
Chapter 1

It was May 7 1998 and I Callcius Grindewald usually called Cal recived news that harry potter was dead and voldemort has complete control over the British ministry of magic.

There was almost no resistance against Voldemort there were people who wished but none who would until me. I was not trained I never got a letter to the French magic school and I was glad.

If I got a letter I would be learning from Voldemort backed teachers which were mainly dark wizards and I strove to be the opposite of that.

I was in Greece more specifically a remote village in Greece that's why the news took a little under a week because I was constantlyv moving. The reason I was in Greece is because I was hunting a weird Arrow artifact said to grant someone who is stabbed by the arrow intentionally or not an ability.

It's said to be in Greece but I've heard rumors of some in Egypt, that's my next stop I threw dust on my campfire so if any one was following me the fire would be cold quicker.

And by if anyone was following me it was a definite most likely Voldemorts men trying to hunt me down and recruit me.

I had very little knowledge of magic infact I think the fact that I've never practiced magic made me really disconnect from my magical side and now I am very weak the only thing I can do is make is a yellow lightning thing.

Of course voldemort doesn't know this so he's still going to try and recruit me and possibly kidnap me.

I walked over the dark meadows and hoped a Snake wouldn't bite my ankle I wasn't even sure if there was any snakes in Greece but it doesn't hurt to worry.

I looked at my map I bought from a nearby village and double checked I was headed in the right direction I was but there was some ruins not on the map.

And it was in the area where the arrow was supposed to be 'this must be it' I'm smiled in delight that my journey was nearing its end.

I picked up my pace while using My yellow lightning thing which from now on I would call Hamon I thought about that because a few hours ago I ordered a sandwich with ham on.

I'm devious I chuckled at my shitty joke. I neared the ruins and noticed a magical barrier that seemed to only be able to be broken by some pure form of energy.

I tried to walk into it but it didn't work until I noticed my finger which I used to transmit my Hamon it went through the magical barrier.

I stopped Concentrating on breathing which my Hamon needed proper breathing to work full breaths and they had to be in sync with your other breaths.

You must stay calm I tried the opposite and thought about the discrimination I always got from other wizards for being Grindewalds Grandson.

I was angry and breathing radically then the energy stopped flow out of my finger still in the magical barrier then my finger flesh fell to the ground while the bone still stuck out.

I was waiting for the blood to come rushing out but it never came and I tried to move the remaining part of my pointer finger the bone part moved as well and i said aloud "what kind of magic is this"

Then I heard a twig snap and my head turned as fast as a whislte I saw some death eater with his wand out and he said "Callcius Grindewald I come on behalf of Voldemort I mean no harm" he handed me a note that was signed voldemort 'Dear Callcius Grindewald I wish that you may join my ranks'

I said to the death eater "well tell this to voldemort go shove your dirty wand up your ass you noseless bastard"

The death eater clearly did not know what these muggle insults mean't but I did and he figured the meaning pretty soon.

Then he said "well I guess I must use force like he said" then he yelled "crucio"

I didn't have a wand to block it but I tried to use my hand I knew it wouldn't do anything to stop it but I tried

I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable but after a few seconds nothing happened I opened my eyes and saw my hand covered in Hamon I felt so much power in my hand.

I knew hamon could be used offensively but Defensively very few spell were both offensive and defensive. I gasped then started running towards the death eater and he started running away while trying to hit me with spells.

I blocked all with my golden hand then I tried to use hamon to boost my speed by putting it all into my feet.

Then I started out racing him even though he had a 20 foot head start. He started screaming for he knew the name Grindewald well.

I stopped for a moment And realized I've become like my Grandfather I was becoming Stadistic and cruel. I stopped chasing my prey and walked back to the Ruins.

I made it back and enveloped my self in hamon then walked through the barrier after I made it through a felt immense power surge through my veins and the barrier was gone it disappeared.

I must have absorbed the magical power of this barrier, this surge of power should go away after a couple days. I searched through the musty ruin filled with dirt then I found a box hidden under the dirt.

I opened it and inside was an arrow and 2 books both with Dio Brando on front 'he must have been a great wizard to build this barrier' I thought

I grabbed the arrow and sliced myself with it to see if the power was real and I regretted it almost instantly because I realized that I just slice myself with an arrow I found in a box underneath 6 inches of dirt.

[❤️❤️❤️ Takeasy this is for you❤️❤️❤️]