
How To Breakup With Your First Love

Adachi's ordinary life takes a wild turn when a magical portal whisks him into a mysterious world. Entangled with a sorceress, he embarks on an adventure of self-discovery and explores the enchanting realm beyond the portal's threshold.

TDLS_S · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Being Playful

Amidst the wind's symphony and the lanner's majestic flight, Lion's vibrant voice pierced through the air.

"Hey, Adachi, is this your first time riding a lanner?" she asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Adachi, adjusting to the rhythm of the flight, offered a grin. "Not my first rodeo, but it's always a thrilling experience. How about you? Is this your maiden voyage on a lanner?"

In the quiet recesses of his mind, Adachi reflected, *Well, technically, it's my second time, to be precise.*

Lion beamed, her eyes wide with wonder. "Yep! Never been on one before. It's like Brayflox the Brave is carrying us to the clouds! Maybe lanners are magical creatures, and they sprinkle fairy dust when they fly!"

Adachi chuckled at Lion's whimsical assumption, opting not to correct her. Instead, he decided to chat about something more kid-like. "You know, Lion, what's your favorite game to play? Mine's hide-and-seek!"

Lion pondered for a moment, her brows furrowing. "Hmm, I really like playing hide-and-seek with my friends. Oh, and I love pretending I'm a brave adventurer, just like Brayflox!"

Adachi grinned, enjoying the simpler conversation. "That sounds like a lot of fun! What's the bravest thing you've done in your adventures?"

Lion's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Once, I rescued Brayflox from a pretend monster! I swung my pretend sword and shouted really loud. Brayflox said I was the bravest adventurer ever!"

Adachi laughed, impressed by Lion's imagination. "Wow, that's awesome! You're definitely a hero in the making. Hey, speaking of heroes, how old are you? you seem to be like 10"

The young adventurer paused, considering the question. "I'm eight! How about you, Adachi? 

"how old do you think I am? Take a wild guess!" he said.

Lion's eyes widened, and she gasped dramatically. "Hmm, maybe... a hundred?" she guessed, her expression filled with playful mischief.

Adachi burst into laughter. "A hundred? That's quite the guess! Well, I'm not that ancient. I'm seventeen."

Lion's eyes widened again, and she grinned. "Seventeen?! That's so old! You must know a lot of stuff!"

Adachi chuckled at her innocent reaction. Meanwhile, Zeid, overhearing the conversation, couldn't help but marvel at Adachi's composure. He silently wondered how this young Hyur could navigate Shantotto's eccentricities with such ease.

As Adachi is having fun with Lion, he noticed a subtle shift in Zeid's expression. Curiosity and puzzlement played across the knight's features, prompting Adachi to shift his attention from the enthusiastic child to the seasoned warrior.

"You know," Adachi said with a thoughtful look, "Shantotto isn't as bad as she seems. Once you get to know her, you realize that half of what she does is just a facade and theatrics."

Zeid, taken aback by Adachi's perspective, began to form a response, but before he could articulate his thoughts, Adachi pointed ahead. "Looks like we're almost at Shantotto's place. Save the deep thoughts for later, my Mr Knight."

The lanner descended, wings slicing through the air as they approached Shantotto's grove. Lion, still buzzing with excitement, couldn't help but glance at the surrounding landscape, her eyes wide with wonder.

As the initial awe of the magical grove subsided, Lion's eyes widened again, this time in confusion, as the surroundings shifted. Adachi, sensing her disappointment, welcomed the two with a grin.

"Welcome to the 'not-so-secret' cave," he quipped, gesturing around the ordinary surroundings.

Adachi, unable to resist a sarcastic remark, continued, "Shantotto will be positively thrilled to have guests. Brace yourself for one of her 'questionable' one-pot dishes. She'll pretend to be indifferent, but we all know she secretly loves playing the hostess."

His gaze lingered on Zeid.

As the magic enkindling the lanner gracefully retreated to its unseen abode, the magical energies in Shantotto's grove began to shift and disperse. The sorceress, always attuned to the ebb and flow of mystical currents, sensed the lanners return. 

With a nonchalant flick of her finger, she began to chant a whimsical poem

"Through realms unknown, where shadows dance.

A traveler returns, in mystic trance.

A spell profound, Shift the threads where destinies are bound.

Gi Megid Verse"

As the final words of the incantation echoed in the grove, a subtle shimmer enveloped the party. The surroundings blurred and twisted, as if reality itself was bending to Shantotto's whims. With a whimsical flourish, the world reshaped, and the trio found themselves in a different part of Shantotto's cave.

Zeid, sensing a sudden change in the atmosphere, swiftly moved into a protective stance in front of Lion and Adachi, ready for any potential threat. Adachi, however, couldn't resist the opportunity to punctuate the moment with his characteristic sarcasm.

"Ah, the grand entrance," he quipped, glancing toward the ever-dramatic Shantotto. "Never one to disappoint, our illustrious sorceress. Always with the flair."

Zeid, perplexed by the unfolding situation, began to piece together that there might not be an imminent danger. Adachi, seemingly unperturbed, reassured him with a sly grin, "Relax, Zeid. This is just Shantotto's way of saying 'hello.'"

Meanwhile, Lion, caught between excitement and trepidation, couldn't help but express her childlike wonder. However, upon spotting Shantotto, her excitement quickly turned to fear. She looked to her father, concern etched on her face. Adachi, taking note of the situation, gently reached out and ruffled the little girl's hair.

"Don't worry, it's fine," he reassured her. "Shantotto might seem a bit scary, but she's just putting on a show. She's going to show you some cool magic. Why don't you go play with the 'scary sorceress' over there?"

With Adachi's calming words, Lion's fear subsided, and her eyes sparkled with curiosity. She tentatively approached Shantotto.

Shantotto, her eyes narrowing in suspicion, addressed the party with a performative introduction. "Well, well, finally, it is the lost boy and the knight. Pray tell, who's the pint-sized companion you've brought into my humble abode?"

She couldn't quite fathom the sudden change in Adachi's demeanor, finding it peculiar and slightly unsettling. However, she couldn't resist the opportunity to revel in the dramatics of the moment, her mind already concocting a myriad of theories about the enigmatic little girl in their midst.

Sensing Zeid's discomfort with the sorceress, Adachi swiftly intervened. "Shantotto, how about you whip up a little magic show for our young friend here? I'm sure she'd love to witness the greatness of the Grand Sourceress herself."

 Adachi turned to Zeid, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Come, Mr. Knight, let's have a little chat away from the fireworks."

Guiding Zeid to a more open area upstairs in the cave, to the veranda.

Adachi, perched on the veranda's edge, patted the empty space next to him. "Take a load off, Zeid. Shantotto's antics might be overwhelming, but I promise you, she won't turn her into a sprout or anything. I'm living proof."

Zeid hesitated, glancing between the seat and the source of his unease, the lively magical display below. "I appreciate the offer, but I'd rather stand. Never been one for sitting idly, especially when sorcery is involved."

Adachi chuckled, understanding the knight's wariness. "Fair enough, but you're missing out on the best seat in the house." He leaned back, propping himself up on his elbows, and took in the cave's ethereal ambiance. "It's not every day you get a front-row view to Shantotto's magical extravaganza."