
HP: Reaper of the Wizarding World

*Disclaimer: Follows main story for about 20 chapters* Death? It is often described as the embodiment of fear, man or God alike. But to Soren, it is the beginning, middle, and end of his journey. To this young man, Death is the start of his struggles through life. Watch as Soren fights to save his family from the grips of Death and struggles to live a happy life. .https://www.patreon.com/SykoNex https://discord.gg/S4YYqnF Type into general: $Rank Readers   

SirSyko · Livres et littérature
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175 Chs


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My eyes slowly open, looking around I can tell that I am in my room and the sun is just starting to come up. I hold my head struggling trying to remember what happened yesterday.

I remember going to the Riddle family house, the darkness leading me to a small shack. Then that small stone…


I hold my head remembering the pain I felt at that moment. The darkness… I try to feel inside my mind for it but it is no longer there. I feel my chest tighten as fear causes my blood to run cold. I can't even remember the last time I felt fear.

I don't mean that metaphorically, I mean at all… When did I last feel fear? When my father went to beat me? I don't remember? Why can't I remember?

My breathing becomes ragged as I curl into a ball. I can't remember… WHY!? WHY!?


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My eyes snap open as I feel something touch my cheek. I see Sin is furled in front of me with a corner stroking my cheek.

I begin to calm down as I pull Sin into a tight hug. After a few minutes of laying with Sin I feel a bit better and decide to get up. I need to figure out what happened yesterday.

As I stand I notice my shroud is lingering around me without me trying to use it. A small waterfall of mist slowly falls from me as I get up. I am still in the same robes as yesterday and my shoes are still on.

I slowly recall my shroud as I pick up Sin and wrap him around my neck. As I take a peek at the Foe Glass I notice the glass is now darker and a bit foggier than before.

I step closer struggling to even see my own reflection. I use my hand to try and wipe it off but as I do my shroud covers the glass.

Once the shroud clears it reveals a version of me that appears to be a bit older than what I was when I died. I am surrounded by hundreds of graves as I stand expressionless staring into my own eyes, there is a small black kitten sitting on my shoulder.

"Little Black?" I ask in a sad tone.

As I reach out to the mirror I feel two soft taps on my shoulder and I freeze. My chest tightens again far worse than before as my vision becomes clouded by tears.

I softly grab Sin from my neck, "Little Black?" I ask again quietly.

Sin taps my arm again twice softly, peering past Sin I see the eighteen-year-old me is holding a kitten in his arms. I lose all strength in my legs as I pull Sin tightly into my chest and begin to sob.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm so sorry."

"I wasn't able to save you."

I feel Sin stroking my face seemingly trying to comfort me. Do I deserve it? Why was I given a second chance? I don't deserve it.

I stay kneeling on the ground holding Sin in my arms quietly thinking in the light of the morning sun.

"Soren! Breakfast is done!" Auntie's voice from outside the door pulls me back to reality.

Opening my eyes I see the room is shrouded in darkness the morning light isn't even reaching inside anymore. I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes as I try and reply in the clearest voice I can.

"I'll be out in a bit," I manage out a few words.

"Well hurry up, your sister is here but she is leaving soon so come and say goodbye," as she finishes her words I can hear footsteps walking back down the hall.

I slowly stand up drawing my shroud back inside of me. Pulling out my wand I use a few hygiene charms to clean myself up and get rid of my puffy eyes. I change clothes and drape a large black sheet over the now changed Foeglass.

I hold Sin closely to my chest as I affirm to myself. I am not alive for me, I am alive for those around me.

Walking downstairs I see Sis for the first time in a week, she is standing by the fireplace seemingly waiting for me.

Seeing me she smiles "Good morning, Soren."

I give a small smile, "Morning Sis, why are you leaving so early? I didn't even know you got back."

She sighs, "I only came back to grab some stuff but an emergency notice was released last night. The dementors abandoned their post at Azkaban and the Ministry of Secrets last night. I have to go back and help."

My eyes widen and my heart drops at her words, 'What happened last night?'

"T-That is a problem, good luck," I say giving her a hug with one arm hiding my expression.

She smiles as she hugs me back, "Why are you holding Sin like that?"

I don't answer, instead, I look up and give her a smile. She looks at me oddly as I turn around and walk to Uncle who is at the table with the newspaper down watching us.

I step closer and hold up Sin in front of him, "Uncle Ted, this is Sin. He is a Lethifold and my most precious friend in existence. Please treat him well."

Uncle looks confused as he Sin shakes a corner up and down like a nodding head.


"SOREN!" Sis yells in shock causing Auntie to drop a pan in the kitchen.

Uncle's eyes flick between Auntie who is now standing at the end of the table and Sis who is standing behind me.

"You two knew?"

Sis looks away while Auntie nods her head. Uncle Ted takes in a dramatic breath as he closes his eyes folding the paper closed.

Meeting my eyes once again Uncle calmly leans forward, "I don't know what a Lethifold is."

I smile at his words kind of expecting them while Sis huffs angrily, "Don't do that geez, I'm leaving."

With that, she walks to the chimney grabbing a handful of floo powder, "British Ministry of Magic."

In a burst of green flames, she vanishes and Uncle begins to laugh, "So are Lethifold's dangerous or something."

I nod, "Incredibly."

Uncle looks at Auntie with raised brows, "As long as she approved I have no qualms with it… Speaking of your pets your Aunt and I figure we would get you something while in Korea. The breeder delivered it last night while you were asleep, would you like to meet him?"

Auntie smirks, "I was supposed to tell him."

Uncle shrugs, "I will go get him."

With a quick stride Uncle heads upstairs as I stare oddly at Auntie while holding Sin. Like a snake, Sin slithers from my hands and wraps around my neck taking his normal scarf shape.

Auntie sets a plate of food in front of me with a grin, "I think you'll like it, I heard it is a sacred beast in Korea."

I am even more curious as I pick up my fork and begin to eat. 'It's nice to have a homecooked meal,' I think to myself as I take a big bite of eggs and sausage.

As I hear footsteps jogging down the stairs I turn to see Uncle with a gleaming smile and an arm behind his back. He stops next to me grinning ear to ear as he reveals his arm.

Resting on his hand is a five-inch white snake with very tiny horns poking out of its forehead. It looks up at me with its little eyes full of curiosity and intelligence.

I smile widely as I set down my fork and softly take it from him, "Hello there little guy."

I laugh a bit as he curls in my palm, "Does he have a name?" I ask not looking up.

Uncle shakes his head as Auntie speaks up, "Why don't you name him?"

I gently stroke its head noting the small horns, "How about, Gilgamesh, since you have a noble appearance."

I never ended up feeling better yesterday so I only got one chapter done. Today I feel fine so I should be able to get two up on patreôn. The hint to everything going on is in the second chapter of the book, 99% of people won't notice but if you do... I won't tell you if you're right LOL.

SirSykocreators' thoughts