
HP: A Sociopath Gamer In Magic World

I dies meet a god and let him decide what would be my fate. Yes that is what happen. I died before my time because of god unsightly mistake. Then he offered me some wishes and which world to go, but I decline and tell the god that anything is fine. And now I am in a world with Magic… yes there is magic in this world. Well what would happen and how I will live in this world… curious, well you have to read the story for that… l am too lazy to explain all that.

Kitamari · Livres et littérature
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116 Chs

Chapter 33: Legendary Treasure chest!

Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read 25+ chapters ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.




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Only seconds ago, did she find three of her Gryffindor's out of there rooms at the entrance to the girls' bathroom. Miss Granger, who she hadn't seen earlier today, had been hysterical as she told them that another student, a Ravenclaw this time, was currently being chased by the troll.

They didn't waste any time as they followed the trail of destruction left behind.

The paints were being useful for once as they pointed to the direction of the troll.

They were just about to reach the bottom of the staircase when the body of the troll crashed in front of them. They immediately pulled their wands out, a spell on the tip of their tongue, but it was unnecessary as a gargoyle statue fell and flattened its head.

Each of them looked shocked as they were splashed with troll blood.

"From this day forth I shall be known as the Troll Slayer, oink oink" the pig statue said in a haughty voice as it looked expectantly at them.

Quirrell fainted.

Hospital Wing:-

I woke up on a hospital bed, but didn't let on that I was awake, as I tried to sense if anyone else was in the room.

The whole point of making friends with the paintings and statues was so that there would be ample amounts of witnesses for my little performance, as I didn't really feel like explaining everything myself.

From an outsider's view it would all look like I had just narrowly escaped the troll and defeated it with blind luck. Even if one were to review my memories it would only appear as a series of unfortunate events and lucky accidents.

I once again thanked my high WIS for letting me plan so well.

Truth be told I could have killed it much faster and with less risk, but this plan had the most desired outcome. By breakfast time tomorrow, I would be considered a living legend, raising my already high social standing even higher. Better still was that any and all strange behavior after today would just be seen as post traumatic shock after nearly escaping death.

However, the best prize was that after tonight's events, I would forever have a loyal subordinate in the shape of Hermione Granger.

The 'Golden Trio' would still be allowed to form as they were more useful that way, but they would never be as united as they could be. Why destroy something when I could use it myself after all. I would guide them from the shadow's, using them to distract both enemies and allies alike, while I accomplished my schemes in the background.

Seeing as no one else was in the room I opened my eyes and sat up, calling up my inventory. A golden chest appeared in one of the boxes. I was tempted to open it right then and there, but quickly dismissed such thoughts as there was still a possibility of me being watched.

Room of Requirements:-

I pulled off the traumatized child act wonderfully, managing to earn Ravenclaw 50 points. My broken wand had been fixed by Professor Dumbledore, giving me the chance to use my [Observe] ability on the Elder Wand.

After answering some questions from the staff and given a clean bill of health from Madam Pomfrey, I was free to leave the hospital wing, though I was told to take it easy for the next couple of days.

When I entered the Great Hall at breakfast, I was treated to a hero's welcome from everyone.

I answered most of their questions trying to maintain my role as a social butterfly and was only allowed to escape after saying I still needed to go to the Hospital Wing.

Now in the safety of the Room of Requirements I finally took out the event's prize.

The Treasure chest was beautifully decorated, made entirely out of gold and encrusted with different sized jewels. There was a Gemini emblem etched on the front top. It was big enough to fit a reasonable amount of things inside.

Lifting the lid, I frowned in disappointment when all I saw inside were gold coins. I placed them all inside my inventory hoping to find something at the bottom, but there was nothing else.

Getting an idea, I looked at the golden chest that had yet to disappear and used [Observe].

[Gemini Treasure Chest- Rank: Legendary

This Legendary item has been blessed by the spirit of Gemini. Items of lower rank placed inside the chest will be duplicated permanently. The duplicate will be an exact copy and have all magical properties as the original. You can only use it a total of 3 times and can only duplicate 1 item at a time. (3/3)]

I scoffed, it was almost as if the game was pushing for him to steal the Philosopher's Stone, not that he had any reason not to.

So much to do, yet such little time.



"Sorry. I haven't seen him today," a Ravenclaw said in an apologetic tone before walking away.

Hermione gave a sigh of disappointment at once again being unable to find her friend.

A week had gone past since the Halloween incident, a night that would forever be engraved into her head.

More than once she had woken up in the middle of the night covered in sweat, her heart racing as she looked around for the giant troll that haunted her nightmares. The scene of the 12-foot troll raising its giant wooden club high into the air threatening to crush her was one that she would not soon forget. The fear she had felt had been enough to paralyze her on the spot and if it hadn't been for Charles pushing her out of the way, she likely wouldn't even be alive.

Charles Bell, someone that had constantly been on her mind.

After she had been let out of the bathroom by Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, the two had apologized for their behavior. Soon after a group of teachers lead by her House Head had questioned her briefly before going in the direction of the troll. In an impulsive decision Hermione had decided to follow them, joined by the other two.


Dont forgot to comment and power stones.):


Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read 25+ chapters ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.

