
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
Pas assez d’évaluations
75 Chs


We stepped off the plane once we landed in Virginia. I decided that it was time to check up on my estate. I had sent a call to my estate before leaving Europe. The invention of the basic phones was fascinating. I of course invested a small fortune in the technology. A Ford Model T came rolling by soon to pick us up. I loaded in my bags and helped the girls onto the back. I sat in the passenger side as the servant drove us away from the tarmac and onto the paved streets. 

Being even closer to modern times had me feeling excited. My bank had flourished, it was now a franchise that saw several banks opening across the country. When the world heard that Seth Williamson, the son of the founder of Williamson bank and owner of Williamson ranch was going off to war, many saw it as an inspiration. Some even joined because of it. Word that the war was over led to reporters flocking the gate to my home. Servants kept them out of the way as we drove through and into the driveway. I turned to Anais and Amelie. 

"Welcome to your new home."  

"It's huge!" 

"Amelie, don't be rude."  

"It's quite alright Anais, I inherited it from my father who passed on when I was young." 

They got out of the car and looked around in awe at the large mansion. Over the years I had the place remodeled to keep up with the times. I had plumbing installed and electric fixtures replaced the gas light sources. I had a steam powered backup generator a distance from the house. Hydroelectric power wasn't too reliable just yet. I had a servant show the girls around my home as I made my way inside to wash up and check on things. Changing into a three piece suit I slick my hair back and checked myself in the mirror. With my immortality you could never tell that I fought in a war. 

I went down to the cellar first and grabbed a drink and bottle of wine. I had refrigeration units installed in the cellar to contain dozens of bottles of blood. The units had cost me a bit of money but what was the point of being one of the richest men in the country if I didn't indulge myself. Stepping out back into the main house I found Anais and Amelie changed out into new dresses and looking much better than when we arrived. I had the servants prepare baths for them as well as new clothes. Anais ran to me with tears in her eyes. 

"I can not thank you enough, for all that you have done for me and my daughter."  

I pull away and give her a smile, "You never have to thank me, you showed me kindness when I was but a stranger at the time."  

"It was just tea."  

"So you remember," I smiled at her. "That tea was the first nice thing anyone has ever done for me in this world. I'm just paying it back. You and Amelie are welcome in my home for as long as you want." 

Amelie runs up to me and throws her arms up. Smiling at her antics I pick her up and she immediately goes for an embrace. 

"Thank you papa, thank you Maman."  

Anais is wide eyed. "D-did she just call you 'papa'?" 

"She did on the plane too, I don't mind though. Anyone would be lucky to have such a sweet girl as their daughter."  

Anais has tears running down her face. She joins her daughter in her embrace and hugs us both. I sigh and put an arm around the two girls. 

Once the sea of reporters dispersed I took the girls out around town to see the sights. A school was being constructed as well as rows of new homes. Joseph Lockwood, a man I did not recognize from the show had taken over as mayor in 1910. After fifty years, a whole generation had passed. Hardly anyone recognized me, and if anyone did it took very little to convince them that I was the son of the original Seth Williamson. My name was still on the founders books so as time went on I was shone with the same light as the founding families. That and I helped fund the town. My 'father' had even been offered the position of mayor but declined due to other responsibilities. As his 'son' a majority of the town respected me. 

"Why does everyone look at you like that?" 

"My father was part of the founders council over half a century ago." 

"You must be very wealthy then non?"  

"Money will never be an issue for me, do you and Amelie see anything you like?"  

I had taken them to a clothing store. Anais had picked out several dresses for herself and a few for Amelie before we headed back to my home. Loading their packages into the back of my car I started it and drove us back to the mansion. Anais thanked me for the day as servants unloaded the dresses they had bought from the car. Amelie ran inside laughing holding a new stuffed toy I had bought her. Smiling at Anais I walked with her back into the home. 

"What do you think about having Amelie start school here once they finish the school house?"  

"I think it's a great idea Seth, she needs friends her own age."  

"I agree, she'll start sounding like me if she doesn't do so soon."  

Anais laughs and bids me a good afternoon before retiring to her room. I smile and head up to my study, sitting on my chair. I take out the book and start writing down the changes and noting what was to come in the future.

[Scene Break]

Several years pass, Anais helps out the servants around the house. Amelie had started school the previous year. She had gotten used to calling me 'papa' and I couldn't help but to see myself as her father. She was nearly eleven years old and slowly was becoming a splitting image of her mother. Long curly chestnut hair, hazel eyes, and a slender frame. The people around town simply adored her whenever I brought her into town for ice cream or other treats. 

"Papa," she had learned English. Though she still had a slight accent and preferred to speak French in the house. 

"What is it sweetie?" 

"I'm worried about Maman." 

"Why do you say? Is something wrong?"

"Monsieur Lupin told me that she was sick." 

"How does Monsieur Lupin know love?" 

"He said he felt it growing in her." 

"Mmm, we'll take her to the hospital for a check up tomorrow." 

"Thank you papa." 

"Don't mention it sweetheart." 

I led her back to the car and we drove back home as she finished the rest of her candy bar. Anais greeted us at the door and Amelie gave her a quick hug before running to her room to play. I pulled Anais to the side and examined her. 

"What, what's wrong Seth?"

"Nothing yet, I just have a feeling. I'm taking you with me to the doctor tomorrow. We need to get you checked up."  

"What for, I am perfectly healthy." 

There it was, a slight flutter in her heartbeat. She was lying, but why? 

"Tell me the truth Anais, that was a lie and you seem to know it." 

"I- I am sick Seth, I have the same illness as my husband. I." 

"It's okay, I can cure you if you would like." 

"How? There is no cure for this illness." 

"Let's go to my study, this may take a while."

Offering her a seat, I took mine from across hers and sighed. Slowly I began from the beginning and told her exactly what I was. She had no fear, she told me that if I had wanted them dead I would not have taken such great care of them over the years. Nor would I have acted like a proper father to Amelie. 

"So, I can turn you into something like me."

"And I will crave for blood non?" 

"And you will get to watch Amelie grow up, get married even." 

She looks conflicted. "What will your choice be Anais" 

She looked up at me and smiled, her answer came a moment later.