
How to finish high school as a god

DEA7H_7OLL_Xbox · Fantaisie
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What the witch saw

I the great Witch Maze was readying the future of a young girl about 18. When she asked about her school life I figured it was a normal question for a young adolescent girl like her so I looked in to her future.

I seen her and a group of 5 other people that look like friends in a club room laughing and talking about stuff. I recognized two of the girls they were just in the room to have their fortune read. But there was one more girl and two other boys they all look to be around the same age then when I tried to license in to the conversation so see if I could find anything about this girls school life.

All of the sudden I got hit with an overwhelming presence that I have never seen or felt of before I was confused and very very scared I looked around to find what was causing this pressure when I seen that the group of friends have stopped like time has frozen over except for one of the boys who was looking my direction.

Wichita confused me even more since no one or thing should possibly see me than all the sudden he or it spoke what are you doing here with each word it spoke the Pressure increased tell I was almost suffocating. Then it spoke it's not nice to spy on a god no the god and with those words I realized what I was facing an absolute being of power one that I couldn't even fathom. Then it spoke again ,BEGONE!

And with that one word I was cast back in to my body. I was frozen for a couple seconds trying to process the last couple minutes then I started to tremble and look up at the girls who's hands I was holding, the one who was standing closest to the being that could of decimated this planet with a thought. So I jumped up and bowed to her as fast as I could begging for her to never upset that monster all of the sudden my mind blanked out but before I fainted I heard a voice in my head, no can do can't have you soiling the future now can I. Then nothing.


What is going on the Witch looked at me with the most fear I've ever seen on a person's face ever than she started begging me to not anger some one before passing out. As I was looking to see if she was alright suddenly the man from the entrance appeared right next to the Witch he checked her body before looking at me and apologizing before teleporting me back to the black room.

I looked around in confusion before turning around and heading out the door one I was out my friends came up to me and asked about my future so I told them what happened then they both turned pail . Sam asked me who could you possibly anger to make the mighty Witch Maze so scared. Then Lize jumped in with was it the Demon King, the Dragon God or was it something else. I shook my head and replied she didn't say she fainted right after warning me.

As we look at each other Sam smiles and says don't worry I'm going to be one of the strongest fighter of all time. Then Lize looks at me and said she had her full support in the future. As they said this I started to tear up knowing I had such great friends.


Back in the witches room a couple hours later the fancy dressed man had the witch lying down on a nice bed and was watching over her when she started to come too. Maze what happened the man asked, as she gained her focus she remembered what happened in her last foretelling she slowly looked at the man and replied John I saw something that shouldn't have been seen a being that you couldn't fathom. As she said this John looked at her and urged her to go on.

But than she paused and thought about something before asking John by any chance do you think there's another magic high school besides ours. As John looked at her weirdly Maze you know ours is the only one within a hundred miles of here why would you ask. Because the boy I saw is going to attend our school she said as she slowly started to turn pail. Gather all the teacher's we need to have a meeting and with that John bowed, yes head master.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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