
HOTD: Surviving Uzumaki Style

High school was already a challenge, now he had to deal with a zombie apocalypse, one in which he would have to give it his all, although that didn't mean he couldn't have fun in the process. . . . . . . . Traslation to English

pOtOtO53 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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79 Chs

Chapter 054

"They won't stop guys, they never do" Naruto took the emergency radio out of the Hummer and turned it on to put it at full volume, making the message from before be heard by all the infected who went crazy and focused only on that sound.

"We are easy prey here" getting into the Hummer, Seako broke any head of the infected that would try to get in, "Even if we pass, they will follow us, jump the weave and come for us, we are in the middle of the streets and away from any buildings that we can use to lose them, we are vulnerable"

"What do you think you're doing?!" Kyoko didn't like at all where the conversation was going, she just wanted the boys to go over to her side, to continue all together and move forward.

"Something stupid, that's for sure" Naruto muttered as he took out the last two remaining grenades from the weapons bag, before she could stand up, a hand grabbed her wrist.

"It's also certain that you won't go alone." Seako took a quick look at the rest of the group, and tossed him some of the radios they found earlier, a way to keep in touch, "We're a strong duo, don't be afraid for us, Takashi." "You are in charge, please take care of them all, we will meet again at Takagi-san's house."


"There's no time to argue!" Naruto pulled the pin on one of the grenades and threw it, creating an explosion that created a small gap, "We'll discuss when we meet again!"

Both did not wait to hear the screams of the others, when they ran between the gap created by the grenades, drawing the attention of all the infected, who now went after them.

" You promised you wouldn't do any more stupid hero things..." Saya thought, biting her lips in frustration as she watched the two teenagers move among the infected, attacking and knocking down everything in their path, enough to make their way and guide the entire horde with they.

The pink-haired girl had to be taken by her arm by Hirano, who made her walk along with the rest of the group, who had no choice but to continue with the plan.


" Have you ever handled a sword?" Seako asked curiously as she saw her most recent apprentice from her club, who had only joined half an hour ago.

He was surprised that the boy joined only the second day after he had proposed joining, it wasn't like he was complaining, he liked people who made quick and confident decisions.

" No" for his part, Naruto shifted uncomfortably in the clothes he was wearing, he hoped he didn't have to wear these ceremonial kimonos every time they trained, because the truth is he doesn't like them one bit.

The girl raised an eyebrow when she saw how the boy abruptly untied the knot of her kimono and instead pulled it up around her waist, revealing the upper part of her torso.

" Not bad, you have some muscles," the captain of the Kendo club flattered when she looked at the muscles the boy had, it was decent, showing that at least he exercised.

" I have more than that," with a defiant smile, Naruto took one of the wooden swords from the wall, and walked to stand in the middle of the practice field, facing the purple-haired teenager, "I have to know that 'You are so strong, show me how skilled you are and I will join your club.'

" Oh?" That sounded like an interesting challenge, one that made him smile and take out his own sword from its sheath, "You have zero experience in the way of the sword and you want to face off against the captain of the club, apparently you have more guts than brains Uzumaki- saint"

" Perhaps, it is one of my virtues"

Both teenagers looked at each other and, giving a slight bow of respect for the other, they took up their swords and immediately the battle began.

To finish a second later.

Naruto went cold as he saw the tip of the sword almost touch his nose, cold sweat breaking out from his forehead as he saw the cold and hard gaze of the girl, who had a smile that gave him a chill.

" You are missing a lot... Uzumaki-san" lowering the sword, the girl hoped that the boy seemed annoyed by the humiliation or at least fury at not having been able to move a single finger.

Something more interesting happened.

He gave her a wild smile, one of pure excitement and maybe even arousal.

She liked that smile.

" Show me... senpai"

" It will be an honor for me to teach you the way of the sword my little Kohai."

" You're only three years older than me, don't call me small."

" Hai~ hai~ now let's first see more basic postures my little kohai"

~~~~~~~~~~ • ~~~~~~~~~~

There were many, too many. It seemed as if the entire population of the city had gathered together to persecute him.

Naruto and Seako knew that running across open fields was a bad idea, they still had to do it to keep the horde's attention on them, to get them as far away from the others as possible.

Even so, their lives were also at risk, there were several higher among the horde, and they were beginning to step on their heels.

"To the building!" Said the girl who led the escape as they entered a building, which appeared to be an office condominium, which they ran into through the lobbies, until they saw an open elevator.

They immediately ran towards him and Naruto almost broke the button when he closed the door, which slowly closed making them both tense as they saw the entire horde led by the highers running towards them.

With the few bullets they still had left, they opened fire, without having good aim, they decided to go for the legs, and thus make several of the special zombies fall, which when they fell caused the other runners to end up stumbling and falling to the ground. .

The mountain of bodies gave them enough time for the door to finally close, leaving both students locked in, exhausted and breathing heavily, barely able to take the time to take a breath.






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