
Chap 12

Drake walked through the corridors of Hogwarts into Charms class with Katie and a few other students. The first class of the day would be shared with the Ravenclaws house. They went to the second floor of Hogwarts and as they were arriving at the class, they found the Ravenclaws students going too. Of course, Drake saw Cho and the other students of Ravenclaw and wave at them. While they were walking together to the class, Cho started to talk with Drake and the others.

On the second floor, they entered in the classroom 2E where Professor Filius Flitwick was standing on top of several books. When Drake saw him and made eye contact the professor also looked at him with a strange look, it seems the incident with the sorting hat didn't give him a very good reputation on his first year.

When all the students were in the class, the teacher started to speak, the topic was introductions and what he would teach to the students. Drake sat on the last row with Katie, Cho, and few other girls, which won a few jealous stares mainly by Cormac. Drake ignored Cormac and the few other male students since he left the house room because of the warnings of his dad last night and hoped that they wouldn't try anything funny.

As professor finished introducing the Charms class and give a very brief description of what spells he would teach this year. He started to show the levitation charm and after teaching the movements and the enchantment "Wigardium leviosa" on a feather. He let the students try to make the feather levitate after the demonstration. Drake looked all around him and to Cho, Katie and the other students who were trying to levitate their feathers. Drake brought his wand from his sleeves and saying the charm words together with the wave of his wand, he made the feather levitate it. Everyone looked at him and in awe inclusively the professor.

"Well done Mr Drake, 10 points to Gryffindor!" said professor Filius, which won a few cheers from the Gryffindor students.

"Thank you, professor," thanked Drake before he started to play with the feather and talked with Cho and Katie.

"What?! I already knew how to do this charm…and I know how to do all the charms that we will learn this year." Said Drake as he saw the looks of the girls.

"What?! That's amazing! When did you learn it? asked both girls within awe with what Drake said.

"Well…I…I learned last year…I guess" lied Drake to them since these charms were the first ones he learned when he was younger with the help of Dumbledore, his uncles and the elves.

He didn't want to talk about how he already could do these charms without chanting and inclusively levitate a few small objects without a wand. He also could make the fire charm without a wand, inclusively the strongest version "Incendio Tria" with a few limitations. So, he preferred to use the wand since it was easier to control and he wouldn't get tired so fast and could input more firepower into the spell with his wand. Even though he could do several charms without a wand, he would still use it because it turned things easier and chanting without a wand was for extreme situations.

"Woah…you probably have a very good fa…I mean teacher to have learned it already " replied Katie while Cho nodded.

"Pfff! Probably it was a lucky first-time spell, no big deal and he also has a big mouth," said an annoyed voice from the front row which belonged to Cormac.

Cormac finished taunting him when Drake feather which was still floating in the air started to accelerate in his direction, it was so fast that the feather passed through him and left a small cut on his right chick. Cormac stood stupefied by it, like the rest of the class and teacher.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I just lost control of my spell since I was lucky in casting it " said Drake in a sarcastic tone. Cormac paled and all the students in the class started to laugh. The teacher looked at Drake and sighted, he couldn't do anything since losing control of a spell is a possibility. He just went to Cormac and cast a simple healing spell.

"It's better to finish the class; I hope you will practice this charm until you mastered it. I will make an exam before Halloween day!" said professor Filius Flitwick with a stern look on his face as he observed the smiling Drake.

Drake just shrugged his shoulders and went out of the class with few girls in tow.

"So, what do we have next?" asked Drake to Katie.

"Well, we have potions with Professor Snape, he usually doesn't like Gryffindor students and we are together with Slytherin house…we are going to have a hard time," said a dispirited Katie as she told Drake and students what the seniors have told her.

"I think it won't be that bad…I guess, "said Cho giving moral support to her.

"Well, I think Katie is right. We should get going to the Dungeons, let's not give Snivellus an excuse to start discounting points" said Drake.

"What Snivellus?! Why did you call him that?" asked Cho with an astonish looked followed by Katie.

Drake looked around him and saw everyone with the same look as her.

"Shit! Another mistake, fuck!" cursed Drake to himself.

"Well, I heard the seniors calling him that so I presume it was a bad joke naming," lied Drake to them since he heard some stories of him told by uncle Lupin.

"I think we should get going, see you at lunch," said Drake while he started to walk faster avoiding the possibility of a few more questions. He also summoned from his hat the potions book. He already knew how to do all potions, but he had to keep the appearances. He knew that this year and the next ones would be very boring in term of classes, but he just went to Hogwarts to meet with people and perhaps going on some adventures in the black forest, black lake or secret places in Hogwarts.

While they were walking to the Dungeons, they bump into a few first years Slytherin students.

"Sorry guys, it was our bad," said Drake with a smirk on his face while he looked at the Slytherin students.

"Yeah right! It seems a few half-bloods and mud blood are blind too. This is what you got when we mixed with dirt blood "replied a guy who probably belonged to one of the sacred 28 families.

"Well, it seems a bunch of lizard guys need some beating, "answered Katie without giving time to Drake or other students to respond.

"Hey! You filthy…"

"Silencio" before the student could keep talking, he lost his voice. Everyone looked at him a didn't know why he suddenly went mute. No one saw the small movement made by Drake with his wand while whispering the silencing jinx on the back of the Gryffindor students.

"Well it was a pleasure to meet my fellow students, but I don't wish to be late, "said Drake with a serious voice before he started walking thought the students. The rest of the Gryffindor students didn't take too long to recover and went with him, leaving the Slytherin students stunned.

Before they could walk further a voice came behind them.

"You should at least dispel the jinx," said a red hair girl with greenish a bluish eye with made a very beautiful contrast with the black and green uniform of the Slytherin house. When she spoke, the Slytherin students opened a path and she walked in front of them. She took out her wand and with a wave of it, she dispelled the jinx.

The Gryffindor students stopped, and the boys started to stare at her with dumb looks, winning several annoyed looks from some girls.

Without stopping and looking back Drake answered.

"I don't think, I or other students know what you are talking about. He simply went mute."

"Really?! Then you probably are dumb since you don't know how to distinguish an easy jinx, what a shame" replied Scarlett to Drake.

"We should get going to the class or we will be late. We don't want to make our head house chief waiting" continued Scarlett to her fellow students. The student who went mute was about to speak when he saw the serious look on her face.

"Interesting, very interesting," thought Drake before he gave a wake-up call to his fellow students, which were mesmerizing Scarlett beauty.

"We should talk more often," said Drake to her after he urged his fellow boys to keep walking.


After a few more moments they arrived at the Dungeons and before entering Drake guarded his hat and guarded his wand on his left sleeve. He was prepared to face Professor Snape since he knew how likely he will go for him or his mates.

"Well, Katie let's see what he has reserved for us. I bet that it would be very funny" said Drake to Katie before entering the class before the initial time.

"Only you will think that it will be very funny…I just hope that everything goes smoothly and only lose a few dozens of points."

Here it is the chap

thank you for reading

And, I know that I need an editor but right now i think it's not possible for one,

DarkNoobWriter11creators' thoughts