

At the school, I sat in my home room. I was waiting for our Algebra teacher, just like the rest of the class was. Aiden was standing in the corner of the room, reading the posters there.

This made me smile, remembering all the times as kids when he was learning how to read and write the language here. All the kids and teachers thought they were going crazy. Things would move on their own or disappear altogether. Now he'd just stare and read, careful not to touch anything.

Soon enough the teacher entered and the class began. Ms. Lawrence was a young adult fresh from the teacher academy. Despite this, she often needed reminders on things. Plus, Ms. Lawrence was a bit more lenient with her students than the other teachers at school were. She really was something.

"Attention class!", she called, "I will soon begin today's lesson. But first, let's do roll call. Shall we?"

After a brief pause, she began to call out names. One by one they went. Soon enough she had called out all the names on her list. As usual, only one or two were absent. Then the class began.

Today's lesson was about integrating integers in an equation. However, unlike Mr. McDougall's class at the end of the day, she made math interesting for everyone. That included Aiden, who stared at the teacher.

He was trying trying to absorb all the information he could. After all, he wasn't here for over 5 years. He had a lot of catching up to do. But he enjoyed every moment of it. Overall, it was a great class to be in.

Then the bell rang and it was time for the next period to start.


End of Chapter

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