
How the Stars bring us Together

A story originally set within a castle of the Medieval Era, though it's like paradise on Earth(and in slight ruins), the Zodiacs find themselves caught up in trouble when Ophiuchus starts to stir it. They seem to part ways, although the God of Stars seems to think otherwise. The lot are soon sent to recreate their relationships in modern times, whether this plan seems to play or not is another matter... Having already been reincarnated into the thirteen respective Zodiac signs, you can imagine how confusing yet another time period would be. To most of them, at least. A cautionary reminder that this book shall contain some graphic, mature scenes. Viewer discretion is advised. There is also alot of profound language, such as swearing.

markiee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 22.

•Scorpio's POV•

"We'll need a coin for the ferryman!"

"Leave us a coin for the ferryman..." Cancer begrudgingly joined in with my awful singing of this so-called rock band: 'Nickelback'. Hey, they weren't bad(it's just my singing is...)

We were both stood infront of everyone who weren't the Snake or Lion. Honestly, it was nice, if most of them didn't look so bored and unenthusiastic. It was a total vibe killer.

"Are you done yet?" Pisces grumbled, from just messaging Gemini on his latest gadget. You could tell he was messaging Gemini, as well, considering he was giggling in response like a damned high-school girl with a crush.

Admittedly, it was cute, how well they got along. No, I'm not jealous, I just want sleep... but Virgo says too much sleep is bad for one's health(which is soooo far from the truth, I Googled it!)

"Yeah, I think I'm just about finished now. Singing isn't my thing." Cancer said with some relief in his tone as he threw himself back onto a two-seater sofa with Libra.

"Do you have anything that is 'your thing'?" Pisces retorted with an innocent smile playing on his lips. The underlying tone was the devil's grin.

"At least I don't have only one thing going for me, unlike you. The only thing you're good at is fucking Gemini's cute littl-" Cancer was cut off by Virgo abruptly standing up to get inbetween them.

"Hey, now, that was low." She growled, directly into the Crab's face. The shock that followed across his expression amused me, which meant I had to hide my snickers with my hand. "And as for you," She turned over to Pisces. "Don't be such a self-absorbed dick. That goes for both of you. Nobody here wants to watch you two argue. As the little blonde freak said, we have to get along. So, get along. Starting now."

Virgo acted like a damned mother sick of her children whining all the time.

Whereas Gemini, who was the centre of the attack against Pisces, looked quite upset by Cancer's remark. I had little sympathy for that little two-faced freak. Twins, my ass. One minute he was taking the role of victim, the next he wanted to be shagged. Cancer wasn't wrong.

"Maybe we should all just go shopping...?" Libra suggested, though she knew full well 99% of the Zodiacs HATED being the one chosen to get the groceries.

"Sure, I guess." Aquarius really couldn't care less about what they did, could she?

However, when I found myself looking at Cancer, his expression was one of unamusement. It was a wonder how Libra even stayed with him, after all he'd done to her. Sure, promises, promises. 'I'll get better, I promise' was something I always heard him muttering to her whenever he got into a fight, or shouted at her, or whatever, really. Empty. Promises.

Though, I wasn't about to judge. He's a good person once you get past his aggressive persona. After all, he helped me to live a life, else I would've ended up a homeless bum. He also happened to be my best mate, so... I guess I knew him best of all.

"Are you trying to get away from me? You know I despise shopping." I heard him mutter to Libra, while everyone else was buzzing and excited to explore the big city.

"Cancer, this is one time. I just want to have fun with the girls for a bit." She whispered back.

"But you invited everybody!" Was his next response, a quiet shout. Although it was subtle, everyone turned around to stare at the pair. Libra's watery eyes, glazed over with unshed tears.

"Why are you such an ass all the time..." She barely spoke, even if you were right beside her, she was practically inaudible. Though it seems he heard, as Cancer was this close to hitting her. His fists clenched, knuckles turning white, before he abruptly got up and walked into their bedroom.

"I'll go speak to him." I said all too quickly, while standing up. Not taking 'no' for an answer, I strode over to the door and forced myself in, slamming the door behind me.

"Cancer, what's going on?" I spoke, before noticing he was sat on their bed, sobbing into his hands. Gosh, what an emotional wreck. "Is this really over Libra going shopping, or is there something else?" My voice became quieter, tone soothing, as I knelt infront of him and let me hands place upon his parted knees.

"It... it do-doesn't m-m-matter..." Cancer was always one to violently shake whilst crying, though I had gotten used to it. The first time I saw it, I thought he was having a seizure. Fortunately not.

"It clearly does to you. I'm your best friend, just tell me what's on your mind." Normally I wouldn't be this persistent, but something is up. Bothering him. He's definitely not doing so good.

"L-listen..." he stuttered for a moment, before sniffling and wiping his eyes. Taking ahold of the hands that were on his knees and holding them together, he leaned slightly closer. "Scorpio, I have bipolar and paranoia," which elicited a silent gasp from me, before he continued. "The drugs in this time, they aren't effective. They worked before. I don't know how, I don't know why, but what I do know is that; if we stay in this period for much longer, I'm going to die. Maybe I'm getting a little pissed off with Libra, but that's because I want to spend some quality-fucking-time with her, without any distractions nor hinderences... God, I just want to be with her. Nothing else matters to me."

Now that stung a little. Here I was trying to calm the man down, and he doesn't even value me. Nowhere near as much as Libra, anyways. What am I doing?

Pursuing Cancer... as if.