
Death System Activated!

I was bleeding... Darkness engulfed my vision. I felt regret, 'I shouldn't have saved that child!' I thought. I had jumped in front of a truck pushing away a careless child.

It was painful, Everything hurt and my heart stopped beating yet I was still conscious. It was a very unique and torturous feeling, knowing that death was coming your way and nothing could stop it.

Within this abyss of despair, I saw light. A brilliant blue light formed an interface in front of me. I saw a few words on this interface...

[Death System Activated!

Initiating Main Function...

Transmigration initiated...

Choose a world!

1. Earthland.

2. Elemental Nations.

3. Tamriel.

4. Middle-Earth.

5. DC-Multiverse. Choose the Universe!

6. Marvel-verse. Choose the Universe!

7. Earth Bet.





I was shocked! How could I not be?! This was impossible! I had thought that after death one would either be judged by some god or get reincarnate, even ceasing to exist was more logical! I had heard of this kind of stories but I never thought that one would happen to me!

As I was too engulfed in my thoughts the choices in front of me vanished...

[Not a choice was made in time!

The first world is Chosen by the system! 1. Earthland.

Secondary Function activated!

Random Gift generated! (https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Random)

Elemental Constructs Granted!

Good Luck till your Death!]

I wanted to slap myself for my stupidity because I wanted to actually choose a world but then again Earthland was a good one compared to the others so I calmed down. I didn't understand what Elemental Constructs would give me but I somehow understood it had to do with manipulating elements.

The words gradually vanished and I came face to face with darkness again, a while passed and suddenly a tunnel appeared in front of me and boom. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.

The first thing I noticed was that the weather was terribly cold. The second thing was all the snow around me and the snowing weather. I looked at my body and I saw I was wearing torn and slightly burnt clothes.

My body was slightly blue from the cold and I was definitely going to freeze to death soon. I weakly stood up and the chill wind made me shudder even more. I turned to look behind me and saw a city burning in the distance but what got my attention even further was the walking monstrosity rampaging in the city.

I checked my body and realized my body's age was around 15-16 so I sighed in relief! I didn't want to be a 10-year-old kid again in this world.

I wanted to walk but I couldn't move, My body was too cold. I fell to the ground. I began to slowly panic because I was going to die again!

Suddenly I remembered I had some sort of elemental ability, I focused on my surroundings and felt a strange connection with everything around me. I willed all the snow away and to my surprise, all the snow in my surroundings was pushed back.

I didn't waste time, I willed the molecules of the air vibrate and felt some heat being generated. I keep at it until a small flame became visible in my palm. I willed the flame to intensify and it grew bigger to the size of a basketball.

I couldn't help but imagine how good it would be if I was coated in a flame armor keeping away the cold and to my surprise, the flame engulfed my body gently and formed some sort of armor. It didn't even burn my clothes!

I felt excited and decided to experiment while waiting for my body to be restored to good condition. My body was half-frozen! I willed the ground below me to rise like an altar and It did. I tried to create Ice and some shards fell from my hand to the ground.

I with wonder and awe looked at my hands and decided to test with the air. I willed the air to spin around me and it did! A small tornado slowly formed around me. I canceled it immediately because my flame armor began weakening from the combination of wind and snow.

I held my breath and with excitement tried using the last element on my mind. I imagined the electrons separating from the atoms and gathering in my hand. A small and weak ball of lightning formed in my palm.

I began laughing like a maniac, I willed it and the electrons formed a lightning sword in my hand. I swiped the sword and willed electrons to be released while I did it. An arc of lightning was shot continuously from the tip of my sword, leaving a charred line on the ground.

The sword dimmed and vanished after the attack. I took a deep breath and calmed my excited heart. "So I can use elements and construct elemental things based on my imagination. Great! Now I need to find shelter, I am starving too!", I murmured and looked at the direction of the burning city.

It wasn't hard for me to guess it was Deliora rampaging there, I didn't want to confront it but I had no choice other than the city. I needed food and a map to find my way around besides, I could always steal a lot of money from those ruins while Deliora was rampaging.

I increased the power of my flame armor and walked towards the city. I was going to find a footing in this world first.




TheMysticcreators' thoughts