
HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Heavy AU, diferent from the start, and more complex magic! After transmigrating into a very different Harry Potter, Sebastian fights to gain strength in the worldwide struggle for power, glory and domination which started through Dumbledore‘s failed ‘secret’ ritual. Accompany Sebastian on his way to dominate the world! (Sebastian uses Germany to get stronger and to develop it into his future stronghold!) As stated above, magic is more advanced and original! It will even include scientific aspects, making it more diverse and stronger! Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or its characters, except the original characters I create. The image used is created by AI. PS: English isnt my first language and this is my first try writing a ff. Feel free to leave comments and to correct my writing and grammar.

DaoistDumbles · Livres et littérature
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58 Chs

School start! Can I go back?

Sebastian looked around, shocked.

'Did the portkey fail? Why am I alone and in the woods?', he thought.

He stood on dirt, tall thick silver fir and towering spruce trees densely surrounding him in every direction and blocking out the sun and painting intricate patterns on the ground.

The ground around him looked untouched by humans, no path in sight. There were rotting trees, thorn bushes, moss-covered rocks and fallen logs all around.

The air was filled with the thick smell of moss and pine.

The air felt thick and warm, but it wasn't the temperature. It made him feel whole and like he always belonged here. Maybe it was the ambient magic if that was a real. Sebastian had heard a thing or two about theories surrounding this possible phenomenon in Harry Potter and he would only like to stay in places like this from now on if it always felt the same.

The only sounds he heard were the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze and the occasional distant call of a forest bird, mixed with the sound of a flowing stream.

Sebastian tried to take a step forward only to nearly trip on something lying on the ground in front of him.

When he looked down, he saw a small brown leathern backpack and a paper on top of it.

Sebastian picked it up and read:

'Dear students,

the portkey taking you to your current location was no mistake. You are in the middle of the forest far from any other human being or civilisation so do not try and search for anyone else other than yourself.

The backpack in front of you includes a few tools, such as a knife, axe, bowl, cooking pot and cutlery, towel, sleeping bag, a few ropes, a bottle with a volume of five litres and a book which will explain itself.

Watch out and see you soon,

Your headmistress,

Ada Vogel' 

Sebastian just looked at the note blankly; 'I knew something was up when we got this book talking about survival and creatures of the Black Forest. Well damn. I guess I should first check out this backpack. Is the space inside of it expanded like Hermione's bag in the books?'

He opened the backpack and grabbed inside. There was nothing. 'Huh, where is everything? Where is the book she said were inside of it?', Sebastian thought and suddenly there was a book in his hand. 'Is it controlled through my thoughts?'

Sebastian took the book out of the backpack and looked at it.

Its cover read: 'Exchange book'

'Ok?', he thought and opened the first page.

'This book allows you to trade your gains made in the forest with spells or utensils listed in the book.

The following things can be exchanged from your side: Food, self-made spells, hunting trophies such as animal or creature corpses.

The second page of the book shows you how much something is worth in points if you touch it with the spine of the book.'

Sebastian nodded unconsciously, as it made sense to him. Like this the school can motivate us with special spells or gains and we can make it easier for us by working hard. The problem was that they didn't even know, how long all of this was supposed to go. If it's several weeks, then some tools would probably be best and if it's a few days, then something that can help someone stand out in school would be best.




A few minutes later, Sebatian had skimmed through the book and the rest of the backpack, sat down, and began to look through the old book. Now was finally the time to learn spells!

After reading through the spells once more, Sebastian stood up, put the book on the ground and grabbed his staff.

'The most important thing right now would be water and food. If I can make water, I wouldn't have to rely on the water sources around me. If not, it isn't too bad, and I know how to find water. I can even hear a stream right now. I just have to think about how to catch any animals or find fruits. Let's try.'

"Aguamenti", Sebastian said and made the required movement. Nothing happened.

'Well, that's too bad. But it is a hard spell, or at least that's written in the book. Next one.'

"Wingardium Leviosa", Sebastian said and concentrated on a small stone in front of him.

The stone began to shake for a moment, then stopped.


"Wingardium Leviosa"


"Wingardium Leviosa"


"Wingardium Leviosa"

The stone successfully began to float and stayed in the air.

Sebastian moved his staff to the left and to the right, the stone followed.

He had figured out that the snake head on his staff was like the focal point of a wand and it controlled the direction of the spell.

After a few minutes of moving the stone around, his breath began to quicken and became rougher.

'Uh-oh, keeping this up is exhausting. Let's stop for now.'

Sebastian stopped and sat on the ground.

A bit later, he stood up and tried again.

"Wingardium Leviosa"


Sebastian could now successfully cast the levitation charm.



The tip of his staff barely became a bit brighter.

"Lumos!", Sebatian yelled, concentrating on the tip of his staff, and imagining a bright light.


There was a bright flash of light like a stun grenade going off and Sebastian flew back.

He hit a tree and the air was pressed out of his lungs.

He stopped and flopped to the ground, his head hitting a stone and Sebastian fell unconscious.




When Sebatian woke up, he felt himself lying face first on the ground.

His mouth felt dry, and he heard a noise:



'??? Whats that?', Sebastian wondered and was fully awake in the next second.

He heard something sniffing nearby and trotting towards him with silent steps.

Sebastian grabbed his staff and jumped to his feet, gripping his staff tighter as he saw what was coming towards him in the dark forest.

'A wolf!'

The wolf saw that he was alive, barred his teeth and snarled.


The wolf snapped towards him.

Driven by instinct, Sebastian threw himself to the side and took a swing with his staff and hit the wolf on his right eye.

"Smirch-Clong", it resounded.

The wolf yelled and jumped back, his right eye was closed and began bleeding.

'Fuck, what do I do? This isn't like the terrorists. He is actually going to eat me!', Sebastian thought.

The wolf ran towards him again and Sebastian jumped to his left, swinging his staff again only this time, he didn't hit the wolf as the wolf jumped and bit towards him.

The wolf's front teeth barely reached his arm but couldn't penetrate his robe, though it surely hurt like hell.

Sebastian yelped in surprise and pain and fell back.

"WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!", Sebastian yelled, aiming at a head sized rock besides the wolf.

Unluckily his right arm was shaky, and he aimed at the wolf instead.

Both Sebastian and the wolf were surprised when the wolf's left front leg began to lift off the ground.

"FUUCKK!", Sebastian yelled and put all his concentration in lifting the dog instead.

He slowly raised his shaking staff and the wolf with it.

The wolf turned, being lifted at his front leg, his back turning to the ground, and he started to yelp.

Sebastian grunted and when the wolf was two meters above the ground, he let go.

The wolf fell back down "Crack" and hit the hard ground.

Unfortunately, he wasn't dead and still stirred and yelped on the ground.

Sebastian picked up his staff, determination in his eyes, and ran towards the wolf, the staff above his head he swung down.





He hit the wolf on the head and the bleeding began to worsen.





The wolf stopped moving. He was dead.


Barely conscious and tired, Sebastian hurried to the backpack and took out the exchange book. While running back, he flipped through it stopping at a specific page picturing a tent with the number 300 beneath it.

When he reached the wolf, he tapped it with the spine of the book and the wolf disappeared, upon which the number '300' began to glow in green. He tapped the tent and with a pop, a small tent appeared before Sebastian who hurried inside, after getting his other book and running back to get the backpack.

The inside of the tent was larger than the outside, though only a bit. Just enough for two people and a bit of storage room.

Sebastian closed the tent, dropped his staff, and fell onto his sleeping bag he had taken out ofhis backpack with his last remaining strength, sleeping instantly.


Remember, it's my first fanfiction.

Feel free to comment and correct my grammar and writing or to leave suggestions.