
How do you live?

How do you live? Life can be defined as all the events and people around you based on how you connect each dot dispersed through relationship. Life can be defined as an Event because you attract into your life what you want not what you deserve. Again, life can be defined through relationship. By relating to people which comes in various form. You alone cannot help yourself you need people and other things to assist you climb up as you move through your daily routine. Both Events and People comes with benefit to help you achieve success and derive satisfaction. This too accompany with Purpose aligned with your Vision and attract the right people who believes and share common ideology with you.

Joe_Mike_Sefah · Politique et sciences sociales
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what is life?

I believe many of us have crossed the puzzle where we questioned ourselves what life is about . In such cases we spend time alone not wanting to talk to anybody and such thoughts runs through our minds. This make us eager to demand answers. life's definition simply put it as all the events and people around you based on how you connect each dot dispersed through a narrow line called relationship. Life can be defined as Events because you attract into your life what you want not what you deserve. Again, life can be defined as relationship because you alone cannot help but need support of people and other things to achieve success and derive satisfaction as you move through your daily schedule. This accompany with Purpose aligned with your Vision and attract the right people who believes and share common ideology with you. life can be all you command it to be and it start with you. The decisions, attitudes and actions you take both either attracts or repel on how you direct or reacts towards them. To put it plainly, you are the owner of your life. No one can build your life for you but you. When we realized the above statements will make us responsible or take decision with the right positive energy exerted in living the quality of life we wants. This put us in charge of our lives.

How do you live teaches how one can reconstruct his life guided by principles provided in this book. it's a must book for anyone who wants to live an unforgettable life of QUALITY.

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