
How to Make Money in a Fantasy World

Sam is a Guild master, or he was six years ago As civilisation progressed the need for adventure and quests stopped. Guild mates and friends betrayed him leaving him pennyless and with nothing to do, moving to the city he got a job and an apartment ready to live the rest of his life without adventure bitter and alone. but it never ends like that. Given the goal of £100,000,000 and a time frame of 3 months he needs to make money Fast! How far would you go for your Brother? Would you kill?

Alex_N67 · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter 17

I walked through the streets, the darkness hugging my body as I followed her.

I joined the guild officially and now I'm stuck doing grunt work and petty assassinations?

I jumped forward as she dipped into an alleyway taking a shortcut. My knife froze over the blade growing as I stabbed into her and froze the blood.

This is boring. I want to kill. That's what I signed up for. Not these pointless exterminations.

I walked back to the drop zone, opening my coat to let the girl's body fall out of it. The sight disgusted me. Even more that I knew that I'd done it.

"Good job"

"What did she even do to deserve death?"

"Her, I believe she was suing a guild for sexual harassment and we were paid to make her go away."

The sentence made me lose it. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I spilled my guts. I threw up my entire body hunching over a corner.

"Not happy with your assignments?"

"NO! I'M NOT FUCKING HAPPY!!! You're making me assassinate good people or at least innocent people. Why not leave that to the fucking psychopaths who want to kill innocents?"

"Aren't you one of those psychopaths? I seem to remember you enjoying yourself with those police officers."

"That was different..."

"No it wasn't your true personality was just unchained then and now you want to pretend that you're normal instead of doing what you want which is to kill."

"Well tha…."

"But that doesn't matter, I have a job against real baddies. Yay for you..."

"What did they do?"

"Human trafficking, good enough for you sir hero?" Jack did a small bow which enraged me.

"Just shut up and tell me when and where."


"You won't be alo9ne mist will be going with you."

"What!?!?! YOU!!!" and he was gone, I rushed forward slamming my fist into the air. I dropped to my knees. "Bastard."

I drew up to the building the creeping night falling over my back.

"What do I call you?" Ryan was standing above me with a hollow look in his eyes. It killed me to see his eyes that were once so beautiful and pure stained with blood.

I opened my mouth to speak by=ut the mask constricted around my mouth as I tried to speak.

My voice!

He'd recognise it for sure.

I just ignored him walking past and slipping through the window.

Inside was a huge warehouse, it was cold and dark and full of cages. They were packed with children and people all deathly thin. The sight almost made me hurl. I have that a lot now. I dropped down to a cross beam that was traveling the length of the building, then wrapping my arms around the steel girder I shifted above the first guard I saw.

I reached for my knife but surely Ryan would recognise it!

I need my knife to kill!

What should I do?

I don't have any other weapons.


Then in front of me was Kane, his body floating with a pale shine.

"Looks like you're in quite the pickle here?"

"Long time no see"

"Yeah, congrats, by the way anyway you can use my weapon now, I mean no one else will."

He leaned forward, his mouth close to my ear.

"Seraphin et wo atashi"

The guns appeared in front of me shining as they materialised. I grabbed them and looked back at Kane, but he was gone.

I sighed and cleared my mind. I can't get caught up with petty grievances.

I gripped the rest of the first gun. It was a long gun with a sight on the carved and polished wood. A golden dragon was embroidered into the wood and traveled down the barrel with a destructive elegance.

I dropped down to the floor and as I'd seen Kane do a million times I straightened my body and dived down head first extending the barrel below me until it crashed into the guard's head.

I closed my eyes.

I took a deep breath

I pulled the trigger.

The noise rang through my head and shook up my spine. My arm felt like it liquified as the exploration shifted through my body.

Blood splattered into my face as I dropped down. My boots clattering on the red concrete, his destroyed body, his face was unrecognisable. I looked around to see the cages full. The people had a horrified look on their faces as they shifted back from the bars.

Who could blame them?

Four more people rushed out all carrying guns and staring at the body. They wretched and gagged at the deformed sight and their eyes were filled with rage. I pulled the next gun. It was a small pistol.

Much more my speed.

I pulled the surprisingly heavy gun to my eye, the sights shaking and shifting as I moved. A man came into focus with his head between the two steel columns. I pulled the trigger and the bullet flew forward exploding into his shoulder. He screamed and writhed in agony and then the rest of them opened fire bullets flying towards me like a storm of insects, an infestation.

The pounding sounds from the barrel were so loud and so powerful. I held my ears and hunched over waiting for the plethora of bullets to hit me. But it never came. I looked surprised. In front of me was Shaun, his hand outstretched and a field of bullets in front of m=him. They were all stopped in their tracks. Dropping to the floor.

This is the true power of my curse.

This is 'status field', Shaun's ultimate spell. And now it was mine.

I held out my hand and the field grew, stopping the bullets and letting them fall to the floor.shaun disappeared in a spray of embers.

"We are yours now and forever."

I pulled the shotgun, my smile creeping over my face, mimicking the mask and breaking the chains.

In a high and sinister voice I shouted "I'M BAAAACK. NOW WHO WANTS TO DIE? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

I dashed forwards, the bullets slowly dropping to the floor. I broke through the cloud of steel as the men tried to reload desperately trying to fire a shot. I ran up to the man I'd already shot and stuffed the thick barrel into his mouth. Then smiling I pulled the trigger.

My mask and hood fell down but I didn't care.



I ran forward and switched back to the rifle pressing it on the next one's knee. I fired and laughed as the blood sprayed outwards coating my body.

There were two left.

I sprinted forward, tackling the next one to the floor and pressed the pistol into his chest.

I fired five shots, the hammer clicking after I emptied it. I sighed with annoyance. And stood up staring at the body. Blood was rolling down his cheek.

I focused my attention on the last one.

I slowly walked to him and pulled the machine gun.and pulled it to his head.


Ryan ran forward stabbing him with his sword.