
HOTD: Aerion Targaryen

- I do not own the story or any characters, except for the main character. - This story is primarily developed during my weekend holidays. - I am writing this to enhance my writing skills, aiming to improve my overall storytelling. Feel free to provide comments if you notice any mistakes or issues. -I haven't read the books, and have only a vague understanding of the book adaption and Canon version of Game of thrones, House of dragon and the whole history of the world.

MrGood23 · TV
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38 Chs

Chapter 30

He glanced at Alicent, reading her thoughts in her expression. He knew that if nothing else happened, Alicent wouldn't fall for her father's schemes. This was on his reason why he had allowed to her stay and witness the blood ritual.

The silence in the chamber was thick, almost tangible. It seemed to drape over the room, heavy with the weight of Aerion's words. Alicent stood still, balancing between regality and trepidation, as Aerion began to speak, his words slicing through the stillness.

"Sister Alicent," Aerion began, his voice low and earnest, "listen to me, for my words come from concern, not malice. Aegon is my brother as Rhaenyra is my sister we share the same blood and are kin to one another, so I hope you are wise enough to take a decision as to where you stand."

"Aerion, I..I" she stammered but looking at Aerion's composed and still waiting for her answer she sighed.

"Aerion, I have treated Rhaenyra as a sister and even now as the queen I have never wished to replace her as heir and place my son on the throne..," she said seriously.

"But.., As my father ones said to me the lord's won't accept Rhaenyra and when,. Or if that day comes how can I be sure that she won't kill my children to stabilize her right to throne" She asked helplessly but firm in her voice.

"Your father's words do speak the truth the lords may reject her and even raise their banners against her, but for that they need Aegon to lead them" Aerion said honestly.

"But one thing I can promise you sister Alicent, as long as you or any of your children doesn't stand up to lead them I will ensure their life and safety." Aerion assured with determination.

"What if the lord's rebel in Aegons name while he himself doesn't want to rebel ?, Would Rhaenyra still stay still or would she believe in hwr half brother's innocence and Aerion can you really protect my children ?" She asked again.

"That won't happen as I will see to it that I first kill all those who rebel before investigating and judging Aegon fairly." Aerion said without hesitation.

"And sister Alicent your father is a man of grand ambitions. His eloquence can move mountains and bend rivers. But to him, you and your children are pieces in his grand game, pawns in his quest to put the Hightower sigil upon the Iron Throne." Aerion added.

Alicent's eyes widened hearing Aerion speak of the cold truth that she was unwilling to accept, as she meetAerion's intense gaze.

"You are now Viserys I Targaryen's queen, the matriarch of the Seven Kingdoms. You are woven into the very fabric of House Targaryen. You, Aegon, and all your children are bound by blood and name to our ancient house. We are kin, united under the dragon's wing," he continued, each word heavy with solemnity.

Aerion's expression softened, revealing a rare glimpse of vulnerability beneath his stoic exterior. "The thought of crossing blades with my siblings chills me to the bone. But if you even after all my words decides to spilt our house and the day comes when I must choose between my kin"

"know this: I will stand unwavering against those who would sow discord, those who lurk in the shadows, and those blinded by the lust for power." he added

Alicent's voice, barely a whisper, broke through the tension. "What do you mean ?"

Aerion turned to face her fully, his eyes blazing with determination. "I mean that If a civil war threatens to tear our family apart, I will not hesitate. For the sake of our lineage and the fulfillment of my father's dreams, I would rewrite the history of Westeros, erasing the names of those houses that fan the flames of conflict. Their lineages would end forever, before my kin sheed his blood before my blade."

"I hope such day donot come to pass, now it's your choice..." Aerion added.

Alicent watched, awe and fear mingling on her face, as Aerion's true capabilities stood revealed. "Impress upon your father the gravity of his actions. Let him understand the peril of underestimating the dragon's wrath," Aerion implored, his voice a steel-clad promise.

"And most importantly, do not fall prey to their schemes," he concluded, his final words lingering like a ghostly warning.

With that, he departed, leaving behind a chamber filled with the echoes of his words and the unspoken thoughts of what was to come. Alicent, now alone with the slumbering form of Viserys, contemplated the tangled web of loyalty, power, and destiny that lay before her.

She sat in silence for a while, her mind racing. The realization of her father's ambitions and Aerion's will to protect his family conflicted each other.

Alicents mind was also occupied with the thoughts regarding the potential consequences for her House would have to face and it weighed heavily on her. The gravity of Aerion's words settled over her like a shroud.

Could she really protect her children from being mere pawns in her father's game? Could she prevent the looming conflict that threatened to tear her family apart? Could she really believe Aerion's promise more than her own father ?"

As she looked at her husband Viserys, still surrounded by the remnants of the red mist, she resolved to find a way. She had to. For the sake of her children, and for the future of House Targaryen.

The path ahead was fraught with peril, but Alicent knew she had to navigate it carefully, lest she fall into the traps set by those around her.