
Meeting Harry

Will just saw Harry Potter! His mind could just not process that information. I mean, how would a fan of the books react if he/she had met Harry Potter himself in the flesh and blood? A fan would be jumping up and down with excitement. Will was feeling the exact same way inside. But, years in the Monroe Manor taught him to control his display of emotions.

And Will was just absolutely sure that it was Harry himself. He had a thin face, knobby knees, black hair and bright-green eyes. He wore round glasses held together with a lot of Sellotape, because, Will assumed, that Dudley had knocked over Harry's glasses multiple times. Will slowly went over to Harry's compartment. He stopped for a second, and waited for Ron to ask Harry to allow him to the compartment, because clearly, the rest were all full. Then, Will swooped in.

"I am terribly sorry, but I cannot find any seats at all on this train. Can I sit here please?", Will asked the two young boys who were just getting acquainted with each other."

"Oh please, have a seat.", Harry replied. Will obliged, as Ash had brought over the luggage. Ron immediately got up in shock.

"Oh my god. I cannot believe it. Is that a phoenix as I live and breath? A student having a domesticated phoenix? Impossible.", Ron said, his eyes widened as he stared at the phoenix.

"Oh, Ash? He was a gift from Professor Dumbledore himself. I still wonder why he had given me such a precious gift. Well then, let me introduce myself. I am William. And you are-"

Ron immediately took off. "Hi. I am Ron, Ron Weaselly."

"Nice to meet you Ron. And you are?", Will looked at Harry, the star of the show.

"Hi, I am Harry. Harry Potter.", Will smiled and took his acquaintance by shaking his hand, while Ron reacted with shock, again.

"Are, are you Harry Potter? So you do have the... the scar?", he whispered as he got to the end of the sentence.

Harry laughed as he lifted his unkempt hair. The both of them saw the scar that was shaped like a bolt of lightning. Will looked at it with interest. It was, after all, what would keep him safe for a very long time. Slowly, the three boys got to know each other very much. Then, the trolley lady passed by them. She stopped, and looked at the boys.

"Anything off the trolley dear?", she asked, quite amicably, if I must add.

"No, I'm good.", Ron said, disheartened, as he showed off his terrible lunch that his mother had put together.

Harry looked at that lunch, and sighed. "We'll take the lot.", he said, showing off his newfound wealth. The trolley lady was pleasantly surprised, as she started giving them all of the treats on the trolley, and took the money.

After she left, Will warned Harry, "Harry, I understand that your parents had left you with a wealth enough to be a small fortune, but even fortunes can be squandered away in just a few years. Do keep in mind that sometimes, you must observe caution, and hesitation.

Harry nodded, and said, "Well then, shall we eat?"

The other two nodded in agreement as they started digging into the food. There were all sorts of delicious treats that could be eaten. Whether it be the tricky chocolate frogs, or the tasty (or if you were unlucky, the disgusting) all flavored beans. Harry took his first chocolate frog, but the frog suddenly jumped out. It leapt at the window, and flew away.

"My chocolate!", Harry exclaimed

"Oh, they do that sometimes. But don't worry, it's not the chocolate that you want. It's the cards that come with it. Look. What did you get?", Ron asked.

Harry turned the card in his hand, to see an old man with a beard. He looked at the description.


Considered by many the greatest wizard of modern times, Dumbledore is particularly famous for

his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of

dragon's blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel. Professor

Dumbledore enjoys chamber music and tenpin bowling."

"Well then, why look at that, let's try out some more stuff.", Will said, as he took another jelly bean and bit it.

"Urgh! Vomit.", he said as he threw it away. The other two laughed at his plight.


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Check out my other books, The Golden Throne, and Legacy Firing

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