
Love Rivals In Threesome Part I

Lieutenant En said that no need to cover the traces of the fight and he assured that the rest of the road is clear. So four of us and a prisoner were heading to the military camp.

I wasn't seriously injured thanks to the healing potion but I was pretty sure that I'll wake up the next morning with a bruise for every stop an icicle hit. My abdomen was the worst, but it was only pain. I could deal with the pain.

However, I had no idea how to deal with multiple lovers. Why he had to say that? I know that I can't expect someone to help me when they are in danger, especially someone whose only thing we shared is sex. What the hell was 'that look'?

Realizing that I'm feeling safe thanks to Ender's existence made me even angrier. He was a liar, he'd kill me if he decides I'm dangerous without blinking an eye, he was treating me like shit, why the hell I was happy that he is with us?!

''No,'' I said to myself. ''I'm not an 'I'll fix the bad boy' girl. I've never been. He's dangerous.'' The scene of Ender crushing Angel's hand came to life in my eyes again. ''I should stay away from him. He is dangerous.''

''But hot,'' said the fox.


''He's hot. He likes to screw around with you. He is good at fighting. Both food and a weapon yours to use. You just need to claim his heart.''

Sighing, I wondered how someone can claim the heart of a man like this.

Ender lifted his hand and stopped us. A few seconds later a man and a woman in military suits showed up. They were wearing sacred feather symbols on their heart.

''We're surrounded by the archers,'' the fox said.

''Password?'' The woman asked.

Ender answered.

'' Sorry for the rude reception, lieutenant. We have to be careful when the enemy has the ability to look like one from us.''

Ender nodded, ''Put the captive next to the other. We need medical help. Show these two the way.''

The male soldier took the captive and the female looked at us. ''Yes sir.''

''The lady will need to be treated throughout the dinner,'' said Ender.

Soldiers looked at each other. ''Sir?''

''She is badly injured and won't be able to join the dinner.''

The female soldier frowned. ''Yes, understood.''

Hermes looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn't.

I realized that I'm banned from the dinner only after they took me to the medical center.

I was laying on the only bed in the room as I gazed at the ceiling. It was a basic hospital room with a bed and a nightstand. There was a sink to drink water and wash up, but nothing close to a bathroom.

According to what I see as I being brought here, the army has not just set up a temporary camp in this area. They were planning to spend quiet time here.

''I'm an idiot.''

''Yes, you are,'' said the fox. ''But you are injured, exhausted after a fight, confused and in the enemy's territory. So... I'm not going to make fun of your stupidity. At least... until you are fully healed.''

Groaning, I left the bed and headed to the door. putting my weight on my uninjured leg. ''It's just pain,'' I said to myself. ''Just a few hours, then the potion will do its thing.''

A low-intermediate level potion could heal a wound within hours and make a huge improvement in just a few minutes on a wound that would normally take days, if not weeks, to heal.

Still, it wasn't comfortable to walk after being beaten. I focused on the part that lets me feel the desires of people behind me, but it was so limited because of the protection that the army use against the demons on the camp.

I opened the door as slowly and quietly as I could, but it was useless. The female soldier who took me here was on guard at the door. She was staring at me with blank eyes.

''I was going to ask when someone will come to check my condition,'' I said.

''That's not under my responsibility or control,'' she answered, ''...and there are clean clothes at the nightstand. Lieutenant ordered your armors to be sent to the blacksmith for maintenance.''

Frowning, ''I don't need it,'' I said.

''I'm just following orders,'' she said. ''I'd rather do this with your cooperation and not use force.''

''Options, options,'' the fox sighed. ''Get your armor fixed and stay unarmoured among the strangers, or keep them and make a scene turning the strangers to less friendly strangers.''

''I understand you're just doing what you are doing. Thanks for taking care of me. I'll give them to you in a minute,'' I said and turned back to the room, wondering if she could really try to strip me by force.

''Ooh, so you chose to make new friends.''

''Arguing with a servant won't help me in any way.''

I kept the ring with the whip in it and the tiara while giving the chain armor set and the boots to the soldier.

''This,'' I looked at the clean clothes she mentioned after wearing them, ''this is not clothing. This is just a cloth. I'm not having surgery, why do I have to wear this disgusting thing?''

''Erm,'' the fox was really trying hard to not burst into laughter. ''Because there's nothing else?''

Sighing, I lay down and gathered the energy surrounding us to store it in the gem on my tiara. ''At least it's not cold.''

In a near-sleep state, I waited for three hours for someone to open the door. Seeing his sneer didn't make me happier. Ender was carrying a tray in one hand and my armor in the other, looking pleased with himself.

I threw my pillow at him. ''What is the meaning of all this?!''

He couldn't avoid or dodge the pillow or else he could lose his balance with all the stuff he was carrying. Pillow on his face made me smile but I get my mad expression before he could look at me.

''Please taste this before yelling at me,'' he said looking at me with his fake puppy ​​eyes. ''I only think of your well-being.''

I watched him placing the tray on the bed with doubtful eyes. There was bread, soup, and the main dish made of rice with chicken leg.

''Try,'' he said to encourage me.

I wasn't sure what was the meaning of all this, but I was curious why he is making me try it. I took a small bite from the bread and took it off instantly. ''What... do you think my well-being by poisoning me?''

He shook his head with a grin from ear to ear. ''Not poisonous. It's from the dinner. Everyone ate it with no problem.''

''Blessed,'' the fox said.

I blinked my eyes in confusion. ''What?''

''The food is blessed,'' Ender said. ''Believe me, you should thank me for that I kept you from joining the dinner.''

With only his words to justify himself, I wasn't sure. The food might be prepared by him to test me. But if he really helped me... ''Did you know?''

''It was a guess,'' Ender said and sat next to me in the bed. ''I was right. You are an interesting companion to have. Never eat or drink anything in the camp. They are performing blessings on literally everything, oh and, they decided that the forest is too dangerous to travel. All the element users will be staying in the camp.

He stopped to take a breath and think what else he should add. ''The darkness user was able to make it here by himself and the other two. They got along with the captain pretty quick.''

''How did you find us in the woods?'' I was curious about that.

''I can find you anywhere.''

''Woah, he really said it with no embarrassment,'' the fox said in my mind.

''Creepy,'' I said out loud.

He laughed. ''That's my job. Literally, it is. How do you plan to find food?''

Biting my lower lip, ''Don't you have any?'' I was fed less than twelve hours ago, but the fight was energy consuming. It might be hard to last for two days which is the limit for me.

''I may have. Though you know...'' I saw his gaze was on my lip that I made bled. ''Your kind is known for feeding on... different things. Do I have to try to confirm my guesses?''

The door opened with a bang.

''I told you that you are not allowed to be here!'' It was the female soldier.

''Darling, you are in no position to declare what I'm allowed or not. Pardon me please,'' said Hermes and stepped in.

''Lieutenant, I-!'' Ender pointed her to stop.

''It's okay. You can leave, get some rest.''

''I... yes sir.'' The female soldier left.

''I'm surprised that you are able to track me down, guild leader.''

Hermes ignored Ender and turned to me. ''I was looking for you but they didn't let me roam around and nobody knew where you are,'' he said and approached us after closing the door.

Despite the army's barrier weakening demonic powers, I could feel the warm concern flowing from Hermes.

''As you can see, your worries are needless,'' Ender wrapped his arm around me. ''Why don't you leave now? Or do I need to make a call to request for you to be kicked out?''

Hermes frowned and looked at me. ''I'll leave when she said so. Not you.''

Though his body covering me felt nice, I got up feeling frustrated at his behavior. ''If he leaves, you are leaving too.''

''Ah!'' He put his hand on his chest. ''You are breaking my heart.''

I turned to Hermes, ''I know what this looks like... this isolation and everything... but he isn't a psycho abuser. He is trying to help, albeit in weird ways.''

''Probably,'' the fox said in my mind.

The first signs of hunger chose that moment to remind me that I'm out of energy. It had taken more energy to heal than I thought, but I was still sane. Sane and hungry.

I let an instinctive wave of lust out. ''Yeah, yeah... boys liked the smell! Didn't you, guys?'' The fox was happy with the situation.

Ender got up and stand right behind my back then suddenly stopped as if he just realized what he did. Hermes stepped towards us and was in front of me. The heat coming from their bodies was pressuring me both ways. The aftershave smell, which I did not know from who, was making me want to snuggle and lick.

''I have a question for you, guild leader,'' Ender said and caressed my neck with his thumb. ''Is this your doing?''

Hermes came even closer to look at the hickey. I could feel his breath on my neck. ''I'm not sure,'' he said.

I moved a little back to take a breath but bumped Ender. His hardened shaft was pressing on my hips as the fire in my belly spread. Hermes moved forward as I move back and his erection was rubbing my tummy.

''Lucky!'' the fox said. ''No need to worry about food now.''

It took longer to get to this point than I predicted... sigh

Lolthcreators' thoughts