
HOTD: Aerion Targaryen

- I do not own the story or any characters, except for the main character. - This story is primarily developed during my weekend holidays. - I am writing this to enhance my writing skills, aiming to improve my overall storytelling. Feel free to provide comments if you notice any mistakes or issues. -I haven't read the books, and have only a vague understanding of the book adaption and Canon version of Game of thrones, House of dragon and the whole history of the world.

MrGood23 · TV
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38 Chs

Chapter 9

Whether it was the influence of his Asgardian bloodline or his inherent hidden nature.

Facing the two wild boars Aerion's heart pounded with adrenaline, fear forgotten. He dashed towards the boars, narrowly dodging the first boar's tusk as he veered slightly to the left. His sword slashed through the air, aimed at the second boar.

He bent his knees, lowering his stance to target its vulnerable underbelly. But the animal was quicker and smarter than he anticipated, deftly avoiding his attack. Meanwhile, the first boar had already spun around and was charging at him again. This time, Aerion managed to deflect its attack with his sword. They circled each other, locked in a deadly dance, his weapon clashing against the boar's formidable tusk as they sought an opening.

The second boar closed in, its tusks gleaming ominously in the morning light. Aerion shifted his focus to counter the new threat, but he underestimated the boar's speed and was caught off guard. The beast's tusk slashed at his leg, ripping through his leather armor and drawing blood. The pain was searing, but he refused to let it hinder him.

The boar lifted him high, and Aerion clung onto the boar's tusk, landing punch after punch on its head. The boar's skull cracked under his blows, blood splattering all over him and slowing it down.

Summoning his strength, he managed to halt the boar. Using his feet and hands, he redirected the boar against a tree, momentarily stunning it.

Seizing the opportunity, he rolled to the side, retrieving his fallen sword. With all his might, he swung his sword, severing the beast's head from its body in a spray of blood and gore that painted the tree trunk. The headless body twitched briefly before going still. Panting heavily from the exertion, Aerion glanced at his slightly injured leg and his blood-soaked armor.

Despite his injury, Aerion lifted his gaze to meet the second boar. It was charging at him, its ferocity seemingly amplified by the sight of its fallen companion.

Yet, Aerion felt a surge of excitement. He consciously placed his sword within the space ring and sprinted towards the boar, leaping high into the air. His hands came together like a hammer as he descended, smashing down onto the boar.


The force of the impact made the boar screech, its body slam down and it stood up swaying side to side. Aerion didn't pause. He swiftly drew an arrow and drove it into the boar's eye, eliciting a painful growl from the beast.

He followed up with another punch, gripping the boar's tusks and pinning it to the ground with sheer brute force. Whether it was the adrenaline or his inherent strength, he felt an increasing surge of power and courage with each passing moment.

Engaging in a physical duel with the boar had become monotonous within minutes the boar was already laying down weak and unable to move under his hands.

Feeling bored he retrieved his sword from the space ring and plunged it into the boar's skull. The boar collapsed to the ground, too exhausted to even struggle. Aerion stood, his body covered in blood and dirt.

He glanced at the three wild boars and the lone horse, realizing the challenge of transporting them back. He cut down nearby branches and used wild vines to construct a makeshift sledge.

He dragged the three boars to the river bank, washing off their blood and tending to his leg wound. He sat by the river, his mind lost in thought as he watched the water flow gently. His gaze fell on the boar on the sledge.

Suddenly, a memory surfaced. He remembered a scene of Rhaenyra being attacked by a wild boar during a royal hunt and some vague details about what led Rhaenyra to storm into the forest. The specifics were unclear, but he knew it was related to her marriage.

The memories of the TV series were quite old in Rakesh's memory, and the details were equally foggy for Aerion, who had inherited these memories. Knowing he had no time to waste, he mounted the horse and galloped back to the camp, praying that his sister had heeded his advice and kept her composure.

Upon his swift return, Aerion's hurried entrance into the camp drew the attention of many. However, recognizing Aerion, everyone lowered their weapons, and their eyes widened as they took in his catch.

The crowd erupted in cheers at the sight, but Aerion had no time to bask in their applause. He rode past them, halted his horse, and instructed a guard to tend to the dead boars and his steed as he began his search for Rhaenyra.

Despite his prolonged search, he found no one. This led him to question whether he was too late, whether the fears he harbored had already come to pass, and whether his sister Rhaenyra had fled into the forest.

Wasting no more time, Aerion navigated between the bonfire and the fruit plate. Spotting a white knight clad in silver armor and white robes with a bald head, he hurried over to Ser Harrold Westerling. "Ser Harrold," he called out.

After Criston Cole was appointed as Rhaenyra's knight and his uncle Daemon was kicked out his personal trainers position was replaced by Ser Harrold, who started to train and be Aerion's sparing partner.

"His Royal Highness Prince," greeted the King'sguard with a smile. "I heard about your splendid hunt. Bagging three wild boars is no easy feat."

"Ha... thank you, Ser Harrold, for your kind words. But I am in search of my sister. Have you seen her?" he asked calmly.

Taking a few steps forward, Ser Harrold explained, "The king and the princess had a quarrel, and they were not in a good mood. The guard informed that the princess entered the royal forest. But worry not, Ser Criston Cole has pursued the princess."

"Quarrel! For what reason?" Aerion inquired, just in case.

Setting aside the issue of Rhaenyra's return to the camp for a moment, Aerion first sought the cause of the quarrel. He knew his sister had been quite composed thanks to his constant reminder, and it would take a significant trigger for her to have an outburst.

"I dare not speak further on the matter of the princess's marriage," Ser Harrold, a member of the king's guards, said cautiously, not wanting to discuss the royal family's affairs in a public place.