
Tara bullied...

It was a sweet morning for Daniel. He woke up did his morning routine and went down to see Tara making breakfast. "Good Morning Princess"

"Good Morning Dany Bear."

" Today Mark is going to come yo school to pick us up"

"Why Dany Bear ?"

"He is having some get together sort of thing.. So we will be attending it"

"oh Okay Let's go to school Dany Bear"

"Let's go Baby Bear"


They both went to their respective classes. They attended first four classes and then at break Tara went alone to cafeteria since Wen was absent. She sat at their normal place. She was waiting for Daniel but he was late sine he had some work to finish off.

Suddenly Kaya came over to her and grabbed her hair. Tara let out a painful scream.

Kaya "You dumb bitch, You will steal my baby huh..?"

Kaya bumps her head with a table. She grabbed Tara's wrist a little too tightly and dragged her to middle of cafeteria. She poured a glass of juice on her and slapped her and drew the attention of whole cafeteria. Everyone was shocked and was praying for her. Kaya's friend told her to continue while they were enjoying the drama. They did it just for fun. They were drama-suckers. Just bitchies..

Kaya " What do you think huh slut you will fool my DANIEL and I will Just wait and watch huh... I know you are cheating on him.. I even know that you are sleeping with Wen huh.. Sleeping with two men ofcourse you just pretend to be innocent .. But you know what you are Juat a slut.. JUST A FUCKING SLUT..

Tara was crying badly till now...Seeing this Kaya smirked

" Oh look this slut is doing some emotional drama. And you know what You are a fucking orphan and you can't so anything ..Is this how you trapped my Daniel HUH ANSWER ME.."

She raise her hand to slap again but was stopped in mid way. She saw Daniel wait an ANGRY DANIEL holding her wrist ..

Daniel "WHo do you think you are to behave like this with my princess" He spoke with extremely cold voice that came out through gritted teeth.

Kaya " You know what I am just helping you out .. This girl over here is pregnant..."

Tara " N-NO I-I am n-not" she stuttered because of fear

Kaya " Why are you lying every one knows that you are pregnant with that boy Wen's child.. "Kaya smirked thinking that she exposed Tara..

Daniel " What's your fucking problem even if she is pregnant.. It is my problem not yours so stay out of this.."

Kaya " NO Daniel baby she will manipulate you and i don't want her evil ideas to succeed "

Daniel " I just said even if she is pregnant with Wen's child i have no fucking problem... So please i am controlling myself just because you are a girl so respect that and get away before I loose that little control of mine"

Kaya " You bitch what have you done huh just a orphaned child---"

She couldn't complete her sentence and was slapped by Daniel.

Daniel " You have no fucking right to call her orphan she still have his brother ... " He grabbed her jaw " GET THAT IN YOUR MIND STRAIGHT AND DON'T YOU DARE SHOW OFF YOUE=R POWER TO MY SISTER AGAIN OR ELSE MY ONE CALL AND YOUR FAMILY IS DESTROYED"

Kaya was beyond shocked after hearing that Tara is his sister. Then she saw his so callend friend enjoying the drama..

She immediately regretted everything but it was late now.

Daniel took Tara's hand and went out of the cafeteria. Everyone was feeling sad because no matter how cold Daniel is but she is sweet and kind.