
How I met the one

this is a literal story of my life, I'm not kidding Read about my High-school life up till my sexual escapades

Marlette_JP · Sports, voyage et activités
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Birth of someone somewhat a legend

This is the literal story of my life no twists

Now along the way you may get frustrated like "why the fuck is she so stupid" or "why the hell would she do that" and of course "I'd never be this dumb in a million years but hey we all make mistakes and I'm keeping it real.

Yeah, I don't really remember the day I was born much or the days after. Heck I only remember from elementary school

I was the ugliest kid in class, called all sorts of names, left out of a bunch of stuff, and of course treated differently. Now I'm not here to whine about my elementary school days and shit, I just need you guys to know the root of my problems.

I have two siblings of which I'm the second offspring of my parents and their first daughter too. I've got an older brother and a younger sister both of who are exceptionally beautiful people...sigh

Anyways continuing the elementary school stuff, I was so dark and ugly that my grade literally turned into a museum, yeah I'm a black girl too, some people literally only came into my class to see the infamous black as fuck girl who didn't know any better or know that she was ugly either.

Imma skip a few years tho

Now in the 7th grade, I was the shortest, ugliest, and most timid...let's not forget darkest (I'm emphasizing my darkness just so you'll be able to relate to the jokes that come after)

I was a really bright (not literally of course haha) and hardworking kid.

Was aiming to be the teacher's pet and class representative (dumb move) and I got those titles.

Guess who became the class representative and teacher's favorite. We wear uniforms at my school...

Author's note: I may be telling you guys the story of my life but I will refrain from using my real name and or locations including the names of people in this story, the name of my school, or places I have lived and live, thank you for understanding.

Whew, back again. Imma just tells you a bit about some short stories that happened Anywho we wore uniforms at my middle school and well it was this white shirt and a black skirt with black shoes and white socks.

My mum is a what do you call it, she thinks she's a perfectionist but she actually makes things ridiculous.

I was literally excited about middle school not knowing it would be one of the worst years of my life. Starting from a horrible first day.

Of everyone present, my mum was the only parent who insisted on staying with me in the school right till the morning assembly started

She literally made me come to school with all my assigned books in a big black nylon bag that I couldn't even lift. My uniforms were oversized and let's not talk about the shoes oh my God the shoes. They were like mini heels and made noise with every step saying "look at me bitches" not to mention that they were one size too big and came off the back of my foot as I walked.

Then a teacher came up to me and my mum and asked what was in the bag and she excitedly said it was my books, he then told her that those weren't needed and I was to only come to school with books needed for the day and she was like "oh they don't put them in their table lockers anymore?" With this really disappointed look. The teacher then told her to let me leave that it was time for morning assembly and I was supposed to be standing over there with the other kids and the seniors. So guess who's mum proceeded to start adjusting my uniform and using her spit to clean dry stuff on my face (well I didn't care much for my looks and hardly used any lotion) anyways she did that in front of the whole school and I just wanted to be swallowed...heh

I don't wanna go into too much detail but morning assembly was over and I started classes

Did I also mention that I was like one of the youngest in my classroom? Yeah no I didn't well I was