
HOTD: Echoes of Extinction

The dead began to rise and Japan was thrown into total chaos. As these monsters begin terrorizing a high school, the once-familiar halls of William's high school transform into a harrowing battleground for survival. The contagion spreads rapidly, turning students and teachers alike into relentless, flesh-hungry zombies. In the chaos that ensues, William must navigate the now perilous corridors, relying on his quick wit and survival instincts. Haunted by the memories of his former classmates turned into monstrous threats, William must confront the harsh realities of the new world. With each passing day, he learns that the true test of survival goes beyond evading the undead – it demands adaptation, trust, and sometimes the sacrifice of one's humanity. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Author Note: Well I'll do the classic author stick which is saying English isn't my first language lol. (Well it's true) This is also of mashup of a bunch of anime but HOTD is the focus at the moment. Also the first arc is pretty slow since it's slice of life.

Ste1nzzz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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29 Chs

Chapter 3

As I was getting the royal tour from the not-so-British butler, who was valiantly ignoring my enthusiastic musings about zombie defense plans for this mansion, we stumbled upon a girl with striking pink hair.

She shot me a disdainful glance, an audible "hmph" escaping her perfectly glossed lips as she breezed past us. I couldn't help but mutter, "Jeez, what's her deal?"

Apparently, my not-so-quiet whisper wasn't as hushed as I thought. The girl abruptly turned around, fierce orange eyes narrowing as she glared at me. It was like getting the full force of a storm in those eyes.

This pink-haired force of nature, as I later learned, was Saya Takagi, Souichiro's daughter. With her long pink hair styled in two ponytails and those fierce orange eyes glaring at me through black-rimmed glasses, she was the embodiment of an ojou-sama, and she carried herself like she owned the place.

As she gave me the once-over, she remarked, "You must be Dad's friend's son. You don't look like much."

I raised an eyebrow. "Well, I wasn't aware I had to audition for a mansion tour."

Saya, with a haughty air, continued, "This isn't just a mansion. It's a masterpiece. I don't want your muddy shoes ruining it."

I glanced down at my shoes, completely forgetting about the whole "no-shoes" rule in fancy places. I stammered, "Uh, sorry. I'm Will, by the way."

She merely hmphed again and walked away, leaving me slightly baffled and very much aware that navigating this mansion might be more challenging than defending it from zombies.

As the night wore on, my not-so-British tour continued, and finally, there he was—my dad. We met in what could only be described as a medieval-esque dining room.

Seriously, was I somehow transported to Europe? I half-expected King Arthur and his knights to show up with a round table any moment. Now, that would be a twist.

Dad looked at me, a mix of amusement and bemusement in his eyes. "Impressive, huh? This place has its quirks."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Quirks? Dad, this feels more like a time-traveling tour. Where's the torture chamber?"

He grinned, "Maybe they have it hidden in the basement."

As we walked through the dining room, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was on the set of some historical drama. 

As we reached the table, the not-so-pleased pink-haired girl was giving me a glare that could've melted steel. I half-expected laser beams to shoot out of her eyes any moment. Mental note: avoid eye contact with the laser-eyed ojou-sama.

Souichiro entered the room, and Saya's expression shifted from a laser-inducing glare to a seemingly happy greeting. "Good evening, Father."

Souichiro glanced at her, a gruff acknowledgment being the extent of his response. As he took his seat, the table came alive with a feast fit for a king—steak, fancy soup, and an impressive array of utensils. Seriously, who needs this many forks and spoons?

I stole a glance at my dad, but he was deep in conversation with Souichiro. So, naturally, my next best option for guidance on the art of fancy dining was the pink-haired ojou-sama. I subtly observed how she handled the abundance of utensils, making mental notes on fork-to-spoon ratios and wondering if each piece had a secret purpose. It was like decoding a culinary puzzle, and I was determined not to embarrass myself in this strange, medieval-esque dining adventure.

As I clumsily attempted to mimic the pink-haired girl's sophisticated utensil dance, she couldn't help but notice my struggle. In that moment, she puffed out her chest, the clear expression of an ojou-sama convinced she was the epitome of refinement. It was as if she had just won a secret competition, and I was an unwitting participant.

Sighing inwardly, I gave a subtle nod, silently acknowledging her unspoken victory. "Yes, yes, you're the best," I muttered under my breath, more to myself than anyone else.

Surprisingly, she slowed down her meticulous dining process, giving me a chance to carefully follow suit. For a self-entitled brat, she was being quite nice in her own puzzling way. Maybe, just maybe, beneath the layers of superiority, there was a hint of reluctant camaraderie forming at the fanciest dinner table I'd ever encountered.

After dinner, Souichiro finally decided it was time to introduce us to the pink-haired girl.

"Saya, introduce yourself," he said.

She responded, "Yes, Father. I'm Saya Takagi. It is nice to meet you," as she clumsily yet elegantly introduced herself.

Souichiro then suggested, "Why don't you play with our guest, Saya? Me and Ryōshi are gonna catch up."

"Yes, Father," she replied, and as we both got off our chairs, I couldn't help but wonder where the real pink-haired girl went.

We were escorted to one of the rooms, and upon entering, it was like being swallowed by a sea of pink. Dolls, accessories, and everything in between adorned the room.

I couldn't help but think, 'She has a pink room that can rival freaking Barbie. What's new from Mattel?' The sheer dedication to the color was impressive, if not a bit overwhelming. I braced myself for what playing with an ojou-sama in a pink wonderland might entail.

Saya turned around with all the flair of an ojou-sama and pointed at me.

"Introduce yourself, commoner," she declared, her tone dripping with superiority.

I rolled my eyes internally. 'Seriously, commoner? Also didn't I introduced myself earlier' I decided to play along, showcasing my finest commoner charm. "I'm Will, your humble servant. I'm an expert in surviving apocalyptic scenarios and a legendary deer slayer. You know, the usual commoner stuff."

To my surprise, Saya looked genuinely impressed. "Very well, commoner. You shall play with me, as you have the honor to play with me."

She graciously handed me a doll, and I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly. 'The things I do for the honor of playing with the ojou-sama.' I prepared myself for an adventure in the pink wonderland, armed with a doll and a title of a legendary deer slayer.

After a few hours of intense doll roleplay, I, the legendary deer slayer, found myself elevated to the status of a dragon slayer. "I'm no longer a deer slayer; now I'm the dragon slayer! Hahaha," I declared triumphantly.

Saya chuckled, her doll gracefully moving towards mine, orchestrating a doll hug. "My hero," she said with a smile.

The first hour had been a bit awkward, but gradually, we warmed up to each other. Upon discovering I was a bit older than her, Saya seemed to relent a bit, mellowing down her ojou-sama aura. If that was her version of respect, I'd take it.

She looked at me, her gaze assessing. "At least you're a bit better than Takashi, but not that much. Hmph."

I nodded obediently. "Yes, yes, ojou-sama." It seemed like I had managed to survive the doll roleplay with my newly acquired title of dragon slayer intact.

As Saya let out a sleepy yawn, the ever-observant maid suggested, "It's time for you to take a bath, Miss Saya."

Rubbing her eyes, Saya nodded in agreement. 'Aw, that's cute,' I thought, witnessing a moment of genuine vulnerability.

Meanwhile, the butler from earlier, ever the loyal guide, escorted me to my room. As I lay in what could only be described as a cloud disguised as a bed, I marveled at the luxurious comfort of the sheets. "What is in these sheets, goose feathers or something?" I muttered to myself, half-expecting the butler to reappear with a detailed list of the bed's celestial ingredients.

The room, adorned with elegant furnishings, held an air of opulence that made me feel like I'd stumbled into a royal chamber. I chuckled at the thought of being a legendary deer slayer turned dragon slayer, now residing in what felt like the lair of royalty.

As my eyes grew heavy, I decided to call it a day. "Even legendary dragon slayers need rest too, you know," I mumbled with a grin, succumbing to the embrace of the celestial bed. And with that, the day's adventures faded into dreams.