
How to be the Vampire queen

This story is about blah blah blah, we all heard it by now. The protagonist got killed and then woke up in a fantasy world with magic. After that, the protagonist became a hero, killed the bad guys while still being naive as fuck and then ended up with a harem for whatever reason. do I need to mention how shitty the female character is?! and why is the protagonist always a male and is stupid! i wanna see blood, not how he decided to be a good person after killing a village of orcs! how about a story where the protagonist is a villain? where they create a kingdom by themselves from nothing, is ruthless, and is a female? fuck those protagonist that is kind and help others I wanna see blood! fuck them humans! ok, ahem, I may have gotten ahead of myself. Welcome to my story or the start of it, as I am currently stuck in a dungeon after reading a shitty ass novel i found on a website.

WELL · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

I unlock more of Kaurna memories, right now, i have memories up to her being 12 years old. I didn't faint this time, too, which is a bonus.

the first thing i learned is that i can use blood magic to heal myself by using blood magic to take my opponent blood and insert it right into my body. i can regenerate even my nails, so I assume I can regenerate the missing body part. I hope.

The second thing i learned is that i can use blood magic to cover my spear and use it to attack. i can also just make a blood spear by itself to throw.

Now that is out of the way. The first thing i do is heal myself with the spider blood and then start eating some of it flesh. it didn't taste good like the fish i ate, so i gave Kate some of the spider flesh so she wouldn't starve.

Not that I don't even know if Kate is actually hungry or not, but it is better than nothing. Me and Kate then continue our little journey after the whole spider killing thing ended.

I don't know how long Kate and I were in that cave, we killed a whole country of spider, this time, they were smaller, but I did practice my Monarch order, as well as my blood magic. I didn't use Monarch Control because they aren't strong as the first spider I killed. But I did make them fight each other for my own entertainment.

now when i said we killed the spider together. i wasn't joking, I taught Kate how to fight. At first, it felt like Kate was a puppet as I controlled the bat every move, but Kate actually learned over time how to fight for itself. this changed my whole perspective on Kate when I realized Kate was actually very intelligent

Now I admit that I started to talk to Kate in Vampiric so I can practice my language skill, even if Kate can't reply back I still think it was good practice. but I felt like I had a good friend in this bat. Maybe I am a bit crazy.


Is that the exit of the cave? i slowly move closer to the light. My eye was barely open as I needed to adjust to the bright sunlight. Shit I am actually outside.

The bright sunlight shine across the field of grass, the river from the cave flowing down the mountain that I am on. A rush of wind passes me, and the breeze feels fresh and warm compared to the cold and dark cave.

Tall grass danced happily as I started laughing and dancing in the summer sun, laying down on the patch of grass as I looked at the bright blue sky, Kate laying down in my stomach.

I can clearly see the color of my pale white skin and hair. I start giggling to myself, I know this is a perverted thing to say, but the fresh grass on my naked body felt amazing.

The first thing on my list to do is take a bath. As I mentioned, I am on a mountain. the view is honestly amazing, i followed the river until i found a separated stream that didn't have such a strong flow. I lay in the fresh water as Kate watches me from a tree, I told Kate to rest too. I have been working that bat to that bat to the bone, so Kate deserves some rest, too.

The rest of the day, I spent eating fruit and sleeping on a tree. Although I am a vampire, the sunlight doesn't affect me that much, but I still feel more comfortable in the night. Kate nose is actually very useful to tell me what fruit I can eat. Also, a little fact is that the vampire main diet is blood, but other food is fine too. We need blood at least once every 3 days. I know this thanks to Kaurna memories.

Me and Kate spent at least 4 days wondering through the now forest as I follow the river, if you ever get lost alway follow the river becasue that where most civilization are. I was actually thinking if I should try to find other 'people' or not. I mean, I am an insane vampire from a dark cave that ate fuck up mutated boar and spider, and don't forget I can brainwash people.

But what fun would it be if I didn't terrorize a human village or eat an entire town?

I also practice a lot of blood control from fresh kill animals. So far, most of the animals are pretty basic aside from a few extra limps or color. For example, a dear with 6 legs or a rabbit with 4 ears and the rabbit is green! talk about crazy coloring. Don't worry, I didn't forget Kate, we hunted some fish too.

As I was tracking the next kill , I found a fox like creature, but it seemed to have feather instead of fur. I ordered Kate to hunt it, and the bat did so amazingly. Like a hawk hunting, it's prey.

" Good job, Kate -" Suddenly, Kate seemed to screen as I heard bone cracking from the small bat, I stood there shock as the once bat started morphing into something else. The best way to describe what Kate is now is a bat wyvern like creature as big as a large size dog. it long ears, and those red eyes stare at me with a newfound intelligence. The red neck collar coloring spread to make Kate really seem like it has a lion mane. what in the world is this Pokimon type shit?

" What the fuck happened to you?"

And is Kate a male?!

[ Author note: I spell Pokimon wrong on purpose. Also, please feel free to ask any questions, and I would greatly appreciate feedback so I can improve my writing. best regards 🩸]