
How cruel a fate can be;()

Wangmo · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

"Another mistake"

One fine night as i was playing game, i met a boy name Namgay.He was good person and most of all he supported and protected me in game.We used to chats with each other and played game together.He is a simple boy whom i was attracted by his behavior and by his voice in game.

Day by day i only started to play with him and he also taught me how to play better, because of him today i am good at playing game and i thank him alot "Namgay".I was totally lost in thoughts about him.One night while playing game he added his brother who is at the same of my age.I didn't talk in game but through texts i replied him.

I played with his brother most of the time and least with him.His brother is arrogant and stubborn which made me furious.Sometimes we fight through texts and voice in game.All though we fight, we were still friends.

The school time was getting closer and i was busy playing game.I didn't even noticed that the time went so fast and there were only 3 days left as we need to go to school.The boy who i used to play with and admire went to hostel in which he won't be able to take phone nor chats.I was dissapointed and that night i cried like a baby and i didn't come online.

After he left for border, i felt alone and i was mood off.Simultaneously his brother was making me laugh while playing game.I have played with him more than with his brother Namgay as he was in border and we couldn't keep in touch with contact.

Ooops, i got proposed from his brother(Jigme) and i accepted it without thinking for a second.Being in relationship is not easy as i had seen in past.We both fight for silly misunderstanding and we both fixed.It went on for months and he keep on decreasing his interest in me.I knew the truth but i acted as if i don't know anything like a innocent girl.I cried not because he is not having interest in me but of not telling me the truth.During school times, i started to score low and it was making me angry,sad,and irrating.I knew that i was addicted to phone to chats with him.Despite being girlfriend, i rarely came online to chat with him but once in a week.It made him lost interest in me so we often fight in chats.

One year passed, i was happy thinking that our relationship will never end even though we fight.The events were repeating till the 2month.I saw him posting different kinds of video and notes which made me feel that i am not his girlfriend.I told him that if he is not interested he can leave but he opposed.We fight one hours through chats.At last He told me "The truth is i like to be single and i have family problem" .Oh it hit me so hard and he told that was joke but i didn't believe and let him go freely.He unfriend me and i was about to block him in every social media that he was added but i didn't instead i did what he did.

I was in pain, i didn't came online for days nor i played games.Day by day we didn't contact and it became month without conversation.I was glad that i will heal hereafter and also worried about him at the same time.Sometimes the feelings changes and make me cry and sometimes it make me happy.Cried because i truly loved him and let him go and happy because i will study harder unlike before.

My fate was not what i strongly wish to be, instead i think about him, cry, misses and get angry on myself for thinking nonsense.There were no changes in mark nor in feelings.It remained same as before.Sometimes i wish that if my feelings fade that would be better....

But wish cannot be fullfill as i wish,it remain incompleted.I started to become mood off day by day yet i never know why i was thinking too much.I tried many ways to overcome my sadness and i did but still then whenever i saw his pictures or account it made me feel that pain again.The memories we have created isn't that easy to forget.The dream i had with him has sank in lies but i still have a hope that one day i can manage to reach that hope with him.

Observe everything but tells nothing.

Wangmocreators' thoughts