
How Women Want It! The How, What, Where, When and Why Behind Women Act

The other day I was in the car with one of my guy friends, having a great conversation. When suddenly, to our left was a beautiful woman getting into her car: Tall, long legs, short shorts, cowboy boots, curvy hair, and sunglasses. Both of us instantly stopped talking, looked at her, and then continued on our way. It was insane that a beautiful woman would have that much magnetic power over both of us.

CUTE_KINGDOM · Livres et littérature
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Do Women Want Sex As Much As Men Do?

Do Women Want Sex As Much As Men Do?

Hell yes! Where did the hideous rumor that women do not like sex start? Of

course we do and why wouldn't we? Sex feels good, it is fun, and can release

heaps of tension and anxiety. Then why the rumor?

Why this belief that women are not sexual and don't want sex as frequently as

men, when there are hundreds of studies that prove they do? When it comes to

sexuality, I can tell you as a woman that I feel most liberated when I am in

control of the choice to be sexual. Woman don't want to feel used, taken

advantage of or empty - as if they could be replaced by anything with breasts for

your enjoyment. We want to be part of the experience. We want to be part of the

choice to have sex.

We do not want to feel that because we are women we owe someone sex, or

that sex has been forced upon us or that we owe sex in exchange for a meal. We

want to own the decision, and enjoy every second of the experience.

I'm going to share a story with you.

When I was younger, I was a huge prude. I had tons of guy friends who would

take advantage of women and lie to get them in bed. Now, even though these

guys never treated me this way, it caused me to put up barriers fearing that all

men would do the same thing to me if I let them. I never wanted to be taken

advantage of or seen as a slut.

I became the kissing bandit and made a rule to only kiss men until they proved

they really liked me and would never use me. I made men jump through hoops to

get any more from me. That was until I went backpacking and met a man who

changed it all for me. A man that got me to open up in just one night.

I was out with my girlfriends one night in a little town called Byron Bay that

was filled with tons of other backpackers from around the world. We got to one

bar that we loved and planted ourselves in our usual spot when I suddenly

spotted this cute blonde guy across the bar.

Now this guy was not attractive because of his looks. In fact, this guy was five

foot five, super skinny, and not my type at all. I found him attractive because of

the way that he was acting. I could tell right away he was the leader of his group

the way that he was acting. I could tell right away he was the leader of his group

and he was ensuring his whole group was having a great time. He didn't focus

on girls; in fact, he didn't seem concerned with anyone other than his friends. He

was focused on having fun and getting the most out of his evening.

I immediately thought, "I want him." I grabbed my girlfriend and made her

come with me so that we could stand near the group and catch his attention. Five

minutes later and nothing had happened. I was pissed and felt unattractive. Then

suddenly he walked by us, said something, which I cannot even remember, and

went back to enjoying his friends. I was extremely turned on.

Towards the end of the night, as we were ready to leave, he approached me and

we started talking. He offered to walk me back to my hostel, which he happened

to be staying at as well and I of course said yes. We got back to my place, I

invited him in, and we instantly started kissing and moved our way to my bed.

Then as soon as he tried to go further than kissing, I immediately tensed up and

got scared.

That is when he did the best thing any guy had ever done with me. He stopped,

looked at me, and said, "If you are uncomfortable with anything we're doing I

want you to slap my hand and we'll stop immediately." He literally took my

hand and slapped his own.

Just hearing those words immediately calmed me down and got me to open up

liked I have never done before. That was my first ever one night stand. So what

is it about those words that got me to throw away all my boundaries? It occurred

to me that this guy understood women--something that I had never encountered

before. With just a few simple words and a little eye contact, this guy was able to

communicate four things to me:

1 I was in control of my sexuality.

2 I could choose what I wanted.

3 He wasn't going to force me to do anything I didn't want to do.

4 Most importantly, he was okay with whatever I chose.

This immediately took away the pressure and allowed me to do something I

had never done before: be in control of my own sexuality. It was amazing!

Choosing to be sexual can be empowering and liberating. So learn from this

advice above and stay calm, cool, and collected. You will start to see wome