving her frozen in shock.

And, her inability to handle sudden shocks was certainly another personality trait of hers that he could use. He put his hand on her back as he asked. "Do you think massage oil could ruin your top?" he asked.

"I… Yes, it might," she admitted, panicked, yet with a hint of regret as she assumed she was turning him down.

A bad assumption. "As you wish," Harry said as he grabbed and directed her arms up, before pulling her top off in one smooth movement, leaving her naked before she could even realize what he was trying to do.

"H-harry!" she gasped. "What are you doing?"

"Keeping your top free of oil, of course," he said as he put his hands, already covered with oil, on her back once more, enjoying her naked skin.

"I didn't mean that!" she gasped, showing that she wasn't completely lost in the moment.

"Really, I assumed that you wouldn't care about that, friend, considering that you had no problems removing your robe in my room."

"W-well," she stammered, her own actions a perfect way to steal her thunder. "You weren't wearing your glasses back then," she admitted with a murmur.

"Don't worry, I'm not wearing them now as well," he answered, not bothering to hide his chuckle. He didn't have his spell to fix his vision this time, but that helped little with his hands on her body.

Hermione stayed silent, and Harry took that as an invitation to continue. He let his fingers dance along her spine, enjoying the way she shivered helplessly. He stayed focused on her back for a moment, even though her body had more interesting areas to focus on, building up her pleasure while giving her a chance to push back.

Only when she let out a moan, he decided to move more aggressively. "Is everything alright," he asked even as he caressed her sides, letting his finger drift down to the side of her breasts for a momentary touch. Long enough to distract her, but short enough not to be worthy of her mention.

"N-Nothing," she stammered, shocked by her own moan.

"Don't worry, it just means you are enjoying the massage," Harry answered as he let his hands down, focusing on the small of her back. "Another question. Can your shorts handle the oil, or I should remove them as well?"

Her answer came instantly. "They can handle it! Don't worry."

"As you wish," Harry said as he grabbed the bottle of oil, and poured a generous amount on her legs, making sure a great amount landed directly on her shorts, drenching them completely.

Enough to turn them transparent.

Harry had to lean down to see her underwear choice — not that it was a big chore — and when he did so, his smirk widened even further. From the lines it created, it was obvious that it wasn't a substantial piece, but seeing was believing.

And, he certainly saw enough to believe.

"Careful," Hermione warned, but her voice lacked the alarm he expected, suggesting she had no idea about the impact the massage oil had on her panties.

Marvelous, he thought even as he moved lower, focusing on her feet. The moan she let out didn't surprise him the slightest, as it was a trick that Angelina taught him after he had managed to get another impossible victory for their team, promising that it would make every girl crazy.

And his experience confirmed that.

"H-Harry," Hermione gasped as his fingers explored the gaps in her toes, her voice trembled desperately as she tried to deliver that. "M-maybe that's enough with the foot," she added.

He recognized the signs of growing arousal, which was almost as amusing as the mistake she had just done. By asking him to move, she put him in a more vulnerable situation without actually thinking about it. "As you wish," he said as he started climbing up, playing around with the calves a bit before reaching her thighs.

There, he slowed down, slowly climbing up, his hands alternating between the outer and inner aspects. Her breathing became more rapid and shallow the higher he got, panic setting in as the arousal got more intense. She closed her legs tightly, preventing him from reaching really dangerous spots, showing that, even as things escalated.

PIty, he thought, as he would have loved to have an excuse to resolve his throbbing arousal. Of course, even without going to that level, he had things he could do. He put his hands on her ass, using his palms to massage her booty. The fabric, drenched with oil, allowed him to do that excellently. "Harry —" she whispered, which turned into a groan as he squeezed her plump flesh.

The moan worked excellently to silence her, drawn in and held briefly before being released in a long slow breath that she used to conceal her moan, which didn't work as well as she had hoped. Her body tensed and relaxed at the same time, while her ass arched greatly, allowing him a momentary glimpse of her treasure, drenching wet.

Pity that it would be too much to do, at least at that moment


Hermione felt lost as she buried her face deep into the pillow, hoping to suppress any surprise moan. When she started teasing Harry, it was just a fun distraction and a way to make him notice that she was not just one of the guys.

However, as she was forced to lay, half-naked, his fingers digging into her ass with a shocking competency, she was willing to admit that, maybe, just maybe, she had miscalculated a little. The huge bulge she had seen when they were switching roles was enough to confirm that. Though she certainly didn't expect him to be that … huge.

It shocked her enough to leave her unable to react against his retaliation as he started to rub her body — though she wished she retained her wits enough to prevent the removal of her top, which escalated the situation to something more intense than her attempts to take revenge from her boyfriend.

Still, even as his hands started to dig into her ass, she found herself unable to answer. A part of it was certainly a sense of responsibility. Her helpless state was a good way to realize she might have acted a bit excessively during her attempts to prove her point.

Yet, the bigger part of it, the part she didn't want to admit, was that she enjoyed it greatly. It had been a while since she had even touched herself with all the adrenaline and excitement of being on the run, and his fingers turned out to be more skillful than she would have expected, addressing that need with greater efficiency than she had expected.

She bit her lips as his hands danced on her bottom, preparing to intervene the moment his hands dipped down to … a more sensitive place. She expected that to happen soon, which was a natural consequence of the position. And it would give her a good excuse to change her mind.

However, a few minutes passed, and Hermione realized that she had screwed up. He had no intention of pushing forward more, clearly content with teasing her continuously. Worse, with his hands staying in place for such a long time, she felt reluctant to admonish him for that at that point. Complaining about taking liberties was rather absurd when it came several minutes later.

With that mental surrender, she focused on hiding the signs of her growing arousal, even though she wasn't confident of her success, every second pushing her closer to a dangerous climax. Just a few seconds, and she would finally reach there, though she had no idea what she would say if that happened.

But, as the climax drove closer, she found herself uncaring of that part. She was about to topple over…

Then, he pulled his hands back. "That's enough for a massage," he said, his mocking tone revealing that he knew exactly what he had tone. She turned to face him furiously, but her words died quickly. Her sudden movement caused a wind, reminding her that she was naked, leaving her to scramble in a hurry to cover her breasts.

Even worse, she realized that he had started wearing his glasses once more, meaning he had a perfect view of what had just happened. He smirked before turning back, and started walking toward the door. Hermione just froze, watching him leave, her arms sliding down to the ground.

Which turned out to be a premature move, as he had turned to look at her just at the door, getting another eyeful as she was late to cover them. "Take that as a lesson on trying something you can't handle, bestie," he said, his smile infuriating.

Then, he turned and left, leaving her alone and confused.