
Housewife of St. Eves

Matt and Julie are sent to prison for drugs. They both want custody of Molly when released. Matt has a personal relationship with the Guardian ad Litem Christina. To influence the to give him custody. Julie wants to reunite with Matt and share custody. Matt is shot was it a murder attempt. Christian ends up in a coma. How will it effect the custody case? Will her husband find out and report her? Will Matt and Christina be killed by a jealous spouse. Will they live happy ever after?

Sylvia_Russell · Urbain
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Christina asks Client if she could pick up Matt from prison. He was being released and had no one to pick him up. Alice could not drive. Client agreed. He knew the more information he had, the better off he was. Christina did not know he knew. He continued to treat her like a queen. When he proposed to Christina, it was a lifetime. Her family was upstanding in the community and owned half the town. It would benefit him with his career. Christina knew the only way to keep him was to provide him with the children. He would never leave her because of the children. He is a wonderful dad and knew that she would take him to the cleaners.

Christina contacted the prison and picked up Matt at nine o'clock. Matt had dreamed all night about being in the arms of a woman. It had been five years since he had touched a woman. Christina pulled into the parking lot at the Facility to pick him up. She had purchased him a new set of clothes. She could never buy Client clothes. He had his tailor made. She delivered the clothes to the guard. She returned to the car and waited for him to be released.

Christina saw Matt walk out of the Facility. Matt was a free man with a woman waiting for him. What else could he ask for? Christina opens the truck for him to put his belonging in. He grabbed her and kissed her passionately, like they had never kissed before. While standing there embraced. Someone droves by in a black van. They hear a bang and the van sped off. They have shot Matt in the shoulder. Christina ran back into the Facility and informed the staff. Medical called 911. Matt was put in the ambulance and taken to the hospital. Christina cried. They had shot the love of her life. She did not know who would want Matt dead. He had been in prison for five years. The police questioned them, and neither could think of anyone that wanted Matt dead.

As time passed, they stalled the investigation. Matt could not provide any information. He did not know anyone that drove a black van. Christina did not know anyone that drove a black van. Why would anyone want him dead? Julie might want him dead so could get custody of Molly when release. She was in prison and there is no way she could have done it. Client did not know about the relationship between him and Christina. They could not figure out whom wanted him dead. Was it someone from the past he knew in prison, Julie, or Client? Time will tell.

Christina called Client to tell him what had happened. Client was upset and worried about the wellbeing of Christina. He insisted on having a bodyguard for her. Christina refused. She did not want a guard hired by Client. He would find out what was really going on between them. Joe was already there in the area. Joe had been following her as part of the investigation. He had not called Client and told him anything about the shooting. Client called Joe and questioned him about the shooting. Why didn't you call me? Joe responded, "I am investigating the incident. Christina was not the target." The dark alley in St. Eves is where I followed the van. I am trying to find out who shot Matt. I do not think Christina is in any danger. Matt was the target. They released Matt from the hospital.

While walking out of the hospital. Matt continued to look all around the area. They scared him someone was going to kill him. The safety of Christina never crossed his mind. All he ever wanted anyway was her money. Matt and Christina were on I75 on the way to St. Eve when a black van pulled up beside them. Matt was afraid they were going to be shot him again. Except this time, it was Joe. They sent Joe to make sure that Christina arrived home safe. Client called Christina on the cell phone and informed her the black van beside her was Joe. Joe was a hired bodyguard, and he will ensure she makes it home safe. Client demanded that Christina drop Matt off at his house and come straight home. He did not want her to be in danger. Client knew that would never happen. A man could not touch a woman in five years. There was no way Matt would let Christina leave without having sex with her.

Christina arrived at the townhouse with Matt. She had arranged for Alice and Molly to spend the day at Disney World. Molly would be happy. She would have the full day alone with Matt. The day she had dreamed about was finally happening. Christina knew if the sex was like the enthusiastic kiss, it would be wonderful. Matt held Christina in his arms tenderly. He held her face in his hand and kissed her passionately. Christina unbuttoned his shirt. The woman rubbed his chest. She was slogging her way down to his pants. She began unzipping his pants and sliding them to the floor. Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot echoed through the neighborhood. Christina was afraid someone was shooting at Matt again. Would Matt ever be safe? The person who shot him before was still walking the streets. They did not know who was trying to kill him. Who would benefit from Matt being dead? The only person who would benefit was Julie. Julie was in prison and there was no way she could commit the crime.

There was a knock at the front door. Matt was afraid to answer the door. Christina opened the door and Joe was standing there. Joe instructed Christina to get in her car and go home. Christian told Matt she had to leave and go home. When Christina arrived home. Client had scheduled a cruise, and they had to depart later that day. Christina did not want to go. She wanted to spend time with Matt. However, she could not refuse to go. Christina when into the bedroom to pack a bag for the cruise. She called Matt on the phone to let him know she would be out of town for a week. Client had scheduled a cruise for the Anniversary. Christina began telling Matt she did not want to be intimate with Client. Matt suggested Christina slip him Xanax. One of the side effects of Xanax is an altered interest in having sexual intercourse. This would leave Client with no desire to have sex.

Client and Christina boarded the cruise. The first thing Christina insisted on doing was eating the wonderful buffet. They filled it with all the seafood you wanted to eat. Seafood was her favorite, especially Lobster. Client agreed to take the bags to the room. Christina waited in line to be seated at the buffet. She sat a table overlooking the ocean. There was nothing more gorgeous than an ocean sunset. Eating a seafood dinner while watching the sunset was an effective way to begin the cruise. After dinner, they could dance the night away on the balcony outside for their room. While eating at the buffet Christina took the advice of Matt and slipped Xanax in Clients drink.

While dancing under the sunset on the balcony, Client felt tired. Christina recommended Client go to bed. While in bed, Christian could not wait to call Matt. She had not talked to him since early that morning. She was concerned that someone had attempted to kill him again. On the call, she began telling Matt she loved him and could not wait to be with him. She began telling Matt about the buffet and she slipped into Client Xanax and how it had worked since he was in the bed asleep. She asked him how often I could give him Xanax. Matt informed her to give it to him three times a day. It would only make him sleep. Every day while on the cruise, Christina gave Client Xanax three times a day. Client sleep during the entire cruise. Christina was living life to the fullest. What happens on a cruise stays on a cruise. She was with a different man every night while her husband was passed out on the other bed in the room. This was a thrill that she had not expected having. She was having sex with a strange man right in front of her husband. If he woke up, she would tell him it was only a dream.

When returning home from the cruise, Client visited his doctor to determine while he was tired all the time. The doctor recommend he cut his hours back at the office. He had been working long hours and taking business trips. The doctor recommended he only worked a couple of days a week until he started feeling better and prescribed him vitamins. While he was home Christina would still slip him Xanax in the Iced Sweet Tea at dinner. She had a special glass she would give him during dinner. Instead of giving it to him three times a day, she only gave it to him at dinner. After dinner, he would always take a shower and go to bed. He would sleep all night and never wake up. While he was sleeping after the children went to bed, Christina would go spend the night with Matt.

After weeks of only being given one, Xanax Client began feeling better. He started working at the office more. He scheduled a business trip and would be gone a week. During the week he was gone, Christina handled the children. Christina made homemade cookies with the Xanax in them. She told him to eat one every night before bed. She had made them special for him. While on the trip, Joe continued to follow Christina. She went into the local drugstore and bought two boxes a Xanax. When she left the drugstore. Joe requested a counsel from the pharmacist. They informed him that Xanax was used to treat anxiety disorders. They provided Joe with product information to include side effects.

Joe went to meet with Client and tell him what he had discovered. Christina did not have an anxiety disorder and he could not imagine while she was taking the pills. Joe asked Client for one of cookies. He gladly gave Joe a cookie. Joe had the cookie examined at the criminal lab, and it was determined that the cookie contained Xanax. Joe could not understand why she would give him Xanax, it would only make him sleep. She was not trying to kill him. Joe remained confused about the incident. He continues to follow Christina to find additional clues.

While Client was on the cruise and business trip, no one had tried to kill Matt. Matt was adjusting to being free. Living in the lap of luxury with Christina providing for his every want or need. All he had to do was keep her happy in bed and make her believe he loved her. She was a pushover. This was easy for Matt; he had snowballed her while he was in prison. Any man would want a woman to drop her pants at his request. Matt was living large. What else could a man ask for a sugar momma that satisfied his sexual desires? Christina was too stupid to realize what he was doing. Client had to be blinded with love for her or filthy rich. He did not even miss the thousands of dollar Christina had spent on him. How could someone be so stupid as the two of them? They deserved each other. Stupid and Stupider.