
Housekeeper and the Billionaire

"As I struggled in ineffective resistance, trapped within his powerful embrace, I couldn't help but slowly succumb to the intoxicating allure of his firm grip. Each passing moment only intensified the magnetic force of his grasp, his touch becoming more commanding and irresistible with every fleeting second. As our glances confined to each other, I saw a flicker of something untamed within his eyes. It was a primal hunger, an insatiable longing that was rapidly consuming his very being.  At that moment, I realized that I had become the object of his desire, a captivating force that he wanted to possess." ........................................................................... Within the lavish Elite Oaks Resort, heartbroken Zara, a humble housekeeper, canceled her wedding due to her lover's betrayal. Fate intervened when she collided with Sherman Colton, the resort's charismatic CEO, in her bridal gown. Their chemistry ignited a captivating connection, setting their worlds on fire with passion.

Zahaer_ · Urbain
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37 Chs

Chapter 10

I was in a state of dumbfounded silence, as if someone had hit the mute button on my life. The irony of being rendered speechless at a time when I needed words the most!

Before I could even begin to describe my shock with words.

Winston clarified, "It will be a Contract marriage, and you will be paid generously at the end of each week. When the term expires in eight weeks, you will also be gifted with a luxurious apartment in the center of the Dorian coast."

All of it seemed too good to be true, and it most likely wasn't. When it comes to money, that would completely alter my situation. I was out of a job and in a dire situation financially. I once attempted to be married out of love, but it was a horrible experience, and it didn't work out at all. But, a marriage without love?

I was miserable at the thought of getting married, but ultimately, last night, I decided to stop thinking about it at all.

However, the duration of this commitment is merely 8 weeks, and once it finishes, I will be free and possess sufficient funds to enroll in a prestigious institution for hotel management.

The two men were totally focused on me as I narrowed my eyes and drifted into oblivion while trying to wrap my head around the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that was being laid out before me.

"Ms. Zara"

"Huh," I couldn't help but get sucked back into the reality of it all.

"We don't have time; you must make a decision prior to the 9 a.m. press conference," Winston remarked.

Winston had been doing most of the talking on behalf of Mr. Colton, leaving me to rely on his vocal inflections to figure out Mr.Colton's thoughts. I turned to check the time; it was 5:20 a.m.

"Ms. Zara, I want you to think of this as a business proposal; you can accept it and alter your life, or you can reject it and return to your previous lifestyle. The choice is yours, but we're running out of time, so please make it as soon as possible." Mr. Colton finally expressed his thoughts on the situation after a long period of silence.

His voice had a calming and melodic quality, and his pronunciation of the phrases was impeccably precise. In other words, he sounded like he belonged on the radio.

"I'll do it," I declared.

While it might have appeared that I was making spur-of-the-moment decisions, the truth is that I've always approached every aspect of my life with careful thought. However, despite my meticulous planning, nothing has ever unfolded as expected. Just how bad will it be? I'm already leading a miserable life, but having some money in the bank would make my life a little less miserable.

Mr. Colton maintained a stoic countenance as he spoke his final words to me: "Excellent decision, Ms. Zara."

He looked at Winston and uttered, "Winston, please inform the attorney to prepare the contract and have the folder prepared for the upcoming press conference."

He seized his mobile and a handful of documents, making his way to the adjacent room. With an immediate motion, he shut the door behind him.

Even though I only took a split second to make the decision, it was the hardest of my life. "Excellent decision, Ms. Zara?" And all he did was extend his insincere congratulations upon it and proceeded to walk away like that. His behavior was both absurd and discourteous.

Winston began gathering the stray papers that were lying on the table while I sat there debating whether or not I made the right decision. I firmly smacked my hand down onto the paper just as Winston was about to grab it. He looked at me with his dark, beady eyes piercing through the lenses of his glasses.

I considered the question for a moment before finally building the courage to ask, "Why does he want to marry me?" The words hung in the air, heavy with an unresolved touch of vulnerability. I couldn't help but wonder what could possibly be the reason behind this.

"So that you both get what you want," he answered hesitantly.

"I couldn't believe a single word that escaped his lips," I grumbled under my breath, my skepticism evident in my tone. I posed my question once more, carefully rephrasing it to ensure clarity. "And what will he gain from all of this?"

Winston's gaze shifted uneasily, his eyes darting away from me as he replied, "His reputation."

I didn't speak a word after that, but I kept a close eye on him, observing his every move as he hastily gathered the documents, eager to escape my presence.

He asked me to get some sleep, bowed goodnight, and hurriedly exited the suite.

There were only two of us, Mr. Colton and myself, in the suite, separated by the door that stood between us.

I lay down on the bed, repeatedly turning and twisting, attempting to reflect on the underlying cause that may indeed lie behind this situation. In this day and age, it seems rather excessive to go to the extent of tying the knot simply for the sake of a handful of photographs shared on the internet.

There was more to it than met the eye.

I had just managed to catch a brief sleep of a couple of hours when the sound of a gentle knock on the door jolted me awake. I sluggishly separated myself from the comfort of the bed, my feet moving gloomily as I made my way towards the door.

I sparingly cracked open the door, allowing just enough space for my face to peek through and respond. There he was, Winston, making another appearance.

"Ms. Zara," he called out, his voice filled with a mix of respect and urgency. "Good morning," Winston greeted, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "It's 7 a.m., and Mr. Colton wishes to see you in the dining room." With those words, he departed.

I couldn't help but feel a tinge of frustration. Mr.Colton and I shared the same suite. Our rooms were separated only by a thin wall; he could have simply called out my name. Why does he always make everything so complicated? It seemed as though he enjoyed summoning me through Winston, his loyal messenger, every single time we needed to communicate. It's as if he enjoys adding unnecessary layers of complexity to our interactions.