
HP: A Sociopath Gamer In Magic World

I dies meet a god and let him decide what would be my fate. Yes that is what happen. I died before my time because of god unsightly mistake. Then he offered me some wishes and which world to go, but I decline and tell the god that anything is fine. And now I am in a world with Magic… yes there is magic in this world. Well what would happen and how I will live in this world… curious, well you have to read the story for that… l am too lazy to explain all that.

Kitamari · Livres et littérature
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116 Chs

Chapter 110: Necropolis!

Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read 25+ chapters ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.




25+ chapters ahead on patr(e)on.


It wasn't so tough now that I had a weapon capable of damaging it.

[Gained 35,000 Experience.]

[You obtained 80 Galleons]

[You obtained the item Ghostly Veil]

[You obtained Blueprint]

[You obtained the item Low-Intermediate Soul Stone]

I stored everything in my inventory and called back my dolls to start killing zombies again.

This was the furthest I've gotten in this dungeon. I was curious how many more min-bosses I had to defeat until I faced the final boss.

An hour into the fighting, I finally managed to level up but the next mini-boss had refused to appear even after I went past a hundred zombies.

Currently I was using this time to empty the pouches of the snatch bears into my inventory. They would be useful for making potions later. Which remined me, I needed to restock my list of ingredients to make more Alice.

[Warning! Conditions to fight the final boss have been met. Would you like to proceed?]


Looks like 500 hundred zombies was the magic number. Calling back my forces I checked their condition and after determining that they were still functional I accepted.

Immediately the dungeon went through a drastic change.

The previous starry night sky was replaced with red and grey ash clouds. The air had become thinner as if I was standing on a mountain top with a certain bitter taste that led me to believe it could be poisoned.

The ground shook as two massive towers the size of scrapers rose out of the ground in the distance. The few remaining houses that had survived my initial attacks became dust as the surrounding terrain became a wasteland.

[You have entered The Necropolis.]

[Necropolis: More commonly known as the City of the Dead, it is the closest thing to a hell on earth. It is home to all types of undead creatures and restless souls. A thick miasma hangs in the air, poisoning any living creature that dares to enter. The earth is cursed making it impossible for anything to grow. Any living creature that dies in these cursed lands are brought back to life as mindless undead. Undead beings get an increase in stats, HP, and MP while the opposite is true for living beings.]

[Being a living creature decreases your stats by 10%]

[Being a living creature decreases your HP regen by 50%]

[Being a living creature decreases your MP regen by 50%]

The first thing I did was cast a bubble head charm on myself and take a sip from a bottle of Life Nectar to clear the poison.

My mind was racing as I took stock of my surroundings.

I had no idea that you could modify a territory to give out buffs and debuffs. I was curious if I could do something similar.

Looking at my dolls, I checked their stats and saw that they had remained unchanged. That made sense seeing as they weren't alive. Hermes also seemed to be unaffected by the debuff for some reason.

"Huh? Why weren't we affected?" I asked him.

"I'm a spirit remember, a physical representation of my element, I'm neither alive nor dead. Even if this body is killed, I will just return to the nonmaterial plane until you summon me again," he said smugly.

"Good, then that means you can take any killing curses sent my way," I told him, "Now make yourself useful and do some reconnaissance."

He took off and I was left to strategize.

Grabbing my rapier, I pressed on the pommel to transform it into a less cumbersome form. Its form shrank and morphed until I had a silver ballpoint pen in my hand. Admittedly I got the idea from a movie I watched with one of my ex-girlfriends, she was a Percy Jackson fan and would constantly bombard me with needless trivia.

Putting away the sword/pen for now, I took the two wands strapped to my sides and brought the handle ends together, causing them to fuse and transform into a large six-foot staff.

[Combinable Magic Staff-Rank: Special

Description: A magical staff created by combining two magical wands. It can generate more power than a singular wand and be used as a melee weapon too. ]

[Effect: Mana Spells cost 75% less mana to use.]

[Effect: Mana Spells are 300% more powerful].

[Effect: Mana Storage (400/400) 2 MP per minute.]

[Effect: Can automatically summon a Shield Charm.]

Suddenly half my vision disappeared as Hermes shared what he was seeing.

"Oh, that's going to be a problem," I said with a frown, as I inspected the two large towers. "…Alright, Hermes you can come back, I've seen enough."

The large bird blinked into existence right in front of me not a second later, "So what do you think?"

"It makes sense for the final stage to be at least this difficult, luckily I prepared for something like this. Did you locate the boss?"

"Yes, even if you can't see it, there is an invisable bridge connecting the two towers on top, I sense something powerful coming from there.

"Okay, then this is the plan…"


Marching my small army, I didn't have to wait long for the enemy to take notice.

Once we were only a few hundred feet away, the ground began to shake as a chasm opened up in the earth in front of us. A haunting wail emitted from the darkness before countless undead began to spring forth, climbing over each other to reach the top of the opening.

These zombies seemed to be much stronger than the one's in the previous levels boasting an impressive amount of speed and strength.

"Light them up," I ordered the dolls as they threw a handful of potions at the growing horde.

The potions exploded violently, throwing some into the air and covering others in fire.

Yet it seemed to have no effect as they simply picked themselves up before sprinting at us again. Worse, those covered in flames seemed to not be taking any damage.


Dont forgot to comment and power stones.):


Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read 25+ chapters ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.

