
HP: Harry Potter and the Forgotten Mysteries

a riencernated oc find himself in the HP verse with some boons mc will not be overly overpowered, yes he will be powerful but with limits is it the cannon vers or au ??? that is still for debate who reincarnated him ??? we dont know yet what will he do in his life there . having fun or chasing girls or pursuing knowledge????

Mahdi_ · Livres et littérature
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10 Chs

Ch 04

Waking up to the slightly comfortable room that I had to get used to as I missed my old room... but with more time spent in here the more I am getting used to living in this new world and when I look back it already six months since my transmigration....

For the entirety of the six months that Marcus spent in this new world, as he spent nearly every waking moment poring over the books he had sunny smuggling from their basement. He ate sparsely and always in his room.

Mornings were for magic, though, just theory and history for now. It was apparently illegal for him to practice actual spells at home prior to the start of school, and while it was said and implied in the books and the movies that the Ministry turned a blind eye to minor spell-casting by pre-First Years,

Marcus was as you already know without a wand so.... Afternoons were for etiquette and politics as he struggled to learn the nuances of the odd and insular culture, he was about to join as there was a slight difference with the etiquette he know from Zen memories.

Evenings were for whatever topics had left him with the most questions during the day, plus time spent practicing with a quill, which was an entirely new but apparently vital skill to master.

Finally, he spent about thirty minutes before bed practicing with his wand holster he found as to ready himself for the quick use of a wand and to be familiar with the area of expertise.

As I read the first year books that was supposed to be thought at Hogwart I concluded that magic is hard subject to master and this is just from the first year books.... so imagine the Moore advanced subject

As I remembered all those fanfictions where the MC skim through all of the Hogwart books before even attending the school, I nearly spat on the ground as how ridiculous that is.

It took me six months just to understand what hell we are to study in the first year in the theory department as I yet to touch real magic application.

I didn't practice much my byounder power expect getting familiar with my spirit vision..... As I can switch on my spirit vision in under 3 seconds...

For divination I practiced all the three forms of divination and I have to say the results are kind of bad

Divination by Spirit Pendulum came easily to me, but its effect are not what I want them to be.... I don't know if my spirituality is lacking or my mastery over divination are the ones that are lacking....

For dream divination I tried it a couple of times on different cases, but I saw nothing except for when I use it on thing that are related to me..... for example, I tried to find Voldemort location right now but I got nothing.... then I tried to divine some of my past and it worked....

For Dowsing Rod Seeking divination it the most form of divination that I am satisfied with..... as the only time it failed was when I tried to find that cursed pocket watch....

Other things that I noticed were my a tingling feeling in my head, whatever something bad going to happen around me like the danger sense Spiderman have.... I guess that is my Danger Intuition....

And really the thing that got worried is my already small amount of knowledge I have about harry potter universe is getting blurry in my mind ...it like someone trying to force that knowledge from my mind....

The worst thing is I didn't even notice until the time I tried to divine Voldemort location ... but when it didn't work, I was like " whatever I already know where he is now, I guess around this time he is in ....." as I tried to remember I came with nothing , nothing at all so I had to take dramatic massure and I started writing a journal about all my knowledge of the future....

At first I didn't really want to write such important information in a place where people can get to them as it such a stupid decision... but I was forced .... at least I know some Arabic so I wrote everything in it .. just a small measure to protect the knowledge....

But as I write what I remember I found that my limits is to the third year of harry in hogwarts ....

It was too late, as,I didn't notice my problem until too late .... too late.....


As I finished my small memory trip, I found myself in the bathroom so I quickly finished my business and changed my clothes in my room then I walked down to the living room where our fireplace is.... by the extensions our method of transportation the floo network .....

and it never ceases to amaze me as I thought of lot different theories about the working of the floo network.

Today I finally got my permission from my 'father' to go to Diagon Alley as a reward from my extensive studies and hard work.

Well my relationship with father that if we can call it a relationship was horrible as we meet just two times a day and that is for breakfast and dinner..... and the most I spoke to him was about 20 words....

I mean I am not complaining this kind of relationship will make it easier for me to face the dark wizard he is in the future with no problems or concerns.....

..really it better than he's being a good father to me and what I am really grateful for is that he didn't make some sort of minion to the malfoy family.

Today's trip to Diagon Alley is just for one thing which is to find a book about occlumency... I am not having any hope really as it clearly stated that occlumency books are so rare in today wizarding world..

"Stupid fanfiction," I murmured as I got close to the fireplace then I waited for sunny as she was supposed to go with me..

'pop' and sunny appeared beside me, excitement clearly written on her face at the prospect of going out from the house

"ok sunny, let go " she nodded as I took a handful of floo powered and shouted "Diagon Alley"


The Leaky Cauldron has changed little over the years; it is small, dingy and welcoming, with a few bedrooms above the public bar for travellers who live a long way from London. It is the ideal spot to catch up with wizarding gossip if you happen to live a long way from the nearest magical neighbour.

And today is my first time stepping into it and what a place it is ...Inside the pub, it was dark and shabby, with a bar and several tables in the shadows of the corners. In stark contrast to the grubby downstairs of the pub, there were some unexpectedly pleasant rooms upstairs where passing wizard and witches could stay for the night.

These rooms were reached through a handsome wooden staircase, and contained comfortable beds, highly polished oak furniture, a crackling fire which was always burning in the grate to welcome the visitor to their lodgings.

Well it was just as I imagined it a typical wizard gathering place .....I didn't tardy as I have mission to complete so I just walked forward to the bar and asked the Tom the pub owner to open the way to Diagon Alley

And so tom led me to the brick wall, then he took out his wand and gently taped the bricks with it, counting an order. Once he is done, a hole appeared in the brick wall, slowly getting bigger, until the wall disappears fully..... to reveal a worried sunny waiting for me as she Diagon Alley directly to Diagon Alley

Well you ask why I just didn't ask sunny to get me directly to Diagon Alley that because of magical maturity as it was explained that children have their first maturity at the age of 11.

Before the age of 11 children tends to have what we call underage magic which is flares of uncontrollable magic at unfixed time range... now imagine Appariting with child, then said child experience a bout of accidental magic in the middle of the Apparition, you can imagine the consequences.....