

A teenage boy during a party with his friend,is injected a serum with the power to code anything in real life as a programmer in a computer ,he can change everything like brick to money etc.What will this man do to achieve this ?

Maybe_Set · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Leave It Out

The bald man shot Slen in the head. Rion can't believe what he is seeing. Deep voices can be heard. The bald man is talking to Rion while he is smiling. Rion sees to the right side of his and sees Rin down on the ground crying a lot. My master is dead, huh? No, that's not possible. This isn't true, it can't be. (Rion losing his mind.) Hahahahaha, so Master is now dead, then I am the master now, huh? Get the hell out of here, you pieces of shit. This kid, he changed, he wasn't like this before, he seems evil now. So you don't care for the old man, do you, Crodator? Maybe not, maybe yes, who cares, he is dead, hahahhaa. (The bald man thinking in his head, I see he has totally lost his mind, he isn't able to think more.) Let's go, guys, let's get him and our base, and let's move on out of here. (Rin destroys the elevator.) Huh, you think you could get out of here alive after you killed Slen? (The girl she was crying a bit before, what are these people?) So, I would like to see that bald head of yours to be fully covered by blood, let me kill you, bald man (Rin gets out her knives). In an instant moment, Rin tried to kill all the men, but she wasn't the one who killed them. (Rion's eyes turn up a dark green around his body, he transforms his arm into a high carbon steel alloy and the other one into a semi-automatic pistol). The three men from Buggators are killed by Rion by using the pistol, right in the middle of the face, while the bald man who killed Master Slen cut off his head by using the high carbon steel alloy. It all happened in an instant of a moment, the only thing I could hear was from Rion, "Rin, take his head, you wanted it, right?" (I was speechless, he killed them all, but still, Slen is dead now.) (Slen comes from the elevator which was broken by Rin.) My son, you really are the best at handling this power. Master, you aren't dead, are you?! Wait, you knew my son? Slen, you are alive, (Rin crying while saying it) but if you are alive, who is he, this was a test to see what Rion would do in this kind of situation.

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