
How to Break One's Heart

I want to read a historical, otome isekai type, but with a male lead. I could barely find one. So I try to make one. Very slow update. I write this for my own entertainment. Nevertheless, thank you for reading.

OhmyOomi · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
1 Chs

Chapter 1 | One More Chance


A dim light slowly enter his visions.  His throat was hurt a little so he tried to reach for the drink Ofi always put beside the bed.  Only after a while, he realise that he couldn't even reach the table. 

Did Ofi woke up already?

The bed felt way more spacious than before.  It was supposed to be a one person bed, but he always ended up making his way through beside Ofi, holding her body close until the night's cold couldn't touch them anymore.

He remembered he had a nightmare last night, that must be why he woke up late today.  His shoulder felt stiff and his whole body felt like it was drenched with sweat.  He could slowly hear voices around him. 

"...awake ... finally..."

"doctor.. calling..."

It was not Ofi.

Their hut was quite far from the town and the nearest neighbour they had was three kilometers away.  He was a trained-soldier.  So he was supposed to be super aware of his surrounding.  He wonder if his nightmare last night really took a toll in him to only noticed the assassins this close. That was not what was important, he need to make sure Ofi was safe first.  However it was hard to gauge the opponent strenght right now?  Why did his sense become so dull in just one night? In his mind he tried to visualize his escape route for now.

My sword was beside the cabinet.  I could at least try to grab the magic sto-

"Your highness, can you slowly open your eyes?"

He forced to open his eyes immediately.  Your highness. It had been years since he was called that.  It was a call he abandoned after he decided to leave his wrecked kingdom.  He was way happier now after escaping that stiffling life.  Not to mention days to weeks to months spent suppressing annoying nobles one after another. 

It was  a life he already thrown away.  How did my brother found my location?

"Is there anywhere that still hurt, prince?"

The doctor face was familliar.  He was the doctor that always served the royal family since he was a kid.  He remembered he was kicked out because the crown princess hate his gut.  He wonder whether his sister in law had a change in heart.

"...Where...," with still a sore throat, he tried to determine his exact location.

"This is your bedroom, your highness"

He looked around.  The room was indeed his room, albeit it was around twenty years ago.  After his parent passed away and his brother ascended to the throne, he was given a title and a mansion near the aqueduct.  Why did they bother to brought him to the palace, to this exact room even?

"No.. It was not.."

Witnessing the confused prince, the old doctor in white continue to talked to the maid behind him. 

"The prince is still recuperating but his vital is stable.  If the prince has already calmed down please  call me again."

"No, wait!"

"Yes, how can I help you, your highness?"

"Why am I here…"

"Ah,.. You must have lost a little bit of your memory.  Someone sent an assassin to attack you in the back lake a week ago.  The soldier that was slacking off was already punished.  Fortunately the knife doesn't reach any vital organ, so you just need to rest for another day or two- prince?" 

The doctor was flustered a bit when he tried to climb out of the bed. He tried to climb out the bed.  Hand clutching to the bed post before he ended up falling to the floor.  He can finally see what's wrong with his body.  His limbs was shrunk.  He look down and noticed that the big scar he got after fighting the upper demon in his chest was gone. 

"Wh-what…  date… today's date?"

"7th Moraque"


"Huh? You only sleep for a week, Your Highness.  Did you read a lot of fantasy book? You scared you miss a year or tw-"


".. Uh.. 149"

And with that, his whole face turned white. 


"Ian, your wound had already healed yesterday.  Don't you miss the frontline?"

Ofi stopped slicing the cooked meat to ask the question. Her eyes was still focused on the soup,  making sure it was not overcooked.  The smell already makes your mouth watery and Ian already tasted it before so he know how good it will be.  He turns his head and look outside the window and took a deep breath. 

"... I guess.. Not anymore"

"Hahaha..  This forest sure had its bewitching charm. I still remember your first day here, where you immediately tried to stand up with that big wound in your chest."

A bowl of soup was put in front of him.  Another was put in front of him along with roasted pork and sliced bread.  He track every step Ofi took to sit in her chair.  One thing he knew for sure. 

'This forest has you, that's why'

Its been a month since he came to this humble hut.  It also has been a month since he was enamoured by this red haired beauty in front of him.  But still, he couldn't get it out of his mouth.  It was not because of complicated reasoning.  Ian was just shy and felt undeserving. 

He had someone in his heart when he decided to depart to the frontline. A girl that suddenly came to everyone's life around him.  At that time he thought he was the only one who experienced her light.  Turns out she share her kindness to everyone.  And she unfortunately also shared her heart with someone else. 

So he thought war could filled the emptiness in his heart as time goes on.  But wound and fatigue only highlight the space even more.  Until his body seems to can't sustain himself anymore, his vision start to getting more and more blurry each time.  The chaos, the violence, and the constant struggle for survival were all etched deeply within him. He had fought valiantly, believing that the adrenaline and the cause would bring him solace. But instead, he found himself longing for something more.

"Take your time.  But help me hunt some meat, now that you had healed.  Consider it your rent"

".. Haha.. Alright"

Ian looked at Ofi with a smile, appreciating her warmth and understanding. The small hut they lived in was nestled deep within the forest, away from the chaos of the outside world. It provided them with a sense of peace and tranquility, a stark contrast to the battlegrounds Ian was used to.

"Your food is getting cold, just eat it already"

Ian chuckled and looked down at his food only to found the reddish soup was not there anymore. 


A fancy steak with glistening mushroom sauce around it. Ian stared at the plate in front of him, his appetite suddenly gone. The image of the soup, the simple and delicious meal Ofi had prepared for him, disappeared from his mind, replaced by a lavish steak that held no appeal to him.

"..re you okay, Adrian?"

Ian blinked, momentarily confused by the question. He looked at his brother, Adrian, who sat across from him at the table. The elegant dining hall was filled with the aroma of delicious food, and their family sat together, enjoying a moment of respite amidst their royal duties. He could hardly focus on the conversation at the table, the grandeur of the palace dining hall feeling suffocating to him. The opulence and extravagance that once held allure now seemed meaningless in comparison to the simple joys he had found in the forest. 

"Adrian, are you still feeling unwell?" his mother inquired, concern evident in her voice. "I knew I shouldn't force you to have lunch with us yet."

It was no one's at the table fault.  If it was before, he was so sure, he would be the one whining to eat lunch with them instead.  He would immediately ask to continue his sword training session and behaved as if the accident never happened.  But witnessing the depressed air around him may have made them think that the assassination attempt weighed terribly on his mental health. 

The truth was far from that. Coming back to this bustling castle was what made him uncomfortable.  Seeing his brother in front of him who used to look at him with killing intent now worried about him made his stomach hurt. 

  "Excuse me, father, mother, and brother.  It turns out I still didn't have any appetite for heavy meals yet.  I'll get going first."

Ian pushed his chair back, his expression filled with a mix of sadness and guilt. He could sense the disappointment in his family's eyes, but he knew he had to honor his own feelings and take care of his well-being. With a heavy heart, Ian bid his family farewell and left the dining hall. As he walked through the grand corridors of the palace, he couldn't help but feel a sense of liberation.

1 Year.  Maybe one or two day less, he wasn't really sure how long he had known her.  Right now, there was no one in this world more familiar than her.  In her company, he had felt like himself, free from the burdens of his title and the weight of his responsibilities. She had taught him to appreciate the simple things.  He yearned to see her again, to share stories, and to listen to her soft laughter.  He knew he had to find Ofi.

But I don't know where to start. 

He knew she was a noble.  From her way to present herself, her sophisticated way of enjoying tea, to her little waltz in the woods that only nobles know to dance.  Thinking about her made his face turn bright red until his ear.  He never realised he paid attention to her every little thing. 

"Prince Adrian." someone's voice breaking his thought.  He immediately turned around and a wave of nostalgia washes through him.  It was a voice that used to nag him 24/7. 

"Samuel!" Adrian exclaimed, his voice filled with surprise and joy. It had been years since he last saw Samuel, his loyal servant and friend. The two of them had grown up together in the palace, and Samuel had always been by Adrian's side, offering guidance and support.  Adrian couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at Samuel's presence. 

Samuel on the other hand couldn't help but feel flustered.  He had accompanied this young prince since the age of five.  The prince he knew hated his gut.  He barely had any pressure due to not being a crown prince but he always strives to be perfect in anything he does.  This prince he knew never smiled, never laughed, and even hated to hold conversation. Now, the person in front of him, Adrian, looked completely different. He radiated a sense of warmth that Samuel had never seen before.

"Samuel, it's been too long. How have you been?" Adrian asked, his eyes filled with genuine concern.

"I've been well, Your Highness. But seeing you like this, I can't help but worry. Are you truly alright?" Samuel replied, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and concern.

Ian was taken aback.  Samuel he knew was indeed like this.  Samuel had always been there to support Adrian by his side, even when he pushed him away.  He was one of not many people who kept his guard up against the crown princess.

His loyal aide's face continued to frown when he started to chuckle.

"Haha.. I start to noticing things after my near-death experience"

Adrian didn't lie.  For the people around him now, he suddenly changed drastically.  Some might have thought he was possessed by a demon.  But for him, it was like a chance.  He could avoid people that become his enemy in the future.  He could start to pick up skills he regretted not learnt.  He could save so many people dear to him that fall one by one in the war. 

And one most important thing, 

I should try find Ofi

"Samuel, when can I start my class?"

Samuel's frown deepened as he tried to process Adrian's words. He hadn't expected such a sudden change in his demeanor and priorities. But he knew better than to question the prince's decisions.

"Your Highness, if you're referring to your combat training, I can arrange for it to start immediately," Samuel replied, his voice tinged with a mix of confusion and concern. "But please remember, you still need time to recover from your recent ordeal. We mustn't rush your physical well-being."

Adrian nodded.  The Samuel he knew in the future, even way after he was banished from his position still silently helping him behind the scene.  In the end, he sacrificed himself so Adrian can run away from the capital. As Adrian reflected on his past and the future Samuel had endured, he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and gratitude. He had taken Samuel's loyalty for granted, and now that he had a chance to make things right, he vowed to protect and cherish their friendship.

Adrian started to walk again.  Behind him, he could hear Samuel murmuring about how much he changed and Adrian couldn't but smile from ear to ear.  The sun peeking along the corridor felt very comforting, as he decided the steps he want to take in this new life of his. 

After all, he was given a chance to start again before any of his regrets started piling up. To twenty five years back.