

A teenage boy during a party with his friend,is injected a serum with the power to code anything in real life as a programmer in a computer ,he can change everything like brick to money etc.What will this man do to achieve this ?

Maybe_Set · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Yo, Rion, Slen told me that he is waiting for you in the elevator, and to go to -100. Huh, wait, did you say -100? Ah, do you have something in your ears or what? Just go to -100. Ok then, (Rin following Rion). Why are you following me? I am not following you, Slen told me that I should come too. (Rion gets to the elevator and presses the -100 number.) I wonder where it will get us, to go so fast and so low in such a short time, it must be something. (The elevator doors are opening.) Rion, Rin, get away! Don't come here! (Slen is shown with 4 men around him, while he is confined in a chair and one of the men is pointing a gun at his head.) How dare you treat my master like this? Tell me why you are here and what do you want. Oh, look at these two crying for their old fart master. We are Buggators, and we want you to come with us to take off the injected serum from you. Of course, it's your choice, but if you don't come with us, the old man dies. You know if you shoot a Crodator in his head, he can't come back to life unless he is revived by someone else, which means it's only you. But by judging the time you have with this power, I came to a conclusion that you can't use it. (This man is great at analyzing me. What should I do? I want to save Slen, but I can't give up now that I have come here.) Yo, you bald idiot, take me in exchange for Slen! (Rin shouts loudly at the man that's pointing the gun at Slen.) Hmhmhmhm, hahahah, I thought you were sharper than that, Rin-chan. You think that I don't know that you are good at martial arts and are planning to beat all of us by yourself. (Rin gets angrier.) (Rion thinking: This guy knows everything about us, but how? Only the three of us should know about me being the Crodator.) This is it, no other option here for me. I can't let Master die only because of me. Even though he may die for some years, he will be a greater Crodator than I will ever be. So, Buggators, I accept your deal. You take my power from me and leave Master alive and let him go. (The sound of a gun is heard.)

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