
How to payback bullies

Two decades after she tried to end her life, Lady Clever a multimillionaire plans a reunion with the people who forced her to attempt suicide. What happens when a victim of bullying finally gets the opportunity to have her revenge on those who made her high school years a living hell.

aghadinuno_Michael · Urbain
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Summerset Valley High. That was the name of my high school, it was the place where my horrors were born, and there they took flesh into five psychotic beings. I could still remember them vividly. First was Raymond Throdsen, tall, black hair, tanned skin, and captain of the basketball team. He was popular, maybe it was because of his looks and muscles, I couldn't be sure, for all I knew, he looked like the devil to me in all actual sense. The second, Sandra Vozenilek, she was much shorter than I was, with millions of freckles spotting her body like a witch from the era of Hansel and Gretel.

Next, Gemma Amspoker, she had perfect skin and was a pageant beauty queen with a goblin's character, she was a demon, they all were. Hisen Featheringham, he wasn't into sports, rather he was the president of the music club and played the guitar. He was the rock star hated by most, for he was rude, but I didn't hate him. I abhorred him. He looked like a smiling death god, and the sight of him always gave me the chills, and finally, the last but not the least, Owen Usoro, the fat one. There wasn't a single good feature I could see in him, I'm sure he would never amount to anything good, none of them would, and even if they did, I will make certain to take everything from them.

The knock on the door was faint and almost silent, but I knew who it was that knocked that way. It was always two knocks, a pause, another two, then a slow creek of the door, then he steps in, usually with a file by his side or his phone to his ear. The unfailing Bob. Five days ago, just across my working desk we had sat down on the sofas and planned how we would proceed with our steps. It was both fun and work, and by 8pm we had a fully fledged stainless plan. I could not wait for it to begin, I could not wait for today, and finally, it had come, January 7th 2027. The perfect day to begin my payback.

"Lady Clever." Bob said and placed a black file on my desk a few inches away from my perfectly manicured fingers that were intertwined. I took the file and as I opened it, he continued.

"It's the information you asked for. The private investigator sent it in this morning." I looked up at him while I gently brushed the rough thick back of the file.

"In person?" I didn't want any loose ends, any stray strands, everything should be flawless, therefore there shouldn't be any traces.

"No Madam. Through DHL."

"Ah I see. Excellent." I said and diverted my eyes backed to the page I had opened. The face that stared at me was different from what I grew to know, but I remembered that cold gaze from a soulless blue pair of eyes. I read the name out.

"Owen Usoro. He was fat." Was all I said and turned to the next page. I would rather not dwell on one. I had four more to see. Owen in his picture was now lanky and he wore a black suit. It was obviously cheap, but he looked like he was working in a firm.

"Finance or Marketing?" I asked as I diverted my gaze to Bob.

"I haven't opened it ma'am, but the next page carries every information you need." Bob replied and he wasn't bluffing. The next page indeed had all his data. Origin, address, family status, health status, employment status, every single detail about him, down to his last ex-girlfriend and the last time he paid his rent and bills. I smirked.

"Wow. I'm impressed." I said and looked up at Bob, who was floating in pride. I was truly impressed. The investigator had done a terrific job with this under such short notice, and his arrangement was impeccable. I looked back at the file.

"Thank you Ma'am. I had to find the best."

"It's good you did. You should give him a little bonus and bill it on the company's account. I will approve it." I said.

"Yes Ma'am ."

Owen Usoro was a customer service agent at a bank. That explained his tired look and cheap suit. Heritage High Bank. This was going to be easy. His address was in a part of the city I would never dream of venturing into. Well known for the drug gangs and other vile activities of the society. It was a neighbourhood fit for the people of his kind.


"Lady Clever." Bob said simultaneously as I began to speak, and I decided to hold back my question. I could see he was looking at his watch when he called my name.

"Yes Bob?"

"It's time for the first executive meeting of the year." He said and trailed his eyes back to my face. Although I would wish to go through the file now, I could not hold back duties. This was the first meeting where most of our plans were decided and my presence was essential.

"Alright. How many minutes more?"

"Three minutes late now, Madam." He answered and I checked my watch. Although he had just informed me, I still had almost two minutes more to spare, hence he didn't inform me late. He was right on time. I didn't like being the first to arrive, so I gave five minutes for them to arrive at the venue anytime I had my meetings, that way everyone would be seated before my arrival.

"Alright then." I closed the file and placed it into my lower drawer. It had a fingerprint security lock. It was where I stored essential documents, not that there were thieves in the company with enough impetus to invade my office, but because I felt more at ease knowing they were secure. I stood. Today I wore a mint green wool suit which was flawless on me and nude heels from the same footwear designer I always wore.

"Let's go then, but before that,…" I started and picked up my mobile before continuing,

"Does Cleverstine have an account with HHB?" I walked past Bob, and he followed slowly behind me, keeping enough distance between us but not far enough to be unable to hear each other.

"Heritage High Bank? No ma'am, but we have two accounts with Central Fed and three with Round Pentagon."

I stopped in front of the elevator and waited for Bob to press the golden button. After he did, he stepped back to his position and I turned.

"Then, why don't we open an account there? I think Cleverstine Industries is worthy of having one more account. Tell me Bob, don't you think so, or am I wrong?" I turned back when I heard the ding of the bell as the elevator opened. After I stepped in, Bob followed and pressed the button with labelled number fifteen. Bob waited for the door to close before replying.

"I don't think we need more accounts, but I will speak to the finance team."

"Good. Also, Bob, make certain, that Owen Usoro is the account officer." I could feel Bob's smirk from behind and I smiled.

"Yes Lady Clever."

"Excellent." I said and waited for the next ding, that would announce my arrival.