


I called mom and dad,took my bath and got ready for the last five scene of the movie after that I called my maid for an early morning bait before going to the movie set after that I gave them orders and what to tell my brother Kelvin when he wake up,tell him I'm out for work and nothing more okay I said,okay ma'am she replied,bow and leave.


I happily went home knowing that the movie will be published tomorrow, I took a deep breath and looked at the alert of 90,000,000 that just entered my account,I then smiled and said I'm a billionaire now With all the money in my bank account, I smiled knowing that my life will get better by tomorrow .

When I got home I got out of the Lamborghini and walked into my house just to see an unknown guy, but it's seems that I have seen him some where,who are you, I said,he replied I'm...., he's Phillip my old friend,Kelvin said cutting him shut. ooh you're the guy that hit me that day,yes he replied and said I'm truly sorry for that I was passing by and I.....,enough of this nonsense get out of my house now and keep the sob story,I said cutting him shut,hey sis Kelvin interrupted his my guest pls keep your bad attitude aside, my bad attitude,I have a bad attitude and you're saying this In my house,I said angrily,ooh sis don't be like that,Kelvin said in a husky but calm voice,so you guys still fight like when we were children,then why behave like family when you see each other at campus yesterday, Phillip asked,just get lost before tomorrow I said before storming into my room.

As soon as I got into my room my maid Mona came inside and serve me orange juice, I didn't ask for that,I said,I known and you need it you must have had a busy day and you just had a fight with Kelvin, Mona replied, sorry ma'am if I'm getting my self involved with you and Kelvin matter, she said and drop the tray and left, immediately she left I got a text massage from Mom

Mrs Anderson:Are you done?

Mrs Anderson:how was it?

Angela:I'm back and it was fine

Mrs Anderson:great so how is it going with you and Kelvin


Mrs Anderson:what happened

Angela:Mom he brought Phillip

Angela:you known how I hate Phillip

Angela:he always around my brother and he judge me as a bad person

Mrs Anderson:ooh sweety don't say that

Mrs Anderson:he's your brother's friend

Angela:that doesn't mean he will support bad things

Mrs Anderson:he don't understand

Mrs Anderson:don't blame him, he's Kelvin child wood friend

Mrs Anderson:Kelvin told me that Phillip contacted him and they decided to meet when he found out that Phillip was the guy from the other day

Angela:I don't care I want him out

Mrs Anderson:pls try to set things right with your brother

Angela:OK mom,I'll try but talk to him

Mrs Anderson:alright


Mrs Anderson:bye

Angela:bye mom

Mrs Anderson:sleep tight my dear

Angela:you too mom

I kept my phone with a smile as I took a sip of the drink slowly


My phone was buzzing with massages from movie producers and news,I smiled as I known that my new movie is now out,when suddenly my manager Kasey ran into my room and say madam God has seen us today,he has answer our prayer,what do you mean?,I asked,the CEO of Benji enterprise has given you a role as head actress of his new movie plan which will be shown in the biggest screen of California, Kasey said in a loud voice,as I stood up and screen with excitements,what is the cause of all this noise Kelvin said as he entered my room with Phillip, non of your business okay because my happiness is your down for, and anyway I've got a big acting offer,I said proudly. what he shouted furiously then he realize that Phillip was there then he kept cool making me want to laugh, okay Kasey I will meet you in my office at noon,alright Kasey said and left as Kelvin followed and Phillip walked away almost cross the door he turn around and said congratulations for getting the role he said and left leaving me thinking, ma'am Mona called me,yes I answered, ma'am the bubble bath is ready just the way you like it she said, thanks I replied, you known me very well that I love bubble bath when am happy and rose petal at my best moment and iris when I'm angry,I'm sorry for yesterday okay,I was angry at Kelvin and lashed it out on you,I said,don't worry ma'am it's okay she replied. I then left to take my bath and went to school.