
Hotd: Zombies!? I just got here...

In the midst of a universe once considered to be pure fiction where zombies with overtake humanity all he can do is survive with what he's been given. Not knowing what or who sent him to such a world he does his best to enjoy his new lease on life. But not without gaining a few flings and relationships along the way At least...he was given a system... [High-school of the dead/Dead island crossover. Multiverse dimensional traversal included.] ============================= [Warning: This story will contain a plethora of +18 smut and foul language. All readers below the age of 18 please be advised!] A/N: all copyrighted content in this story belongs to their respective creators.

Lone_Courier69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Chapter 6 - A terrible mistake...~Heavy NSFW~

A/N: The trouble maker will be doing it with some else in this chapter. If your not into other female characters having sex with others then feel free to skip the +18 scene.



{Isaac pov}




Tearing away the chains securing the gate he pushed the doors aside and stepped further up to the front door. With one final kick it too burst open along with what was used to barricade the otherside the main lobby of the precinct.

Stepping inside he stood before a wide front reception desk as the sight of a statue standing tall in the midst of two sets of stairs leading up to two diverging balconies at the back of the expansive main hall graced his eyes.

Witnessing the same iconic typewriter sitting on top if the furniture itself he couldn't help but think back to the first and remade iteration of resident evil 2 as he ran a hand gently over the antique machinery.

"Hard to think this place use to be a museum..."

Closing his eyes he activated his viral sonar and immediately detected many signatures throughout the building. The closest only being on the otherside of the hall.

Cautiously he moved along the left side of the room making sure to raise his hands slightly to show he wasn't a threat to the person ahead. Lo & behold, his eyes met the sitting form of brown skinned middle aged man with a gun in hand shakily trained on the teen.

"What...in the hell are you boy... and you better have a good answer for destroying my barricade, or I will put you down." The man spat as he struggle to his feet while putting preasure on a wound located on his lower abdomen.

"Easy old man, just here to find supplies. I've been yelling out there for hours and didn't get a response, so...I let myself in. If I'd known there were survivors i would have gone through the back..." Walking slowly to the side he kept constant eye contact with the officer. "As for what I am..." Shape-shifting his arm before the him the officer stared cautiously at the appendage with facination and fear. "I'm not too sure of that myself anymore..."

For a minute the older gentleman seemed to mull over what to do. Seeming to come to a decision he lowered his weapon and fell back onto the makeshift cot he layed in before. "Aagh...whatever you are...it's most definitely not human, but...considering what's been occuring tonight, I honestly can't give a shit anymore. You want supplies kid, well tough shit. The refugees we let in used it up...before everything went to hell."

Sighing at the officer's words he kicked away a discarded stack of papers. "Dammit! Is anywhere in this city considered safe! First I come across a gas station only for a firefight to occur, then I find a apartment complex run by a cult of zombie worshippers, next a school filled with sadistic children feeding adults to zombie dogs and now I find myself in a police station potentially pact to the brim with zombies in its basement and run by a single officer on their death bed! Am I missing anything else!?" Isaac yelled as he directed his attention back on the wounded fellow who stared at him with dumbstruck eyes.

"There's...kids...actually doing that shit?"

"I'll take that as a yes...."

Sitting down of a chair nearby he simply rubbed his eyes in frustration. He was truly peeved that there was no food or supplies...the teen honestly hoped to get a large haul to supply the future lifeguard station residence. Guess he'd have to change his plans...

"I take it the supplies you were hoping for aren't for yourself?" Raising his head to look the veteran officer in the eyes he gave a nod. "Yeah...parted with them this afternoon, probably dead for all I know..."

"Is that right...." Doing his best to sit up the man let out a suppressed guttural groan of pain. "Listen kid, there may not be anything left in..*huff*..this building, but that doesn't mean there's more somewhere else. Somewhere...i just might know..."

Getting up he approached the wounded individual with a hope filled gaze. "Seriously!? Where is i-" raising a hand to cease his excitement he looked up to the balcony above leading deeper into the building. "Slow down son, i never said..*aah*...the information was free. First...*huff*...you'll need to do a few things for me in return."

Pacing back and forth he couldn't help but groan at not seeing that coming. "Of course you do..." rubbing the bridge of his nose he let out one last sigh of resignation as he crossed his arms. "Alright dead man, what do you have in mind?"

"First off wise ass, it's Marven, Marven Branagh. Second..." Branagh let out a labored sigh as he looked again to the top of the balcony above. "There's a rookie, blonde, arrived just a little while before you. I need you to help get him into that passage underneath that damn statue."

Nodding towards the statue behind them he waited for the boy. "Okay....and the other favor?" Isaac asked, not seeing what else there was to do besides that.

"Yeah. Put back together my fucking barricade."




{Nadia pov}



~HOTD/Dead island universe~


Staring at herself in the mirror she gleefully secured a necklace of pearls around her neck and admired how they contrasted against her chocolate hued skin as the white spherical material cascaded between her deep cleavage.

Hearing the sounds of the nearby bathroom open she looked to see an adult man no older than in his early 40's step out with an amused look in his eyes.

"You like 'em pearls sweet heart?" He asked in a thick australian accent, his eyes staring at her nearly nude form like it were a five star meal as he came over to run a hand against her partially exposed backside to which she let out a improvised moan of approval. All she had on at the moment was one of many colored two piece swimsuit belonging to her current targets wife.

"Oh~ I do. You sure she won't notice them gone?" She asked in the most flirtatious voice she could pull off, her eyes entranced by the majestic shine they gave off in the sun light seeping into the smaller bungalow her new benefactor owned.

After running out of Isaac's own bungalow after their heated exchange she wandered the nearby small island to privately calm herself down. It hadn't taken long for this middle aged buffoon, William Powell, to approach her and invite, the weeping 'neglected fiance' as she told him, to a friends quarters deeper inside the daimond bungalow district where she met his lovely associate, 'Svetlana' who offered plenty of alcohol and champagne.

The encouragement of drug use was among the festivities, but to the older woman's disappointment she hastily declined.

Their time together was actually enjoyable despite being surrounded by those twice her age. They drank, danced and gossiped to their hearts content. Eventually the mood of the party turned to one of drunken mishaps and arousal. Against her reservations she accepted the older man's advances and joined him in the champagne addicts bedroom.

Apparently the old fool's wife was off partying with friends and relatives on the other side of the resort and wouldn't be back until tomorrow. With the much desired need to get away from his clingy wedded wife and came here routinely to gift a few of her belongings to women he fancied.

"Oh don't you worry about that love, by the time we leave I'll have bought her a new set." The man chuckled as he led her to the bedroom. "For now though, it's time i give you different kind of pearl necklace shall we~?"

Deep down she couldn't help but roll her eyes at the married individuals attempts to sound sexual. Sure, he was somewhat attractive but that was easily overshadowed by his noticeable signs of age and baldness. Still...if that's what it took to stay the night she'd go through with it. It's not the first time...

The moment they both entered the next room she saw two women laying atop the big mattress inside clearly high from the drugs the owner passed around like candy, disregarding them both she simply climbed on the bed and turned around in time to see him untie the loop of his trunks. With a mere tug they fell to the floor to reveal his hard pale cock before her eyes.

The dark toned teen was honestly underwhelmed... if she had to guess, its was around 6 inches at most, the girth was...okay. Despite these imperfections she continued to appear excited and interested.

Extending a hand towards the pile of pillows by the two other women still lying in a intoxicated daze together he pushed the cushions aside to reveal a misplaced pile of condoms. Grabbing one and tearing it from its packet he leisurely slipped it on his manhood and approached closer to the young woman.

Catching her off gaurd he proceeded to lie down onto his front and pulled aside the crotch of her bikini bottoms to begin licking and sucking on her lower lips and clit.

"Aaah~mmm~ Ooh fuck yes~"

Continuing to let out a series of wanton moans and groans as she couldn't help but squirm as his tongue wormed its way slightly into her inner folds. Tossing her head back and forth it was quickly held in place by an unknown pair of hands only to see the two who she though were subdued were now much more lively.

Forcing her head to gently face the owner clasping the sides of her face to see a mature woman with skin a lighter shade than her own moved forward to smother her lips with their own as a tongue ran along her teeth and lips as though it were begging for entry.

Unsure of what to do she opened them a bit only to feel the lady's tongue forcefully slip inside. With it came the sensation of what felt like four circular tablets being slathered against her own respective tongue as they melted and mixed with both their shared saliva.

In a instant it felt like all her senses were dialed to what was once a 10 to a feverish 100. Arching her back she wailed to the cieling above as it all caused her to climax then and there, high pitched moans smothered by their continued make out session.

"Aww yeah, squirt for us baby~" The other woman by the cheating husband's side moaned as she helped spread one of her legs further in order to join the man in licking up her now sopping pussy.

The sounds of slurping and music blared in the background while everything around her was filled with overwhelmingly blinding colors. Even the sensation of the two between her trembling legs was maddening to feel, what was in that older whore's mouth!?

The older teens chest repeatedly heaved as her heart felt as though it were about to burst! To her relief, the man known as William ceased his actions and rose onto his knees offering her a mischievous glint in his eyes from her partially obstructed view from her current unwanted sexual companion continuing to add stimulation to her sensitive body by massaging her tits and suckling on her neck, in doing so they left noticable love bites.

"I think she's about ready don'tcha think ladies~?" He spoke in an excited yet husky voice while he licked his glistening lips.

"Mm~ definitely baby~♡ Allow me~♡" to Nadia's utter surprise and fear the caucasian blonde gripped the tip of the condom on the older man's dick and pulled it off like a tight rubber glove.

"Aaaah yeah~ much better~" without saying another word the bastard thrust his entire cock inside her waiting pussy with ease as he let out a loud groan of satisfaction. "Fuck~ nothing beats younger pussy these days! Always having to fuck that loose broad for so many years makes you forget, you know~"

Throughout his tirade he roughly began to thrust into the drugged teen to the point of pressing her deeply into the mattress itself resulting in the woman being pinned underneath him as she tried with all her strength to push him away. Due to the substance her movements were numbly feeble and made it look as though she were feeling him up, spurned him on even more.

'Stop! No more! Pull it out, please!' She screamed in her head as what only managed to escape from her mouth was wailing moans. Immediately she tried to find a way out, something, anything! Her eyes danced maddeningly around the room trying to find anything.

The moment Nadia's eyes met the counter where her small purse layed it soon turned to the contense being plucked out by the blonde who watched while she did so. Within the blonde whore's long nailed hand was a wallet, Isaac's wallet...

Tears pricked her eyes as the thought of the cold silent gaze she came to still begrudgingly adore caused the teen to feel a lump form in her throat. At this point she wished she'd never left his bungalow. She wanted to feel those familiar arms and body against hers. For him to do one last thing, even if she didn't deserve it...

'Please help me....'





{Isaac pov}




"Argh! Get the hell off me you prick!" Isaac roared as he tossed away a creature unlike any undead encountered before. A licker...a bipedal skinless creature that was once a mere zombie radically mutated by the

T-virus. One of many viruses in this reality.

Atop its head was a large brain that overtook most of the upper cavity of the skull rendering it eyeless and over relied on its sense of hearing. Even the tiniest of sound and footsteps would alert it to a object or persons position.


[{T-series: Licker} - Lvl.10]

◇ [TIER - 2]

[Threat level: High]


If not for the bio-muscle skill he would have stood no chance against his current enemy. "Ugh...*Spittle*..." spitting out a mouthful of blood onto the wooden floor of the department he watched as the evolved infected variant sprinted at an alarming rate and leaped towards the young man who rolled out of the way only to be grazed by its longest talon.

[-159 hp]

[HP: 430/1200]

[Stamina: 47% -> 37%]

Watching the bar shave away another ten percent of his energy he knew he'd die if the fight didn't end soon. Yet when he manged to grip an arm or it's neck he would recieve a claw in the chest or face for his trouble. It agility seemed to be far too great...

'The limbs...got to take out it limbs...' Getting into a crouching position it seemed to understand his intentions and proceeded to responded in kind.

The moment he felt his regen kick in he hoped to stall a bit longer to heal a few wounds. The licker however didn't seem to be amused by the prolonged standoff and left into action. Letting out a cry of defiance he met it head on as it plunged both its teeth and long claws into his back and midsection.


Letting out a high pitched cry it stopped tearing into its prey to see dark talons burst from it back and proceed to produced a flurry of tendrils as it was reduced to biomass which healed the owner to a certain degree.

Unceremoniously the boy fell onto his back against the torn rug and floor in exaustion.

[HP: 109/1000]

[Enemy consumed: +750 Hp, +30% Stamina]

[+400 Exp]

[+10 stat points]

[HP: 859/1000]

[Stamina: 37% -> 67%]

"Holy shit...that was so painful..." isaac groaned as he struggled into a sitting position. 'System....status...'


- [Status] -

[Name: Isaac Whitlock]

Age: 16

Race: Blacklight


[Job class: Evolved] - Level 2 (79%)]

HP: 1000 | (SP: 67/100%)


[Strength] - 10

[Endurance] - ♾️ [x]

[Vitality] - 10

[Agility] - 10

[Intelligence] - 10


- {Stat points: 0 -> 61} -


(HP = 100x/VIT)


- [Inventory]

- [I.D dungeon]


'I think...it's about time to spend those stat points...'

[Strength - 10 -> 50]

[Agility - 10 -> 31]

Without hesitation Isaac put every stat point he had earned from his first step into this world to the multiple undead he absorbed inside the police station into both his strength and speed.

There were...

There were so many bodies and zombies inside that building that all the joy he about farming for points he'd have vanished upon going inside the basement after putting back together Branagh's barricade.

It took longer than expected but if it meant getting the information he had then it was worth it.

But the moment he squirmed inside the shutters to get inside the department's depth he only felt gut retching disgust at the dozens of bodies piled up down there. The game was so tame compared to what he saw. Obviously the zombies who had been down there were killed by Leon Kennedy judging by the bullet holes. But it was more than just zombies that killed all those people...they were trapped like rats...no food or rations...just left to slowly succumb to infection or infighting.

What made him blow chunks and bawl his eyes out was the fact there were kids down there too. Some no older than a year old...torn apart or stomped to death by the horde of people in there going mad with hunger and anxiety.

He still consumed them...but it was a nightmare to do so due to being forced to relive their memories. So he promised them....he would find who did this...he would torture and maime the sick bastard who gave the order.


[Congratulations, the user's strength has risen to a 2nd Tier individual!]

[Congratulations, the host has killed their first infected variant of the T-virus strain!]

[Reward: New mutation unlocked!]

[{Blacklight: Claws} - Lvl.1/10 (0%)]

Description: The user has inherited the lethal claws of a dangerous bio-weapon of the Umbrella corporation! Cut down and rend your foes with this deadly mutation.

[Cost: 5% Sp/per minute]


Widening his eyes at inheriting such a aspect of the creature he could help but manifest them to see how they measured up to the prototype variant.

To his expectations they were quite identical to the licker in every way. To the four digits all the way to the long sharp protrusions of keratin with the middle digit being the most prominent.

Running a claw along the wall it dug deeply into the wood furnishing only to get stuck midway. 'As predicted...they are far from entirely lethal. Still...there's plenty of time for improvement.'

Before the young man could proceed with his task of finding the rookie main character of this reality he suddenly recieved a worrying message from the system.


⚠️ [ALERT!: A manditory Quest has been given to the host by the system!!] ⚠️

[Quest: A terrible mistake!]

<Description: Nadia thinks she's entrapped a married man into her scamming ways, not knowing she was the one being ensnared all along!>

[Objective: Rescue Nadia before the worst end result happens!]

[Reward: {Item: Large heart crystal}, {Update: Removal of the (stamina meter)}]

[Failure: {-100 reputation} with the system]


Gulping down a mouthful of saliva Isaac dismissed his new toys and clicked on the escape button of the dungeon repeatedly. Earning both a smile and annoyed emoji at his incessant pressing.

'Dammit woman, what have you gotten yourself into!?'


A/N: Alright folks which girl or woman from the HOTD series should he have become closely associated with in Tokonosu during his past who will be on the island? At first I thought Saya but then there was Kyoko. But...there's also Rei or saeko.