
The next step

Diana knew better than to follow. Omegas always stayed at the nest.

That idea made her blush and hide her face under a pillow. Gosh she was thinking too far now. They simply said 'I love you' to each other. It wasn't like they were going to m-m-mate.

God, she couldn't even think the word without stuttering. Like an Alpha of Victoria's standards and pack status would ever go for a simple measly little Omega without a true pack like herself.

Her thoughts grew darker as night started to fall.

What if Victoria had realized her mistake and ran away? What if she got hurt? What if those hunters got her? What if she was lost?

Okay that last one made her snort. Wolves don't get lost.

Where was Victoria then? She said she would be right back.

Diana had started drifting off to sleep as rain started to fall outside. She was used to taking naps with the pups and they slept a lot. Thumping at the door made her jump up and shift. She pulled on her cloths and opened the door.

There Victoria stood, drenched and looking thinner with her fur now flat against her body. In her maw was a buck. Diana's eyes widened. That was a huge buck.

Victoria dropped its hold on the dead things neck and panted as she shook her body, ridding it of most of the water. Diana had to stop herself from giggling as this made the wolf's fur stand in all directions before flopping back into place.

Diana watched as Victoria licked her lips, ridding it of the blood that was there before nudging the carcass towards the human Diana. The girl tilted her head and changed into her wolf form after removing her cloths.

"What's this for? We have more than enough food," Diana said as she sniffed at the dead buck. Her mouth did water at its freshness.

"Diana, I'm-I'm showing you my hunting skill," Victoria panted softly. She was still exhausted from chasing this beast down on her own.

"It's very impressive, especially in this weather," Diana said as she licked her lips. It looked really delicious. It's the first time she's seen a fully intact one up close. Usually the pups ate first then the older wolves then the Alpha's and Bata's. Omegas were usually left with scraps; it was why she was so thin compared to Victoria.

"I've been training very hard," Victoria says as she fidgets from paw to paw slightly. Her ears perched towards Diana as her tail flicked around.

"It pays off, you'll make a fine Alpha," Diana smiles up to her as she keeps her head low. She really wanted to dig her teeth into its soft belly, but she needed permission. Victoria hasn't eaten yet so she needs to be patient.

Victoria huffs as she looks to the younger wolf. Why wasn't she ripping into it? She stomps her paw and lets out a yip, huffing loudly.

"Diana, this is for you," she says and pulls her ears back. Wasn't it good enough? Was this insufficient for her purpose?

"F-for me? Why?" Diana asks as she tilts her head. Victoria in turn tilted her head.

The white wolf could see the confusion in her teal eyes. Didn't the girl know that this was custom? That this was the first step to courting? What did they learn her?

It took a few seconds for Victoria to remember that, despite what she knows to be true, Diana was raised as an Omega. They rarely were courted by anything higher than an Omega such as themselves.

"Diana," Victoria started and saw the copper wolf focus her eyes on her, "I, Victoria of the Northern Pack, next Alpha in line, would like to court you, Diana of the Southern Pack, former Alpha, now Omega of the Western Pack," Victoria said after taking a deep breath.

Diana stared at her with wide eyes, jaws open and years dropped along with her tail. She's never heard her title out loud before and never in a million years did she believe an Alpha would be interested in her. She had almost resigned herself to just become breeding partners with Bruce.

"M-me? I…but…you and…me?!" Diana yelped out as she curled up, her tail gave away her excitement as it's tip wagged slightly.

"Yes, you Diana," Victoria smiled and nodded her head slightly; "it's always been you. All these years I felt incomplete, like my happiness was missing, but now here with you? I couldn't be happier and I feel complete," she adds as she nears the copper wolf.

Diana looks up to her and slowly uncurls to stand at her full height. She was slightly shorter than Victoria, but the white wolf stood more proud, like an Alpha should. The copper wolf blushed slightly as the white one nuzzled her ear, giving it a small nip.

"Would you have me?" Victoria asked as she stood with her chest puffed out more. Diana wasn't sure how the customs worked in this situation, but she followed her instincts.

"I would be honored," she whispered as she rubbed her head in under Victoria's chin, nuzzling into her neck and chest. Victoria relaxed and enjoyed their new hug. Her tail was wagging happily and she felt relieved.

"Now please Diana, eat," Victoria said as she nudged the wolf to the food. Diana whined softly and looked to Victoria and at the amused nod of the older wolf she dug right in. She managed to scarf down a few mouthfuls before Victoria joined her.

Diana couldn't remember the last time she had access to this much meat to eat. Sometimes if she had the time she'd try to hunt a squirrel or rabbit just to keep hunger pains away.

She'd enjoy this gift given to her, who knows when she'll get to eat like this again. She smiles at the eating white wolf, Victoria was eating more refined than her, but she was starving. The Alpha to be would forgive her.

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