
How to finish high school as a god

DEA7H_7OLL_Xbox · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Every blink feels

When time started I was the one that wiled it, when matter formed I was the one who gave the universe life. I was the beginning and I will long live past the end. I have been called many names some good some bad from my very first as God to my very last as chaos. But you can refer to me as my mortal name Shin Deus.

For millennium I was a drifter with no Purpose with a single blink an eternity would pass I have not done a thing ever since I created gods to make rule and control all the infinite worlds out there. And it sucks I need action no an adventure but what could provide me with enough entertainment to fill my desire and end my boredom. And with that thought the universe dose what it's always done, Fulfilled my desires and gave me what I wanted.

A wide and vibrant portal was ripped torn in front of me and tried to pull me in with enough force that a Devine being would not be able to even think about resisting. But to me it was no more than a slightly strong breeze. Minutes passed and the portal ended up growing and becoming more chaotic then it stoped as if it realized who it was in front of. All of the sudden a white box with text pops up in fronting me. [Sorry for this inconvenience but you have been summoned] I was shocked and not just by the sweat drops coming of the text box but also by the fact there's a being in the universe that can actually summon me. As I realized what was happening my shock turned to a grin as I slowly look to my right 'hmm so it's that type of story fun " after looking off in some random direction I fell I was being watched from I face the portal and slowly approach it with a confident stride .

With every step it shudders as if to apologize for its earlier transgressions. I just ignore it as I slowly pass through and I'm greeted by a room full of people and mythical creatures looking at me in shock then I realized I never concealed my stats and immediately hide my skills but that was not what shocked them. I could hear the whispers of the oldest looking man around them 'a person being Summoned impossible" .

Then I look at the young lady in front of me and gasp as we locked eyes a shock was sent through the both of us and a text box appeared [you have found your soulmate from this day forward you're fates are intertwined] what was this is the universe playing games with me as I'm going over what just happened my eyes slowly get attracted to here face that has to be the most beautiful piece of art I have ever witnessed then I slowly gaze at the rest of her body let's just say her body puts the all the goddesses I've ever created to shame I'm actually a little disappointed I have not made anything as beautiful as her. Then all of the sudden I fell a pulls in my chest that starts to speed up as our eyes meet time passes by for an eternity for us but to everyone els is no more than a few seconds. Then suddenly a coughing sound rings out from the old man that awakes me and the lady from our daze

As he glances from me to the lady In front of me he says 'now Miss Emily this May be a first for me but could you complete the summons" for a second she looks shocked than looks back at me 'yes head teacher" and runs up to me when she is no more than a foot away from me I was assaulted by the most amazing smell I could possibly think of she slowly reaches out to my face shy asked me to kneel and for the first time ever I bent my knee to another person. She pauses for a second than blushed and leaned in slowly my hart rate intensified as her lips slowly approached my face and as her lips meet my forehead I had forgotten I was the original god and in that second I was like any other mortal.

Then as she pulled away a new text box appeared [ you have formed a bond with the contractor your lives are forever linked]

And with that I opened my status.

Name: Riu Deus

Class- originally god

Title- ALL

HP- unmeasurable

MP- unmeasurable



INT- unmeasurable

LUK- ???

Skills: ALL

Magic: ALL

Job: none

Special Ability: The creator, The Destroyer

Bound to: Emily V Astral

Ever thing looks the same since the day I was manifested except for that new section bound

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DEA7H_7OLL_Xboxcreators' thoughts