

A teenage boy during a party with his friend,is injected a serum with the power to code anything in real life as a programmer in a computer ,he can change everything like brick to money etc.What will this man do to achieve this ?

Maybe_Set · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Child Or Mature

"You really are a bad guy, Rion, to think that you killed all my friends." (Is she really a fool?) "Wow, sir, you really are good at fighting." "Yo, Daria, you are really annoying me with your behavior. So drop your act; I know that you are the one who killed these guys. I just wanted to take their guns from them. I would never kill a person.." (Rion thinks back to how he killed the bald man and his men.) "Look, I didn't kill these guys, you did it, Daria." "But what are you saying? I am just a child; I can't kill a person. Besides, I want to be a nurse and heal people, not kill them." (Raya, looking down and angry) "It's useless now, Daria. He knows about you, so just drop the act already." "What are you saying, big sis? I am not your sister!" "Fine then. I thought to leave you a little more alive, but if this is what you want, then you can die," (Daria points a Luger pistol at Raya and then pulls the trigger.) Rion rushes and uses one of the dead bodies to defend Raya. (He avoids her getting killed but he gets a scratch from the bullet on his arm.) Then Rion shouts, "Daria, let me do the trick this time!" (The lights go out.) "That fool, I need him alive, and now he protects that girl. What trick is he talking about? He can't beat me in martial arts if he thinks he can do that." (A gunshot is heard.) Rion is lying on the floor right next to Daria; she sees him fully covered in blood. (Wait, but I didn't kill him; I haven't pressed the trigger. Raya, she did it. Where is she?) As Daria turns back, Raya jumps on the floor from the stairs and gives Daria a strong slap on the face. (Raya's angry expression is shown.) Daria falls unconscious on the ground. "We did it, Rion!" Raya shouts happily. (Rion gets up from the floor.) "No, you did it. Now, Raya, I don't think we have much time. Will you come with me to get out of here, or will each of us go in separate ways? As we did our deal until now, it seems that only I have helped you, but I just want to know more about what you know about me and my secret and how you know it." (Raya thinks then makes a pose with her two fingers pointing up and says,) "I shall follow you, Rion, for saving me from this evil woman." (Woman, isn't she just a child, Rion thinks.) "Ok, then let's go now, away from here. Oh, and I am getting my money back," (Rion gets his credit card from the table.) "I will find a safer place from now on." After some time passes, a man that doesn't show his face enters the house and sees Daria on the ground. "It seems he got away, huh. Master, master," Daria says to the man, "please turn me back how I was; I will do everything you say, please. I will get him back." "Sure, but for now, enjoy your punishment," (a huge purple light is shown.) After the man leaves, some sounds of a little baby can be heard. (Who is this man?!) (A new Crodator has entered the stage.) (Will he kill Rion on his own?)

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