
How to Feel in Love

Jewel is a girl who has never fallen in love since her birth. She's the type of girl who only knows how to go to school from home and from school to her home. Then, when she starts working, she only needs to go to work from home and from the working place to her house. All in her mind is how to return the hard work her parents had given to her. Co-workers: Why are you still single?" Jewel: Because I don't have money to buy rice" Co-workers: "............" Lavor is a celebrity/idol who loves to party and famous for playing around. One night before having his concert, one of his friends in the country decided to invite him to the birthday party of his friend's sister. Dead drunk after the party, he left and escape from the hungry wolf in his friend's house without knowing the way. Without money and there's no phone, Lavor a foreigner in the country doesn't know how to go home. Never been in this kind of situation, drunk and desperate he decided to beg the first person who passes by for a roof to sleep tonight. It just so happen that a person who seems like just got out of work happens to pass by. Jewel: If I really don't have any integrity and can only see the money. Don't you think I should have already decided to sell my body a long time ago?" Lavor: I don't know. Isn't it because you're not beautiful?" Jewel: ".....(+.+")." __________ Jewel: Give me one good reason why should I accept you as my lover." Lavor: Isn't it because I'm handsome." Jewel: "............" Jewel: Can it be eaten?" Lavor: "............." Jewel a person who never really cares about the so-called sentence "falling in love" and Lavor who doesn't know about true love. Let's witness the journey of these two different people but are exactly alike in their journey to the world of love. _______________________ The cover pic was not mine. Credit to the owner of the pic. It's from this link https://www.wallpapertip.com/wpic/Thxoxx_boy-and-girl-looking-at-the-stars/

AG101 · Urbain
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19 Chs

Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2 - The Celebrity

Jewel was in the middle of going home from work. Tired from work, she still needed to walk to go home. Sometimes her brother would get her when he has no work on that day.

It was almost in the middle of the night now and the dimming street lights are the only ones lighting the roads. It's actually alright, at first she was scared and still need her brother to get her but later on, she got used to it after walking back and forth for about a year.

She noticed that in the past, the lights on this street are still not this dim but for about a year, the street lights seem to be even dimmer than before.

While walking she saw someone sitting on the roadside. It looks like a drunk person.

Jewel was contemplating whether to go back and just call her brother to get her or to just pass by, after all, no one can predict the mind of a drunk person.

The person's legs are a bit apart bending while his arms are on top of them and his head also bending down, his forehead was put on top of his arms. It looks like the person was sleeping.

So Jewel decided to just pass by. It's already almost in the middle of the night and she doesn't want to disturb her brother who was tired from work.

When Jewel was about to pass by, the drunken person also decided to raise his head and look at her. In the end, the person also decided to stand up. Facing her, the right foot was already stepped forward.

No matter how bad Jewels' personality but she's still a girl and was scared at this moment.

But Jewel at this moment really made a mistake.

Lavor at this time was not really drunk. Yap, the person that Jewel saw was actually the celebrity Lavor who was supposed to be having a concert at this time but got missing in the middle of it. At this time, the people managing the concert and his manager/agent are already going crazy. Who wouldn't go crazy if the main character of the concert was missing?

His manager was really not worried about him, after all his already a grown man and it's not like it's the first time that this happens. His manager was so sure that Lavor just escaped in the middle of the concert to go partying. Lavor loves partying and playing around, he was already known for it.

His manager sure knows him well because that's what really happened.

Earlier before the concert, one of Lavor's friends in this country decided to invite him to a birthday party because it's the birthday of his(Labor's friend) sister.

But it's not even an hour yet when Lavor started to feel dizzy and his head was aching. Lavor felt that something was wrong. He was so sure that he's not drunk yet since it was still his third glass.

He was known as a person who loves partying not for nothing. His alcohol tolerance is very high, not to mention that the third glass was a wine.

While Lavor was thinking of what happened, he saw a girl looking at him as if it wants to eat him alive.

Lavor was so scared that he immediately get out of there.

Don't get him wrong, he was indeed known as a person who loves partying and playing around but he never gets a girl on his bed yet. After all, because of the nature of his work, rumors spread fast. In just the blink of an eye, almost all the people in the country well know about it.

You could say that he did have a lot of flings but it's not really that deep. It had no commitment or anything, it's just those girls to have some connections with him or wanted to get some of his fame. He never really cares about it and sometimes even goes with the flow.

In the end, a lot of girls ride on his fame and he was seen with a different girl every time he goes out. After that, he was known by a lot of people for a person who loves to play around with his other title of a person who loves to go partying. So basically his a person who plays but never touched.

But aside from all of this, he can't let anyone know about his real identity and that's the reason why he has to make sure that he can't have any deeper relationship with anyone.

It would be bad if people found out about his real family background, then it would sure make his unsupportive Father get even angrier to him.

Anyway, this is the first time that someone dared to do this to him, so he got panic a bit there and even forgot his car and without realizing it, he just decided to walk away.

The drug he drunk was not an aphrodisiac one since he's not feeling any sexual desires. He just felt really weak and his head was aching.

Maybe the girl didn't want to have any sexual activity happening to them and just want some hyped-up. Or the girl just didn't manage to get one since he came there unannounced.

After all, he was supposed to go there after the concert but his manager told him that they need to immediately go back after the concert so decided to go to his friend's party in the middle of his concert just to show his face and come back to the concert after.

He was only planning to stay there for about one hour and now this happens. How was he supposed to go back now?

No car, no money, no phone cuz he left it in his car to avoid his manager's calling, and to top it all he was not really that familiar in this place and now he's lost.

He keeps on walking for about an hour but still never found his way and was lost even more. He was so tired and the drug was so really not helpful it feels like his head was going to break, his very dizzy, his eyesight is a bit fuzzy.

It was actually getting worse.

He doesn't know what to do next and it seems like walking is not helpful since he was lost now. He felt that he was already very far from the right road.

Standing there his head started to ache again so he decided to sit and rest on the roadside.

So that's the reason why he was in this situation now. And the situation where Jewel happens to see.

While Lavor was resting, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps and so he directly raised his head.

When he looked up he saw the scared and shocked face of the girl.

Lavor right now was using his attitude as if he was in his home, he was very on high alert right now because of what happened. His face was cold and have no expression while looking at Jewel. He looked as if he could eat a person alive.

When he saw her shocked face, he thought that the girl might know him. After all, he's a famous celebrity.

So he decided to stand up and talk to her. Maybe she could help him how to go back.

But Lavor was overthinking about the situation. He only focused on her shocked expression and forgot that she was also scared. After all, why would someone be scared of a celebrity? But Jewel was really scared of the guy because she actually doesn't know him.

She, a girl who only knows two locations, home, and workplace. And a person whose only hobby was reading novels and very rare to watch TV doesn't really know this celebrity in front of her called Lavor.

So for Jewel, the person in front of her was a total stranger. She was really scared especially when the man stand up and looked at her.

That's why when Lavor was just about to talk to her, Jewel already started running for her life.

Don't judge her first, saying that she's overreacting but the man in front of her although handsome was really scary. It's as if the world made a big mistake for this guy to be that angry. And now those called eyes were looking at her as if she killed his whole family. She was not guilty but she was scared the man would decide to kill her too.

While Jewel was running for her life she suddenly stopped. A hand was holding her left arm. The hand was very cold you would start thinking it was the hand of a ghost. In the end, Jewel also started shivering.

Just when she was about to turn around and take a look, a body was suddenly slumped on her back, holding her as if she was his life.

It was that man earlier.

When Jewel was about to push the man away, the man suddenly said his last sentence...in this night.

"Help me..." Lavor said very weakly and already started to lose consciousness.

Lavor already used his last strength to chase Jewel. He never thought the girl would just start running, so when the girl started to run, he also chases on instinct.

When he managed to catch up, he was already very dizzy and his consciousness fading. Asking for help is the only thing on his mind



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