
How cruel a fate can be;()

Wangmo · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

"Lazy day"

Kinley! my mother shouted, as i was busy playing pubg(game) in phone. She rushed and snatched phone from me, Oh how desperate i was;(. "Mom, give me my phone back i will not play after i finish my match" i cried out in pain.

"You have been playing game for almost 2 hours.Go and help step father in field" she scolded.

I silently head towards the field and saw my poor step father doing work tirelessly.I helped him to put maize seeds in field.

He said,"Oh my little baby go and rest, you need not to do, leave me to my hand i will do others." After hearing sweet words from him I was filled with joy to leave yet i felt guilt for not helping him as mom commanded.

In the evening, mom gave back my phone and told me to be careful.I was confused yet i nodded in agreement.Then we had a dinner in circle as usual, we talked with each other about some important points.Mom advised me not to focus to much in phone and father did so.I know both of them care for me but i was badly addicted to game.As i mentioned above i played game till my eyes closed itself automitically. It was 3 am and my wish to play one more match and it keep on adding till i dosed off.

The days added to weeks and weeks added to month yet i was same person whose desire is to play game from night to till morning.

Went so fast.

Wangmocreators' thoughts