
Chapter 85 : The Interview 2

"A pen isn't this muggle Item," Rita asked with clear distress on her face. No correction, a clear scowl on her ugly face.

"You are slightly wrong there, pen is a muggle idea, not an item. Like clothes are made for both the muggle and wizarding worlds, this pen can also be created for both the muggle and wizarding worlds.

Yes the concept of pen did come from them but this is a magical pen which I created, and it is better than any normal quill if I dare say so myself," Orion said trying to convert the conversation on the pen if possible as his books are already pretty famous and if not then they will be sooner or later. His upcoming idea about the pen though needs more exposure if possible.

"I see. Well, that's an interesting way to look at things. So tell Orion, what motivated you to write a book of your own," Rita asked not falling for Orion's trick.


"Well as I said, writing was more or less a hobby. I started to more or less let out my frustration of being magically handicapped." Orion didn't plan to give much information about himself but initial knowledge that he is an orphan or something like that is no biggie, It is not like others will not find out that he is a muggle-born wizard sooner or later, if they have not already looked at his history.

"O, what kind of frustration are you talking about and what do you mean about magical handicapped," Rita asked with her tail wagging, knowing that the child was about to say something juicy if she urged him.

Unfortunately for Rita, Orion wasn't planning to give her anything juicy to write about. 

"Hmm well let's say I was almost like a squib. Even doing basic spells like Lumos was not possible for me. And frustration well, it is already understandable what kind of frustration I would have gone through when you are the only one who can't use magic among all the people who can and maybe the most irritating fact is that I can't even fall back on being a squib because I was clearly able to do magic but just extremely weak," Orion replied without any expression on his face.

"And you are talking like it was an issue and now you are not suffering from Magic Deficiency," Rita asked, Orion also knew that talking about this was kind of pointless considering that Rita might already have all the normal information about him from her sources.

"Because I am not," Orion said and took out his wand, this also got a reaction from Rita but before she do anything Orion said.

"Lumos," Orion said, his fake wand lit up with a ball of light appearing on the tip of the wand.

Rita's tense nerve relaxed after seeing that Orion just wanted to show her that he could do magic. 

"That's great but how can I believe that you weren't lying? There is a possibility that you could have done magic from the start and just show it now," Rita asked.

One of the reasons why Rita was chosen to take this interview was to write a politically correct article about Orion. It doesn't matter what Orion's response is here, she will only do what the ministry wants her to write. In fact, Orion even doubts that she has already created a draft of the article which she wants to publish.

But that doesn't matter to him.

"And why do you think that matters to me whether you believe me or not or the people who read this article will believe me or not," Orion said with a knowing smile on his face. 

"Pardon," Out of all the responses, Rita was not expecting this particular one. This completely caught her off guard and all the corresponding questions she had in her mind became worthless.

Orion still had a smile on his face and asked once again.

"Why do you think that I care whether you believe me or not," Orion repeated.

Rita had to think about what she wanted to ask again and then she asked. 

"So you don't care what others think about yourself," Rita asked.

"No, ultimately I know that this technique works for me and if anyone uses this technique then they will know that it works for them as well.

If they think that I am lying then just dont use the methods I have given. If those nay sayer are honest and not using Chaos Binding which I wrote in my book then just under a decade they will fall behind to even children half their age." Orion sounded very confident.

"You sound like your method is the only way to get stronger," Rita asked not finding any better question for the time being.

"I am not saying that, hell in the book itself I have said that there are even better versions of my technique and I am originally not writing down my original technique in the book because after one point that technique won't be a general technique anymore. One must have to modify it for a specific person. The one I use might not work for you or someone else.

And there is not just my technique, I am sure that there does exist much better magic which never became public which can make a wizard or with strong and grow there magic." Orion said confidence.

"Are you saying that some people are intentionally holding back magic which might be useful for the wizarding world ?" 

"No that's what you are saying. I never said that. I am just saying that a kid like me was able to come up with something like that when I was in need, there have been so many impressive witches and wizards in this world and even after them, there is no clear way to improve one magic besides ongoing training." Orion said.

Rita narrowed her eyes a little, Orion was not giving her any straight answers here.

"You said in your book that it's possible that even Squibs can do magic, and now that you claim that you were a squib before. Are you telling the truth and have a way to make the Squibs use magic," Rita asked.

"Yes, in fact, I have developed a potion which might be able to achieve that but never tested it before, I might do that sooner or later," Orion replied again promoting his yet another future product.

"Oh, then I might want to see that for sure," 

"Now tell me what is your opinion about pure blood as you said in your books Blood Purism exists but it's not exactly what the pure blood wizards believe in ?" Rita asked as others' questions were pretty easy to answer, like Orion's claims and all. As long as Orion can deliver his claims, Rita can't write anything which can put dirt on Orion. 

Just in the beginning, Orion gave a reason for the bad language of the book, there now the only way Rita has to put dirt on Orion was to go to the topic of Pure Blood. This is a very controversial topic in the wizarding world.

What Orion has written in the book not only upsets the pure bloods which are mostly the dark side, saying that their concept of blood purism is wrong but even the light side as this side doesn't believe in Blood Purism. 

"It's just an expression of saying, as I already said in the book that it's not exactly the blood but the concentration of Magic or Chaos in the blood which matters. I use the term blood because it's hereditary in nature. Let's say a wizard has pure blood and I am not talking about those current pure-blood families who think pure blood is, I am talking about the density of magic in the blood. Then chances are that his child will also have pure blood.

The easiest way to find pure magic is simple enough, just check the latent potential and power of the wizard. That is why you see so many so-called pure-blood wizards are still nothing much stronger than other muggle wizards, in fact, the only thing going for them is the hereditary magic they inherit from their family. 

Compared to them, wizards like Dumbledore, Grindelwald or even the most recent dark lord Voldemort, all three of them might or might not belong to a pure-blood family have much stronger magic. Some might say that this is because of dark magic but what about Dumbledore then?

He is not a pureblood wizard and he never uses dark magic. He is the living and breathing proof of my theory. The reason he is stronger is because his blood is pure. There is a very high Magic Concentration in his blood." Orion said, he wanted to explain more about this concept but he didn't as he will be putting that knowledge into his book.

"So you don't believe in Pure Blood Theory," Rita asked again coming back to the original question, typical move, she needed a yes and a no on this answer to write about it and ultimately Orion would offend one party either the dark side or the light side.

"I only believe in a theory which has an established reason. When it comes to your traditional pure-blood mentality. I would have believed it if every pure-blood wizard was at the level of Albus Dumbledore or just outright better than those of the muggle-born wizards but I don't see any difference. Besides their inherent magic thanks to their family, there is nothing going for them.

I could believe the light side that something like blood Purism doesn't exist but we clearly see people like Albus Dumbledore, Grindelwald or even Voldemort surpassing the level of any normal wizard. 

I am ready to call my own theory wrong if someone can prove it to me. But again I am not seeing that happening. Core Binding specifically targets increasing the density of one magic. And it works for me and is working for those who are already started to give it a go." Orion replied.

While he was going through this he also started to get inside Rita's mind, thanks to so many shields or blocking objects, he was able to do that just fine.

The idea was simple, he wants to change some memories if possible so he can get a good article from her.


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