
Chapter three

while the boy was walking he could hear some voice calling him.He stood a while to confirm where the voice was coming from.The person calling him knew his name.The boy wondered how comes someone in the jungle could know his name and he doesn't recognize the person.

He went along the way where the voice was coming from.He walked farther but he could not see anybody . Again he heard the voice from far.He became confused.He remained stand still for awhile.

The voice was now moving closer. He walked towards it.From far he could someone. He moved closer to find out who exactly he was.He reached the person but he could not see the phase clearly.The person had long hairs and dirty clothes.

He told to turn his head so he could see the phase clearly.

When the man turned his head, what the boy saw made his heart to move.

The man had two long teeth and three eyes.the boy was stagnated even he didn't have energy to run.He remained stand still with his mouth fully opened.He did not know which direction to run to until the giant reach him.

The giant like creature took him, went and locked him in a cave .He tried to free himself but his work was all in vain.He tried to scream but there was total silence.Only the giant answered him.

The giant prepared fire 🔥, took the boy and divided him into pieces.The giant roasted the meat and ate the boy up.


He waked up from under the tree he was sleeping very scared but he his healthy and kicking.

He thanked God that he died in a dream but not realityHe stood up and head to the river to have a bath.